Author Topic: Things that make Warcraft 2 Great!  (Read 2124 times)

Offline WillTheRealKoorbStandUp

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Things that make Warcraft 2 Great!
« on: December 09, 2019, 05:47:03 PM »
BloodLust has made warcraft 2 great, with control mirco and good timing being able to take out a larger force, being alert and not being caught unlusted, power to bust into wall-ins has brought in very skilled game play, that a better player can beat a player with a larger force with better control stops the common problem of other rts of build up in your base and attack moving.

Death and decay / Blizzard - Being able to to take out walled in fortifed postions stops alot of boring stalemate games. A player cannot tower up on mass all game and remain untouched.

Walling in with buildings - Other RTS you have to pay extra for walls, putting your army size  behind. Walling in with buildings opens up tactics because you do not have to waste res on walls.

Peon hop tricks - with thousands of hops some being quite advanced opens up alot of knowledge for a skilled player.

The units - every unit has its use and roll, even an Axer can be used to break a wall in

Long term seiges - How towers can be repaired and how cats are mircoed can make for an exciting back and forward seige, where the outcome can come down to a single correct or wrong move.
The sounds - Warcraft 2 sounds are awesome, bloodlust in the distance being cast brings chills. The warped sound of a Dk being poly sniped

The age of the game - I first played Warcraft 2 when i was 12, i'm 35 now. Over half my life this game has existed.

Players - Same with the age, there are players still on the game ive known for over half my life. The fun banter and memories

It will be a sad day when you try to log on and there is no server or players, just remmber this with all the in-fighting lately, we all have a common passion and that's this great game thats kept us coming back over the years.

3 Videos - 1 Awesome song made by USA~Feature that i have on my phone and 2 Videos i personally made to try to premote the game.

Warcraft 2-Peon Hero USA Feature - YouTube

Warcraft2 Promotional video by Koorb - YouTube

Warcraft 2 Tricks Video - YouTube
« Last Edit: December 10, 2019, 01:12:39 AM by WillTheRealKoorbStandUp »

Offline LuX

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Re: Things that make Warcraft 2 Great!
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2019, 09:53:34 PM »
Miss you koorb! Get on mah nigga