Author Topic: why are we allowing USA to be advertised here  (Read 7314 times)

Offline Lambchops

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Re: why are we allowing USA to be advertised here
« Reply #15 on: June 27, 2019, 02:47:52 AM »
tupac this comminity is very small. very few people have the desire/ability to ddos the server.

the proof is that you went on verbal rampage, started your own server, and like the same day you announced launching it this server went down. there's not a lot of detective work necessary to know who did it/orchestrated it/had it done.

It takes ZERO detective work to jump to the most obvious conclusion.

There is no doubt SOMEBODY wanted to make it look like Tupac was attacking the server.

Like you mention, Tupac is quite outspoken and I'm pretty sure I have heard about the majority of his exploits. He would have said something at the time. I asked him privately, and I really didn't get that vibe off him at all. Usually he'd be LOLing his ass off if he was pulling some prank.

Hey, I'll admit, I COULD be 100% wrong, sure. Just coincidental I guess?

I'd say the timing is definitely NOT co-incidental.

I don't know of anybody who has played on the USA server as a result of connection issues on RU, and personally, if I actually believed Tupac was responsible for DDOSing I would probably not want to play on his server, and probably others would agree.

Tupac knows that ... so do other people ... so re-check your list of people with a motive, then think about people WHO HAVE ACTUALLY DDOSed THE RU SERVER BEFORE.

Maybe TK is convinced by such a simple ruse, but the rest of you can't all be that dumb ;)

its gooder to hax hard and NEVER get caught!

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Re: why are we allowing USA to be advertised here
« Reply #16 on: June 27, 2019, 08:24:30 AM »
You keep referencing me as in a team or friends with some cyber criminals. I am a one man army so let's clear that. Because I had prior conversations with archer when he got my information. That all happend because your staff. You let blid itaginze me & dellam constantly in all threads. Even very serious threads in the development section. Ruined projects, motivation, etc.
I see, so Archer have been the same expelled and unpleasant person as you?
I didn't take part in the relations between you and blid, as you talked shit about each other, but nothing more. Also i had no intentions to be involved into any conflicts in our community, i hoped other english-spoken admins (burnt, blid, mousey, tora, dugz) handle that.
I'd prefer to concentrate on technical part only. And to handle conflicts in russian part of community as i know russian much better than english.

At the same time i know our admins from good side. And all of them have similar opinion about the situation, though they are absolutely different persons.
I have no idea how you can be in conflict with all of them.

But looking with your eyes i understand now, the situation is unpleasant to you. You try to do something for our community and one of our admins talks shit about you and all the projects you do. Other admins do nothing, looks like they accept him. And that happens for years.
Of course, you begin to talk shit about that admin and other admins who accept that one.
And of course, you make your own site/server and run away from ru, i understand that.

Once my email was leaked I began to get harrassed and I choose to defend myself and full blown doxed dellam all the way to Australia. As the drama grew and I pointed out all involved blid, whatever, and posted dellam information your admin decided to warn my account.... even though he participated on dellams dox! His exact words where "i thought dellam name was jamie" as I choose to resign the moderator position, I decided to convert my development server to I had my server for years prior.
From your side that looks reasonable, so i don't know why Blid decided to warn you. I remember something like that, but i don't remember such details.
I can suppose that ddos-attacks happened that time, so admins assumed that was your job, that was a reason of such biassed relation to you...
Though i don't think admins should make decision based on suppositions.

So the point is it's okay for you and your staff to break your rules but not the community. You admitted above you knew they where trying to harass my life because they think I ddos your little servers. YOU HAVE JUST PROVEN ALL I SAID TO BE TRUE. So what admin action did you take apoun people on your staff that broke the rules with personal information! Remember you all hate babyshark because she contacted a wife of someone here to resolve her harrassment! No more murder threats, or saying her children could die, or she could be raped. Sick fucks!
The situation with BabyShark is not clean for me: the harrassment could be different:
Eighter someone could call her once (or like that), so contacting his wife was not rateable.
Or that behavior have been the only chance to stop such harassment. Then the question is what happened before, why somebody began harass BabyShark so hard?

These are not so simple questions, i have no enough information to judge that...
I can't agree or disagree with one of sides.

So please explain why you think she would want to come back here?
I trust all of us want good, but the main problem is misunderstanding.
I trust all sides can explain their positions, reach the peace, and everybody will win from that:
- BabyShark will have the way to promote one big community
- Technical admins will work on one big server
- Community will big and play together.

Of course i understand BabyShark don't want that now, because she has her own new server, also she is angry on our admin team and the whole ru.

As for your security I told you the holes months before. Any newbie can YouTube how to scan a website for vulnerability and boom they would of found it. Shelled GG NO RE. You can think I was involved all you want but I honestly could careless I tried to explain to you many times. So i will say this one last time.test your staff and members ask swift about the 5,000 he was going to spend to make sure fails. Did you know that? Maybe he purchased a ddos attack!
Well, any newbie can, but the only one team did: that was Archer/Cloak and with your part. That is my main displeasure against you.
I see you can't change past, i just explain my point, how i see our relations.

About swift - you have many haters, some of them talk different shit, so as for me we can suppose that situation in theory, but i don't trust that took place.

What about burnt talking about you getting attacked before it happend!? That's definitely not a coincidence. So really the person we can't trust seems to be RU! The sad part is i said fuck it! I only came here to post because I was asked too. I choose to leave and its extremely unlikely i shall return. Remember I was fucked over since I joined this game back over ten years ago. You let your admin burnt ban me because he lost a match in free castles LOL!!!!
Looks like Burnt is wrong as you describe it.
But i think you didn't show the whole truth. Maybe he banned you for something else?
I'm sure Burnt could explain his point of view about that situation.

I know Burnt as a great leader who always do everything to promote war2 and let the community grow up. But he can easily ban people who could make harm for community.

I don't think i'll be able to find the truth, as i don't think anybody saved chat logs from that time or w/e. As i understand that happened many years ago, on some old server or w/e...

Hey man if that's how you want to let people operate on something you brand don't expect to grow. Let your staff destroy like they have for years. Let them ruin your friendship, projects, etc. It already too late. I'm out of here honestly for good. If you need me and want to talk like a man. You're already in my discord, you can find me in my peaceful domain trying to grab all the scraps and rebuild what RU has broken. Yall cant blame me for shit if I ain't here! If you ever want to smile, enjoy war2, come get your peons raped @
Well, at least i think we should explain and discuss our conflicts and disagreements together.
I'm glad to talk to you and reach some kind of understanding.
If we can't find the truth in private messages, let's try to do that in public.
And let other people judge who is right and who is wrong.
And let them make their choice according to that understanding.

BTW: you banned me from war2usa discord, though i didn't post anything bad about you there.
I didn't ban you anywhere on ru resources.
War2usa is for everybody except me? Or except .ru admins?

And BTW: i restored the gateways on to rewrite gateways. I did that not because of hating you or your server. That was just technical fix: pvpgn haven't been started without that file after reboot.
I was quite busy and i thought that would be enough to spend several days to fix that problem to help most likely unfriendly server. But i tried. I also didn't understand why you can't use the same gw list on your server with the same gateways version.
In future i plan to add patch to combat to block the gateways rewriting. That will help with that situation with your server also.

I'd say the timing is definitely NOT co-incidental.

I don't know of anybody who has played on the USA server as a result of connection issues on RU, and personally, if I actually believed Tupac was responsible for DDOSing I would probably not want to play on his server, and probably others would agree.

Tupac knows that ... so do other people ... so re-check your list of people with a motive, then think about people WHO HAVE ACTUALLY DDOSed THE RU SERVER BEFORE.
Well, if we suppose Tupac have no relation to these attacks, what we have?
Both Archer and Tupac had non-pleasant past activity, that disturbed confidence to them.
These DDOS-attacks looked similar for both Archer and Tupac.
DDOS-attacks happened right at the same time when Archer appeared here with some good useful ideas.
Also DDOS-attacks have some correlation with war2usa server.
So, someone tries to compromise Archer and Tupac.
Why? And who?
I agree that would be crazy from Archer and Tupac to compromise themelves.
Our admins don't need such long and difficult way with a risk to be catched and much cash costs. They could just ban both and it's done.
Also, why someone hates exactly Archer and Tupac?
What they did? Whom did they cross the road years ago?
Looks crazy also...
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Re: why are we allowing USA to be advertised here
« Reply #17 on: June 27, 2019, 07:01:35 PM »
tk for admin

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Re: why are we allowing USA to be advertised here
« Reply #18 on: June 27, 2019, 11:02:51 PM »
tk for admin

Let's make tk admin.

Offline Tolean

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Re: why are we allowing USA to be advertised here
« Reply #19 on: June 27, 2019, 11:31:32 PM »
TK for admin!!
[as]for life!!

Fuck stupid people. Arguments and conversations work for thinking beings. Unfortunately there is no way to communicate with fanatic, egoistic, full of ego people.