Author Topic: I'd like to take a minute to thank Blid  (Read 15465 times)

Offline tk[as]

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Re: I'd like to take a minute to thank Blid
« Reply #15 on: March 27, 2019, 10:36:24 PM »
When i was being considered for admin, Some made it seem as if it were Blid's decision.. and the fact that Blid spent 30-60 mins questioning me before I got admin reinforced that idea.. It seemed as an "unwritten" fact of the server. You own the server iL, but i never had any discussions/questions/interviews with you before I became admin. Only blid.

Throughout my time as admin it was always "understood" that blid was the deciding factor... Now maybe that was very incorrect and he just wanted us to perceive him in that fashion, already knowing that you had little interest in how conflicts/issues were handled, and more interested in the technical side of the server... and just allowed me(and others) to believe that he was 2nd in charge.

Ultimately this server's success is in your hand's iL. You have the ultimate decision on everything. You own it. You operate it.. with some assistance from other's it seems.. But the server is more or less "your baby".

My point is that if you want this server to continue to be successful. You need to put people in charge who are motivated to keeping the server going. If an admin appears to have lost interest in helping with that, it should be your responsibility to make it very clear that an unmotivated admin no longer has a large voice.

It is my opinion (and many others who I will not mention) that blid no longer has a desire to serve the community in a manner that should be required of someone in a leadership position like an admin. His voice and his opinion on any matters regarding the server/community should hold little if any weight for that reason alone.

Everyone wants to be a nice guy. I feel like you want to be a nice guy... But being a nice guy does not give the well being of this War2 community as a whole the respect it should be given from someone in your position.

Someone with some passion, drive, and a vision needs to be appointed as admin and then be ALLOWED to implement the ideas they have if this community is to be around much longer.

but again.. I've been saying this same shit for a few years now. The server has been in decline for a few years now. Nothing has changed.. So I don't really see much hope here.

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Re: I'd like to take a minute to thank Blid
« Reply #16 on: March 27, 2019, 10:40:11 PM »
I will say that while I don't agree with mousetopher on a lot of issues (we agree on some though) ... She is probably one of the best things that has happened to this server in quite some time. I didn't think i'd ever say that. But I am impressed with the amount of work she has put in that directly benefited the community.

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Re: I'd like to take a minute to thank Blid
« Reply #17 on: March 27, 2019, 10:43:43 PM »
Dugs, Footnat, Blid, Lightbringer ... i see no real contributions. Just complacency. Comfort in their positions.

dugs was put on solely to ban dellam because of the time dugs logged on

foonat hasn't really done shit as long as i've been around.. i've even respectfully asked him for help years ago and he had zero interest on multiple occasions

haven't seen blid even log on the server under his admin name in years. he's moved a few threads around on the forums.

havent seen LB log on more than a few times in the last couple years. i don't recall him helping others out much. I do remember him abusing the database quite a few times
« Last Edit: March 27, 2019, 10:46:46 PM by tk[as] »

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Re: I'd like to take a minute to thank Blid
« Reply #18 on: March 27, 2019, 10:47:40 PM »
how is a server supposed to be successful when there are essentially no expectations of the people appointed as "leaders" ?

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Re: I'd like to take a minute to thank Blid
« Reply #19 on: March 28, 2019, 05:28:07 AM »
Sorry if you probably dislike my manner to quote each statement and answer separately, i don't understand english very well, so it's easier for me to go that way to not forget something important:

When i was being considered for admin, Some made it seem as if it were Blid's decision.. and the fact that Blid spent 30-60 mins questioning me before I got admin reinforced that idea.. It seemed as an "unwritten" fact of the server. You own the server iL, but i never had any discussions/questions/interviews with you before I became admin. Only blid.
All our admins joined our admin teams by the recommendation of someone else. Blid talked to you and then probably recommended you as new admin (i think so, i don't remember exactly). Same way, Blid have been recommended by Burnt as new admin years before. I didn't know any of you before, so i haven't had my own opinion about any candidate.

Hm, i own the server? I just registered our vps-hosting and then configured it. So, maybe yes, technically i can say i own the server. Same as mousey own the forum & site. But that doesn't matter. Many other people tried to own their own servers, and all these servers are empty. The main sense for each project is community.
And nobody can own the community.

And our common task is to make conditions for our community to become and feel better.
I just try to improve the server and software as i can. I also try to talk about some important questions related to community desires as i understand that. I'm not a main admin here, some of my ideas were stupid, other admins explained that to me. Also, some ideas were not stupid, i hope.
The question is not who is the main admin. The question is what idea looks reasonable for all admins. If we all find some idea interesting, we follow it.

Throughout my time as admin it was always "understood" that blid was the deciding factor... Now maybe that was very incorrect and he just wanted us to perceive him in that fashion, already knowing that you had little interest in how conflicts/issues were handled, and more interested in the technical side of the server... and just allowed me(and others) to believe that he was 2nd in charge.
Well, as i remember that time: evef if Blid decided to do something, we always discussed that decisions together in our admin team. When all the admins accept the idea, we applied it.
Just to understand: you mean Blid decided what? To ban somebody? To judge conflicts between our members?
"He called me, then i called him, then he called me again, so you should ban him?.." What to do with that? Are you talking about such decisions?
If you mean such activity - i can say it's always bad for reputation. If you judge 2 persons and make decision to one of them, another will dislike you.
That's why so many people dislike Blid, but that is a part of admin job. That is hard job, and I apreciate Blid for doing this.
I tried to do that myself, but i don't like that. People become to hate me. I'd prefer another type of activity, related to hosting, server, programming, etc.

Ultimately this server's success is in your hand's iL. You have the ultimate decision on everything. You own it. You operate it.. with some assistance from other's it seems.. But the server is more or less "your baby".
I like this server and it's software. I think it should be made much better, but it works as it also. I really made many fixes and improvements to let our community feel confortable here.
At the same time i could do nothing without others. Other admins, programmers, designers, developers, promoters made it better. Not only admins, but many people in our community. Sometimes someone just appears with one good project, give it to community and then just disappears. And we still use his work.

My point is that if you want this server to continue to be successful. You need to put people in charge who are motivated to keeping the server going. If an admin appears to have lost interest in helping with that, it should be your responsibility to make it very clear that an unmotivated admin no longer has a large voice.

It is my opinion (and many others who I will not mention) that blid no longer has a desire to serve the community in a manner that should be required of someone in a leadership position like an admin. His voice and his opinion on any matters regarding the server/community should hold little if any weight for that reason alone.

Everyone wants to be a nice guy. I feel like you want to be a nice guy... But being a nice guy does not give the well being of this War2 community as a whole the respect it should be given from someone in your position.

Someone with some passion, drive, and a vision needs to be appointed as admin and then be ALLOWED to implement the ideas they have if this community is to be around much longer.

but again.. I've been saying this same shit for a few years now. The server has been in decline for a few years now. Nothing has changed.. So I don't really see much hope here.
I agree we need some active positively motivated people to do good things for our community.
With one condition: that good things should be accepted by all our current admins. If somebody comes with some ideas and he trust his ideas are the best, but they contradicts current way - that ideas should be rejected. Why? Because that's very easy to destroy, but very difficult to build. So, if somebody comes with ideas to destroy something, nobody knows if he will be able to build or just keep things destroyed. And current admin team keeps thing for years. Maybe not the best way, but they do.
The most specific example - Equinox. He offered to destroy the existing system and then to create a "brave new world" after that. We could not accept that decision, because there's not a good way to firstly destroy something.

About inactive and unmotivated admins: i don't see any problem if they just inactive. For your examples, dugs, foonat. What's bad if he just join once a year and do something useful? The main thing here is reliance. We trust he will never do something wrong before discuss that to us. Then that's not a problem at all to let him be an admin as long as the server lives. For example, Xurnt stopped his admin job. We will not be happy if he would ban someone on the server/forum without any discussions, but we definitely will be happy if he appears to start a tournament, even once a year.

About Blid: he is so unpopular because he have to make unpopular decisions about judging people. I really don't think he is really happy to do that, but someone have to do such job.
We need some reasonable balance between absolute anarchy and absolute order. Blid manages that. (If you mean this kind of his job).
If i begin to judge people instead or him, people will hate me the same way.

If you have some ideas how to improve that situation without destroying (like fire Blid away or w/e) - would be interesting to discuss.
Let's talk positively about wrong actions (that action was wrong, let's follow another way), but not people (that guy is bad, let's remove him).

What do you mean "to ALLOW to implement the ideas"?
I really don't understand why so many people don't help with war2 project, but looks like they want to help.
I asked about to translate war2combat to spanish, french, german, italian, polish - only 1 spanish guy helped, thanks him a lot! So now we have war2combat on english, russian and spanish.
But nobody answered to translate it to french, german, italian, polish. Though that would take about 1-2 evenings for such job for native speaker.

Maybe the main question is: 'what is "to be an admin" for you?
- Xurnt makes great tournaments from time to time, but he asked to remove his admin to not provoke him ban someone. But i still feel him admin.
- Blid have no access to the server command shell: he have no reason for that: he is not a linux administrator and not even an advanced unix user. But we all feel him admin.
- Kagan have some admin rights on the server: to set icon or w/e, he manages clans, he also makes tournaments. But he is not an admin on the forum or w/e. He just don't need that.  He also have no access to the server console or to the forum scripts. But he i admin for tournaments management.

So, what you mean as "admin"?
« Last Edit: March 28, 2019, 06:28:16 AM by iL »
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Re: I'd like to take a minute to thank Blid
« Reply #20 on: March 28, 2019, 06:16:41 AM »
You guys dropped the ball by not banning BabyShark and Tupac. I think you lost the trust from a lot of the community there.

GOG will be fun to see if the game blows up or not.. If not I have found enough other interests anyways it is too depressing for me to log onto a empty server.

There was a ton of momentum going and things were on a upswing before server attacked and I just don't know if you guys can turn it around now. The new combat updates give it hope but seems a little too late. We had the ddraw fix like what 5 years ago?? Now by time its been added the next windows version probably coming where another new one will be needed.

The discord is a great meet up place too that might dig you guys out of this hole. If enough people keep registering there and meeting up for games..but things look gloomy.

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Re: I'd like to take a minute to thank Blid
« Reply #21 on: March 28, 2019, 06:32:37 AM »
dugs was put on solely to ban dellam because of the time dugs logged on

i, dugs[anz], am still manning the wall from the evil that lies north. dellam has not defeated us in my 5+ year tenure as a sworn brother of the night's watch.
nor shall he, ever.

p.s i didn't realise you had to be mod/admin to encourage people to play here? like, you're a senior member of this community, what forbids you from telling your friends about this game? adminship? really? look at all the work Cel, justinscmidt, tolean, babyshark and many more are doing with their streaming and instructional videos/replays. don't see these awesome passionate people pointing fingers like you always do.


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Re: I'd like to take a minute to thank Blid
« Reply #22 on: March 28, 2019, 06:36:10 AM »
You guys dropped the ball by not banning BabyShark and Tupac. I think you lost the trust from a lot of the community there.

GOG will be fun to see if the game blows up or not.. If not I have found enough other interests anyways it is too depressing for me to log onto a empty server.

There was a ton of momentum going and things were on a upswing before server attacked and I just don't know if you guys can turn it around now. The new combat updates give it hope but seems a little too late. We had the ddraw fix like what 5 years ago?? Now by time its been added the next windows version probably coming where another new one will be needed.

The discord is a great meet up place too that might dig you guys out of this hole. If enough people keep registering there and meeting up for games..but things look gloomy.

You destroyed this game don't blame noone else. The first time you banned me over 8 years ago because you got owned. You should of been permanently banned then and there. You are a criminal in real life, you are a coward! What about when you called my employer a few months back? You should of been permanently banned again. I'm still awaiting for the FBI to kick in my door. Babyshark has caught you in lie after lie after lie. How did you know about a server attack before it happend. Let's watch you dodge all these questions. Of course you want me and babyshark banned because we exposed you for what you really are.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2019, 06:49:47 AM by tupac »

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Re: I'd like to take a minute to thank Blid
« Reply #23 on: March 28, 2019, 06:41:50 AM »
You guys dropped the ball by not banning BabyShark and Tupac. I think you lost the trust from a lot of the community there.
You think we should ban people right after they begin to criticise us?
You are stiil the main leader in our community for many people, include me.
So i apreciate you ideas, but i still not understand them.

My idea: if we ban someone, he will go away, so the community will decrease. If other will dislike our hard behavior, they will go away together with banned player to make their separate server together. That is a very quick way to loose the community.

At the same time i agree we should not let toxic atmosphere eat us. Maybe our policy if too soft, you'll never know the best way till you try that...
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Re: I'd like to take a minute to thank Blid
« Reply #24 on: March 28, 2019, 06:58:09 AM »
obviously we have different views about what can/should be done to benefit this community. But the community continues to decline. Nothing ever seems to really change. Just see more business as usual. I guess there's really nothing left to discuss on this matter. just let these server take its course. The course that you and the few others have almost complete control over. A course that does not appear to be working by pretty much everybody's standards.

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Re: I'd like to take a minute to thank Blid
« Reply #25 on: March 28, 2019, 07:04:42 AM »
p.s. tupac: nobody believes anything you say

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Re: I'd like to take a minute to thank Blid
« Reply #26 on: March 28, 2019, 07:09:42 AM »
p.s. tupac: nobody believes anything you say

Just like none wants you to have admin. 😂🤣

Everything I said is facts unlike you and burnt. + people - People

The charts don't lie!

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Re: I'd like to take a minute to thank Blid
« Reply #27 on: March 28, 2019, 07:20:16 AM »
the admins (most) don't want me as admin. Oh well. I guess that's what happens when you talkshit about their lack of motivation

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Re: I'd like to take a minute to thank Blid
« Reply #28 on: March 28, 2019, 07:23:00 AM »
I do believe you and I do find it interesting that your server is gaining members very slowly while our server is losing members very slowly

I don't expect that to last forever though

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Re: I'd like to take a minute to thank Blid
« Reply #29 on: March 28, 2019, 07:31:25 AM »
If anybody is curious as to how Tupac server is managing to gain users the answer is simple. They currently have a high energetic motivated staff... that for the time being is managing to keep their crazy under control. But they can only keep their crazy under control for so long