Author Topic: GOG at perfect timing  (Read 48841 times)

Offline tk[as]

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Re: GOG at perfect timing
« Reply #30 on: March 26, 2019, 07:16:21 AM »
In what world would hacking the server to get my admin back make ANY sense?  like.. "hey, maybe they won't notice!"  ??? lol

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Re: GOG at perfect timing
« Reply #31 on: March 26, 2019, 07:17:38 AM »
you say/do some dumb shit tupac.

Offline Lambchops

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Re: GOG at perfect timing
« Reply #32 on: March 26, 2019, 07:29:42 AM »
I do disagee with Xurnt that War2ru has gotten slower lately. I do log on every day and I never have a problem getting a game.

I agree, it has been generally a bit quieter this year, but at the times I log in not specifically quieter of late.

If I were to get back into hosting tournaments again I’m certain War2ru would see the player base in the 80s and 90s on the weekends.

I think that's a bit optomistic, but would be very happy if you proved me wrong there. Cool - do it :)

I can think of 3 people not mentioned here, all better players than me, plus some other randoms..

Fallen_solider, ryan85, deathknight. Who is counting? Not the point.

Um no actually, not those 3. I don't remember the usa AKAs because they mean little to me, but I was thinking of 3 other well known ru players who's regular ru names all of you would know well. That's just FYI, I'm not naming anyone here and it makes little difference.

The fact remains that despite the very loud and nasty hate campaign by a handfull of players here there are more players than that who are willing to log off ru and go to a different server to play with her. I think that says something.

Point is players that do go to the USA server only play at the bequest of one player.

Yes, that a good point, BS is good at organizing people and wc2 games, and I think >95% of the games on that server are a result of her organizing them.

BUT I don't go there just to play with BS, I do it (and I would guess that I speak for others here too) because it is a fun atmosphere. There is an almost total absence of any big-mouth ego nasty blah blah penis measuring competitions.

We talk in the channel and decide what map to play next, if someone isn't very happy with one map we try to play something that they like next etc.. just play games and hf, there is still pleanty of good natured banter and jokes, just no big ego wankers.... because of course all the big ego wankers won't go there, their egos wont let them ;)

Personally I have a fairly thick skin and can usually give as good as I get, so I don't have a big problem with people at ru, but it is a refreshing change of pace, quite relaxing.

As far as her being a likable player, who hosts good games and has fun with people. She has her fans for sure, with Lambchops being one of the biggest it seems.

Haha. A while back she privately said, "Thanks for sticking up for me", I replied something like "well ofc I would stick up for you, but im actually just sticking up for my beliefs".

She's a friend, definately not a saint, and as flawed as any of us are. I have had pleanty of arguments with her, privately and indeed on this forum. I most definitely do not agree with some of her personal/political opinions, I have said so very publicly and directly ..... I just never stooped to the laziness of name-calling or abuse, and she never did so in return, so despite the many ways we see the world very differently, I can respect her for that.

Actually from my standpoint you and BS are similar in that respect. I don't always agree with you, but generally I find you to be a more civilized human being than most around here. You are also a good host, and I enjoy playing games with you. I don't think you would or did just randomly hurl abuse at anyone. As an admin I do wish you had acted to stop some of the inappropriate behavior, but I can understand how you might have been too close to the issue to have a completely objective overview of it.

I have been saying for YEARS that we need to tone down the toxicity and be more inclusive to newbs, or this server - even this game - will die. I remember making a post about it on the old occult forum, back when people were still instantly banning anyone new from games, insulting them and generally being complete douchbags.

That was the norm. The respose to my thoughts was basically "well they can go find other noobs to play with, I dont want noobs messing up my games", followed by a chorus of people agreeing.... well guess what people: now its a lack of noobs messing up your games.

This is exactly what I said years ago, and many times since. I'd hate to say "I told you so", but OMFG I so told you all so. If we were cultivating new players from back then we wouldn't be where we are now.

All it takes is a little bit of etiquette. Everyone understands game etiquette, like don't build when your watching or even don't take your pard's expo because that stuff has a direct effect on individual games... but for some reason people lacked the common sense to consider that a massively toxic culture was going to have a detrimental effect on the game as a whole.

Actually I think that strangely there is a lot of nostelgia bundled with some aspects of it - people bonded over vanquishing their enemies, in game and in chat - but that is a topic for another time.

My point here is that I have always spoken out for what I believe in, and apparantly I'm better than most people at standing back and taking a broad view of what is happening to the community as a whole.

But she is predominately disliked by the majority of the player base.

Fail. That is one of the main points I am trying to make here. No she isn't. At all. There aren't even as many BS haters here as there are people willing to go to another server to play with her.

As far as me disliking Babyshark goes, she is easily the most toxic forum poster on here aside maybe Equinox.

I think that her largely cut&paste type homophobic/islamaphobic religious posts are absolutely the least attractive thing about her. I don't like that stuff, and have said so both publicly and privately. My opinion is that even with that stuff in the "con" column there is still far more in the "pro" column - and that's all the wc2 stuff also. She was raised with very strong religious beliefs, which is not something that is ever going to be easily changed, but had we looked at her as an asset to the community, then we could have all managed that situation better. As I recall, she posted far less of that sort of stuff and much more about gaming and the community before things got nasty.

and BTW I like to imagine that if a fundementalist Christian has me as a friend and talks to me, then that might make them 0.001% more tolerant .... maybe idk.... but I do know that all the name calling and toxic replies in the world will only make them dig in deeper. If I have maybe made someone inside that sort of community 0.001% more tolerant then I have had a real positive influence in the world, albeit a microscopic one.

Probably being friends BS has made me 0.001% more likely to become a Christian, I don't see it happening, but that is a win for her too. Yay! Everyone wins!

I honestly wish that more people in the world were better capable of actually furthering their beliefs rather than just shooting scorn at those who conflict with them.

I like having an eclectic mix of people in my life. I'm proud to not live in an echo chamber.

On the server side she is extremely cliquey. And she does regularly rage at people if they say something she doesn’t like.

I don't think cliquey, I could see that it might appear that way from your perspective as the two of you don't get along.

I've never seen her do what I would describe as "rage", although she can have a temper at times (so can I!) so I'm not saying it has never happened. I think I can say if it does happen then she doesn't do it very often or carry on with it for very long or I think I would have noticed.

I have had her whisper me endlessly while I was on a smurf after we 1sed a few times. While I don’t personally care if a player does this to me I do find it very hypocritical when I think of who is doing it.

SS or it never happened! ;D haha yeah I'm sure I've done that a few times over the years too, when I've been in a bad mood and someone annoyed me. Probably most people have. Not proud of it, but that's very different to having people just /w you nasty abuse for no reason over a long period of time and having most of the community either shrug their shoulders, make excuses for the abusers, or actively join in.

Sure, but the thing that caused her to leave is the single most damaging factor to the playerbase.
She left because mousetopher muted her on discord for getting into a flame war with van. I really hope you don’t believe that is the single most damaging factor to the playerbase.

Sheesh mate. You know that isn't true.

One of the saddest things about the whole situation is that somehow mousey ended up standing at ground zero when the BabyShark bomb finally reached critical mass, but quite obviously the situation was caused by an ongoing campaign of truely aweful behaviour by a handfull of nasty little boys. BTW: I have always really liked mousey, and I don't think she deserved the fall-out from that situation that she received, which I said to both of them at the time.

I don't think for an instant that somehow BS was blameless for any conflict that arose, or is some kind of saint. There are many ways she could have handled many situations better than she did, but I am quite sure that in the end the response was way over the line and it was the response of a clique against an individual, and was truely nasty bullying (much as I hate to use the now incredibly over-used 'B' word) that was allowed to continue for far longer than it should have. Actually as I recall blid had just stepped in and (quite rightly) told everyone to back off and go back to their respective corners, but apparantly the whole thing was already past the point of no return.

Every noob we lost to big-mouth ego heads over the years was a loss to the server and the game.

Losing BS was a HUGE loss.... and she really loves wc2 as much as any of us, so it took a big effort by a number of people to do it. That was just dumb dumb ego-drive dumbness.
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Offline Lambchops

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Re: GOG at perfect timing
« Reply #33 on: March 26, 2019, 07:55:06 AM »
Tupac DDOS'd the server like 6 months ago.

Haha no he didn't. My top 2 suspects for that are archer and YOU. That was clearly and obviously subterfuge designed to stir up resentment against the new server. I was talking to tupac privatly quite a bit at the time, and I have no doubt he would have said something if it was him.

What's more I think you know that and are just deliberately provoking him.

Really? You sound so stupid. More lies out of your mouth..... (etc)

... and there we go. The angry words of someone being falsely accused... (and sadly taking the bait a bit), but definately not the smuggness of some dumb hacker who thinks he did something clever.

You're going to have to do better than that you toxic fuc f***

LOL fucking epic self-censorship fail ;D the backspace key is just under F12 there mate ;)

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Offline tk[as]

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Re: GOG at perfect timing
« Reply #34 on: March 26, 2019, 08:13:49 AM »
Oh, you got me good with the backspace burn. Snap

Offline tk[as]

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Re: GOG at perfect timing
« Reply #35 on: March 26, 2019, 08:14:48 AM »
You spell definitely Wrong by the way. oh I got you a good. Serious burn. Oh snap oh snap

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Re: GOG at perfect timing
« Reply #36 on: March 26, 2019, 08:34:42 AM »
In what world would hacking the server to get my admin back make ANY sense?  like.. "hey, maybe they won't notice!"  ??? lol

It makes sense because you were raging.


i encourage you to look through that old forum ... this whole game would have died without people screaming at iL and blid to start doing shit.  up until like 2-3 years ago iL was nowhere to be seen ever. but around the same time shit got so crazy that $pace and Lance made a brand new server with all kinds of updates that users had been BEGGING for, iL showed up and starting going to work and making improvements to the curent server.

thats how shit works around here. nothing gets done and nobody takes initiative until people go rogue and finally decide "well shit, they're not going to do anything, so i will"   ... thats why other people made a new war2 server. thats why i made a new forum. nothing was getting done ... but once the new server was made they finally started making improvements to this one. once i made a new forum they finally made a new one that new users could participate in

Source: page 11,1583.150.html#quickreply[/size]

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Re: GOG at perfect timing
« Reply #37 on: March 26, 2019, 08:38:29 AM »
The first link does not support your claim at all. So okay?

Not clicking the second link because I don't know what it is.

Offline Lambchops

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Re: GOG at perfect timing
« Reply #38 on: March 26, 2019, 08:39:32 AM »
Oh, you got me good with the backspace burn. Snap

Damn straight. My backspace burn was epic! You know it. You felt it. Took you 2 replies and you're still not over it ;D

You spell definitely Wrong by the way. oh I got you a good. Serious burn. Oh snap oh snap

HAHA yeah I always mess that word up, funny thing is the last person to point that out was BS, she likes her spelling too..... you guys are just 2 peas in a pod aren't you?

Actually the one that really annoys me is I wrote "your" instead of "you're" up there ^ but it's in the middle of a long post so nobody will ever read it anyway. I'd edit it but I couldn't be assed - I think I'll just get tupac to hack the forum server and change it for me ;)

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Offline Lambchops

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Re: GOG at perfect timing
« Reply #39 on: March 26, 2019, 09:00:28 AM »
The first link does not support your claim at all. So okay?

Not clicking the second link because I don't know what it is.

Yeah man, that 2nd link definately looks a bit sus. Not at all like the first one. Plus I found out a while ago that tupac was actually remote piloting the plane that hit the pentagon on 9/11 while simultainiously DDOSing a quake server. Just goes to show, you can't be too careful. Better not click it.

all go look at easy to make us feel better loool

Haha never fails  8)
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Re: GOG at perfect timing
« Reply #40 on: March 26, 2019, 09:03:05 AM »
wildest dreams i had last night sticking spray paint cans in a microwave and doing back flips
« Last Edit: March 26, 2019, 09:09:06 AM by easycompany »

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Re: GOG at perfect timing
« Reply #41 on: March 26, 2019, 09:11:11 AM »
Ok this thread has gotten way outta hand. Classic war2 flame war about a game on the internet.

Maybe tupac did it maybe he didn’t. War2 is a fun game but it is a game.
I do think a large percentage of our playerbase is suffering from video game addiction.
war2 > war3

Offline Lambchops

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Re: GOG at perfect timing
« Reply #42 on: March 26, 2019, 09:44:09 AM »
Ok this thread has gotten way outta hand. Classic war2 flame war about a game on the internet.

No way man, this is just getting warmed up. Page 12 will be goldmine material.

Maybe tupac did it maybe he didn’t.

Oh he defiantely did it. The quake server went down right as the plane hit the pentagon.

Here, check the proof:

War2 is a fun game but it is a game.
I do think a large percentage of our playerbase is suffering from video game addiction.

Not true. Last Sunday I spent at least 18 consecutive minutes at home in front of my computer not playing games.

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Re: GOG at perfect timing
« Reply #43 on: March 26, 2019, 09:55:19 AM »
“When God is involved, anything can happen. Be open. Stay that way. God has a beautiful way of bringing good vibrations out of broken chords.” - my twitch. Streaming 9:30pm - 11pm est most days!!

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Re: GOG at perfect timing
« Reply #44 on: March 26, 2019, 10:07:43 AM »
Losing BS was a HUGE loss.... and she really loves wc2 as much as any of us, so it took a big effort by a number of people to do it. That was just dumb dumb ego-drive dumbness.

End of the day Babyshark left war2ru because she disagreed with the moderation practices or lack of thereof.
 We don't moderate trash talking on war2ru.

This is server was built by veterans for vets. I don't believe moderating the words of the players base is what the majority wants
Fail. That is one of the main points I am trying to make here. No she isn't. At all. There aren't even as many BS haters here as there are people willing to go to another server to play with her.

I have over 20 players on Facebook and other social media and I know pretty much every player on the server. So we can agree to disagree there. The majority of the player base either doesn't like her or doesn't know who she is.

End of the day lamb the player base isn't going to change in order to accommodate one player. If Babyshark wants to play on war2ru again she is going to have to change her approach to the game or simply continue to play on war2usa.

This is a game it's not real life. Anyone that genuinely gets upset by words sent to them on a gaming server should really rethink the way they are approaching the internet world.
war2 > war3