Author Topic: GOG at perfect timing  (Read 48840 times)

Offline tk[as]

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Re: GOG at perfect timing
« Reply #15 on: March 25, 2019, 06:56:27 AM »
Babyshark honestly has some legitimate emotional/psychological issues. Ultimately she is the only person to blame as to why she does not play on our server anymore. The only reason other people are supporting her decision is because she is a female and they want to be a white knight.

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Re: GOG at perfect timing
« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2019, 07:44:17 AM »
Babyshark honestly has some legitimate emotional/psychological issues. Ultimately she is the only person to blame as to why she does not play on our server anymore. The only reason other people are supporting her decision is because she is a female and they want to be a white knight.

OMG! You mean someone still playing a 20 year old game has psych issues? For real?!

* Lambchops swings a cat and hits 12 people who fit the same description, including himself.

Pffff. She makes games, enjoys playing them, includes everyone, makes fair teams and has a laugh. If I didn't play with people who made forum posts I disagree with I wouldn't play any games...and neither would you TK

Of all the people who talk shit to you here and vice-versa why is she singled out? Because she's female and you're a sexually frustrated nerd with a tiny penis? ... oh no wait, I must have a "white knight" complex. 

Seriously dude,  how do YOU think it's appropriate to repond to someone you say has "legitimate emotional/psychological issues"? If that's honestly what you think then go look up everything you have said to that person and seriously ask yourself if you're proud of it.

For all the good stuff she did for this community, grow up and be embarrased.

We got splitting the community.
And ideas why they play there? They hate our ru admins or w/e?

I can't speak for anyone else, but I go and play because she's a friend who likes the game and we have fun.

Honestly I wish she would soften her stance and play on ru again, I have suggested she come and smurf a bit or w/e. She says basically why should I have to hide and change my name so I don't get abused? I don't have a good answer for that.

I don't think all the things that were said and done in the end were the best thing for anyone, and obviously there was a lot of emotional stuff attached to it, but goddamn, it wasn't like it didn't go way too far for a very long time before that and so many people just piled on.

What did you all think was going to happen? Big high-5's all round and everyone looks super-cool? Hoards of people saying "Oh wow I want to be a part of this"?


And now we have half of community on one server and another half on another one...

Not quite. Mostly they are the same people. We organize times to go and play there. There are a few people who I only see over there, and hardly ever on ru. Probably because they don't play wc2 very often any more, but they make the effort when BabyShark organizes it .... which is exactly what this server lost when they decided to ostracise her.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2019, 08:20:23 AM by Lambchops »
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Re: GOG at perfect timing
« Reply #17 on: March 25, 2019, 08:33:45 AM »
LOL... actually there's a number of people who still play with BS on the usa server. I try to get over there one day a week, we usually play 2s or 3s, but occasionally 4s. They are mosty RU players.

So there's at least 7 people who are willing to go to the other server to play with her.

Are there 7 of you pissant haters left?
So, that's even worse.
We got splitting the community.
And ideas why they play there? They hate our ru admins or w/e?

That's sad, BabyShark pm'ed me about problems on ru server, like some conflict with current admin team or w/e, but i've been too busy IRL to make the detailed look into the situation.
Anyway, i can't control our admins: i'm not a boss or w/e to give directives or other teammates. And i don't want to be a boss and make such relations between us.
I just hope all our admins make one big job to unite our community and make it great and friendly.

And now we have half of community on one server and another half on another one...

I heard there is a newer version of pvpgn that allows you to ignore people and it doesn't reset it after a restart of a game, do you know anything about it? If such a improved version exists, any chance you could update the server with it? I think it could help to avoid such issues in the future

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Re: GOG at perfect timing
« Reply #18 on: March 25, 2019, 08:34:47 AM »
Not quite. Mostly they are the same people. We organize times to go and play there. There are a few people who I only see over there, and hardly ever on ru. Probably because they don't play wc2 very often any more, but they make the effort when BabyShark organizes it .... which is exactly what this server lost when they decided to ostracise her.

Believe it or not out of curiosity I do follow that war2usa forum and status page.

Only people that ever play there are Ring, Tofu, lordvaras, Thegoodshepherd, letsremake, and Lambchop.
It’s the water map crowd. And they mainly play on the USA server on Friday nights, sometimes Mondays to but always after 7pm. Truthfully the only thing making people play on war2usa is Babyshark. Nobody hosts there or games there unless she personally messages them to come play a few games with her. So she hasn’t actually taken any players away from RU, since anyone that plays on war2usa comes back to RU soon as they done playing with her.

PS. I haven’t seen too many chop games on that server when it is populated.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2019, 10:18:13 AM by ~ToRa~ »
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Re: GOG at perfect timing
« Reply #19 on: March 25, 2019, 09:04:58 AM »
For all the good stuff she did for this community, grow up and be embarrased.

Please remind all what good atuff she actually did.

She makes games, enjoys playing them, includes everyone, makes fair teams and has a laugh.

She was always very choosy about who played with her and always banned anyone who she perceived to have a “bad attitude.” Most of her games had a password and were very inclusive. Which is fine. Most of our playerbase operates in the same manner. 

Probably because they don't play wc2 very often any more, but they make the effort when BabyShark organizes it .... which is exactly what this server lost when they decided to ostracise her.

Nobody is saying Babyshark can’t still play on RU. This is a game it’s not real life.
RU existed before Babyshark and it will exist after her.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2019, 11:24:58 AM by ~ToRa~ »
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Re: GOG at perfect timing
« Reply #20 on: March 25, 2019, 12:06:13 PM »
I didn't read all of that lambs. she does not handle confrontation well. at all... inline gaming is not a good place for people who are easily bothered. she brings being offended to a whole new level... and ends up being the biggest hypocrite the world has ever seen in the process.

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Re: GOG at perfect timing
« Reply #21 on: March 25, 2019, 12:08:35 PM »
she definitely has good to offer the community.. but her inability to control her emotions and handle confrontational or  stressful situations in a rational manner tend to overshadow anything positive she brings to the community

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Re: GOG at perfect timing
« Reply #22 on: March 25, 2019, 12:11:10 PM »
It's only a matter of time before she (and anyone else who plays on the USA server) realize that the level of toxicity on that server has the potential to and ultimately will greatly outweigh the toxicity on the ru server

tupac is a ticking time bomb..  always has been. always will be.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2019, 12:13:50 PM by tk[as] »

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Re: GOG at perfect timing
« Reply #23 on: March 25, 2019, 05:55:41 PM »
Only people that ever play there are Ring, Tofu, lordvaras, Thegoodshepherd, letsremake, and Lambchop.

Sounds like your stalking dropped off a bit after the first week ;) Off the top of my head I can think of 3 people not mentioned here, all better players than me, plus some other randoms... but YES, people do tend to smurf there - presumably because they don't want to attract the toxic response that a handfull of people on ru think is appropriate.

Truthfully the only thing making people play on war2usa is Babyshark.

My point exactly.

anyone that plays on war2usa comes back to RU soon as they done playing with her.

Not all, but yeah BS is still helping to keep the game alive for ru also.

Please remind all what good atuff she actually did.

Well like I said..
She makes games, enjoys playing them, includes everyone, makes fair teams and has a laugh.
...organizing tourneys and competitions, generally being an interesting personality ... even some fairly inspired good-humored trolling occasionally.

She was always very choosy about who played with her and always banned anyone who she perceived to have a “bad attitude.” Most of her games had a password and were very inclusive. Which is fine. Most of our playerbase operates in the same manner. 

I met BS from her hosting games and letting me play, despite the fact that I sucked at ef games and was really only there because they were fun.

I'm sure she banned you more than once. I know the two of you do not get along, which I understand. BS's rather extreme religious background is something that I like her despite of, not because of. Generally it only manifested as cut&paste type forum posts. It isn't something that she chats about while gaming. For me, that stuff is easy to ignore because religion is not something that I'm interested in, but I can understand how it could be very annoying for others.

RU existed before Babyshark and it will exist after her.

Sure, but the thing that caused her to leave is the single most damaging factor to the playerbase.
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Re: GOG at perfect timing
« Reply #24 on: March 25, 2019, 05:59:13 PM »
she does not handle confrontation well.

Not everyone does.

inline gaming is not a good place for people who are easily bothered.

haha, what a quaint little notion ... it's not the 90's anymore, old guy ;)

she definitely has good to offer the community.. but her inability to control her emotions and handle confrontational or  stressful situations in a rational manner tend to overshadow anything positive she brings to the community

Yeah it's easy to paint her that way after it turned into a massive testosterone fueled dog-pile hate-fest. Yes she definitely went a bit ballistic in the end, but I don't think that is the way it had to be.

It's only a matter of time before she (and anyone else who plays on the USA server) realize that the level of toxicity on that server has the potential to...


...and ultimately will ...

lol ok Nostradamus ;)

...greatly outweigh the toxicity on the ru server

Hasn't happened yet. Don't see it happening any time soon. We all could get hit by a rogue asteroid tomorrow ... no real point here.

tupac is a ticking time bomb..  always has been. always will be.

Well Tupac is a fair but younger than me, I didn't know him well back in his bad-boy days, but these days he has a job and a life and an interest in computers. I think "ticking time bomb" is just a bit silly. I would hate to be judged by the stuff I did/said im my teens/early 20's .... how about you?

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Re: GOG at perfect timing
« Reply #25 on: March 25, 2019, 06:49:42 PM »
her inability to control her emotions and handle confrontational or  stressful situations in a rational manner tend to overshadow anything positive she brings to the community

She literally harassed me in-game for weeks because I wouldn't delete a post about van pming me something because it wasn't about van harassing her on one of her van rant threads. She didn't even realize I was agreeing with her that van is toxic and that I want him to be banned just as much as she did even after telling her a thousand times. She is completely unstable, and you're right in that anything good shes done is overshadowed by her inability to control herself. And for as much as van has harassed and threatened me, i know he isnt deranged enough to actually make contact with my family or my partner.

of all the people who talk shit to you here and vice-versa why is she singled out? Because she's female and you're a sexually frustrated nerd with a tiny penis? ... oh no wait, I must have a "white knight" complex.

She is the one singling herself out actually. No one cares that shes female, she time and time again tries to bring it up though as the reasons for her criticisms which we all know she can't take.. we've had plenty of female players that are respectable and don't have the issues she claims to have with a high percentage of the player base, am I saying these problems she has aren't happening? No, am I saying they aren't a problem? No, am I saying Babyshark is having problems because she's babyshark rather then the fact that she's female? Yes. She isn't the only female player to exist on war2 and she keeps trying to pretend that she is by using this im female excuse for everything, and the fact you and her need to bring up the female card continuously just proves you are white knighting because shes female and that you're singling her out for special treatment because of it if anything and not us. She's just a unstable person in this community on the same level of a person like van. As someone who's been harrassed by both of them, i can say that they're pretty equal. Van with his detailed threats, and Babyshark with her level of paranoia combined with the fact she'll contact your family, yeah, they're pretty equal and on any other game both their actions would warrant not one, but multiple bans and mutes. If anything she is overprotected by the same people she thinks are evil and out to get her.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2019, 06:55:45 PM by Winchester »

Offline tk[as]

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Re: GOG at perfect timing
« Reply #26 on: March 25, 2019, 07:44:34 PM »
Tupac DDOS'd the server like 6 months ago. He has made countless threats against other players just in the last year.. Threats along the lines of "watch wtf you say or i'll hack the shit out of you"

the ONLY reason Tupac hasn't shown his bat shit crazy side on his server yet is because he has JUST ENOUGH control of himself to know that if he does it now, it's game over for his server. But if he for 1 second thought that his server was the only option people had.. and that he were "king" you would see it come out in a heart beat. It's just who he is and always has been. He's a hot head that resorts to very serious threats/action if he feels justified in it.. and it doesn't take much for him to feel justified.

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Re: GOG at perfect timing
« Reply #27 on: March 25, 2019, 11:46:15 PM »
Sounds like your stalking dropped off a bit after the first week

I’ve been keeping tabs of that server since it came out. I don’t care where people play war2 so long as they play it.
I do disagee with Xurnt that War2ru has gotten slower lately. I do log on every day and I never have a problem getting a game. If I were to get back into hosting tournaments again I’m certain War2ru would see the player base in the 80s and 90s on the weekends.

I can think of 3 people not mentioned here, all better players than me, plus some other randoms..

Fallen_solider, ryan85, deathknight. Who is counting? Not the point.
Point is players that do go to the USA server only play at the bequest of one player. They don’t go there on their own and host games. The only players that play exclusively on war2usa are probably Babyshark, TGS, and DK.

Quote from: ~ToRa~ on Today at 09:04:58 AM
Please remind all what good atuff she actually did.

Well like I said..
Quote from: Lambchops on Today at 07:44:17 AM
She makes games, enjoys playing them, includes everyone, makes fair teams and has a laugh.
...organizing tourneys and competitions, generally being an interesting personality ... even some fairly inspired good-humored trolling occasionally.

BS hosted 1 tournament at 10pm on a Monday not the greatest time to get a big turnout.(thou you in ausie land so maybe you liked the time)

As far as her being a likable player, who hosts good games and has fun with people. She has her fans for sure, with Lambchops being one of the biggest it seems. But she is predominately disliked by the majority of the player base.

I met BS from her hosting games and letting me play, despite the fact that I sucked at ef games and was really only there because they were fun.

I'm sure she banned you more than once. I know the two of you do not get along, which I understand. BS's rather extreme religious background is something that I like her despite of, not because of. Generally it only manifested as cut&paste type forum posts. It isn't something that she chats about while gaming. For me, that stuff is easy to ignore because religion is not something that I'm interested in, but I can understand how it could be very annoying for others.

As far as me disliking Babyshark goes, she is easily the most toxic forum poster on here aside maybe Equinox.
On the server side she is extremely cliquey. And she does regularly rage at people if they say something she doesn’t like. I have had her whisper me endlessly while I was on a smurf after we 1sed a few times. While I don’t personally care if a player does this to me I do find it very hypocritical when I think of who is doing it.

Sure, but the thing that caused her to leave is the single most damaging factor to the playerbase.

She left because mousetopher muted her on discord for getting into a flame war with van. I really hope you don’t believe that is the single most damaging factor to the playerbase.
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Re: GOG at perfect timing
« Reply #28 on: March 26, 2019, 06:33:18 AM »
Tupac DDOS'd the server like 6 months ago. He has made countless threats against other players just in the last year.. Threats along the lines of "watch wtf you say or i'll hack the shit out of you"

the ONLY reason Tupac hasn't shown his bat shit crazy side on his server yet is because he has JUST ENOUGH control of himself to know that if he does it now, it's game over for his server. But if he for 1 second thought that his server was the only option people had.. and that he were "king" you would see it come out in a heart beat. It's just who he is and always has been. He's a hot head that resorts to very serious threats/action if he feels justified in it.. and it doesn't take much for him to feel justified.
Really? You sound so stupid. More lies out of your mouth. Want to go back in time where you wanted me to hack the server because you resigned as admin and they didnt want to give you admin back? You was so serious! It is so dang funny.

Or what about the time you was crying come on tupac let's make a server this place is evil. Wah wah wah boo hoo wah! Jesus so much bipolar in one man.

You and such people you involved yourself created a situation you can't handle. You should learn to not drag your feet as you walk.

I've always told my crew to keep their heads up better days are among us all. You are one of the biggest 2 faced liars I have seen. You are also a huge cry baby. TuPaC hAX THeM thEy REaLLY REmOVeD mY AdMin. Wah wah wah boo hoo wahh!

It's not my problem half you, threatened, trash talked until people are discusseded just by seeing you post. People seek an alternative because they are not happy with such admins, psychopaths. What the hell did you expect? A bozobutton!?

But anyways keep up with such false accusations. I use that to fuel my drive to build another place that's better in every way possible. You think I stole your players rofl they choose to leave themselves. I have never forced anyone or blackmailed them.

Maybe I should act like burnt or cel or who ever called my employer. Maybe I should call mousey job and tell them they are hosting an illegal cracked version of a video game. Maybe I should harass and send you death threats.

Be a grown ass man and put proof in your words and not some rubbish that fell out of your ass.

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Re: GOG at perfect timing
« Reply #29 on: March 26, 2019, 06:56:25 AM »
I stopped reading after the first 2 paragraphs because both are dumb fking lies.. which even further proves my point. ur so pissed about what I said ur doing the only thing u know how to do. be a piece of shit.

The only interactions me and you ever had about being an admin on any server is when you invited me to be an admin on your server.

I have a record of being a pretty responsible admin. No abuse. No threats. No attacks. I did that for a reason. While I did not always respect some of the admins, I always respected the community. The entire time my admin was removed on the main server, and while I still wanted to be admin on the main server, they left me in admin I Believe by mistake on their backup server. Guess what I did? I told them about it. I let them know they should remove me. Even when I log on the server there was no abuse on the backup server.

 You're going to have to do better than that you toxic fuc f***