Author Topic: mccain's death  (Read 38397 times)

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #60 on: August 29, 2018, 11:22:20 AM »
^^Do you consider soldiers to be like dogs?
war2 > war3

Offline CumSavorer4385

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #61 on: August 29, 2018, 11:25:04 AM »
^^Do you consider soldiers to be like dogs?

Yes they just sort of do things arbitrarily.
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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #62 on: August 29, 2018, 11:32:35 AM »
^^Do you consider soldiers to be like dogs?
No I love dogs.

Offline ~ToRa~

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #63 on: August 29, 2018, 12:33:40 PM »
^^Do you consider soldiers to be like dogs?
No I love dogs.

Lmao u something else white boy.
war2 > war3

Offline Ywfn

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #64 on: August 29, 2018, 02:08:42 PM »

Warrant Officer (WO1) Hugh Thompson, Jr., a helicopter pilot from Company B (Aero-Scouts), 123rd Aviation Battalion, Americal Division, saw dead and wounded civilians as he was flying over the village of Sơn Mỹ, providing close-air support for ground forces.[47] The crew made several attempts to radio for help for the wounded. They landed their helicopter by a ditch, which they noted was full of bodies and in which there was movement.[47] Thompson asked a sergeant he encountered there (David Mitchell of the 1st Platoon) if he could help get the people out of the ditch, and the sergeant replied that he would "help them out of their misery". Thompson, shocked and confused, then spoke with Calley, who claimed to be "just following orders". As the helicopter took off, Thompson saw Mitchell firing into the ditch.[47]

Thompson and his crew witnessed an unarmed woman being kicked and shot at point-blank range by Captain Medina, who later claimed that he thought she had a hand grenade.[48] Thompson then saw a group of civilians (again consisting of children, women, and old men) at a bunker being approached by ground personnel. Thompson landed and told his crew that if the soldiers shot at the Vietnamese while he was trying to get them out of the bunker that they were to open fire on these soldiers.[47]

You cheapen real courage and sacrifice and decency like this when you say the perpetrators of this massacre are no worse than the people who stopped it.

But I don't think anyone is actually arguing that straw-man. At least I'm not.

It's true that I'm cautious with the term "war criminal" when it comes to soldiers, due to the massive amount of indoctrinating/propaganda done by the military and American society generally (dying for our "freedoms", communism is evil, etc). But I'm also not really a fan of the hero-worship culture which surrounds service members. While I don't know any more about this situation than what you just quoted here in this thread, based on what is there, I absolutely do recognize the incredible amount of bravery and integrity such heroism requires, and certainly feel that is a distinguishing differentiator from the more or less apathy I have towards your rank and file soldiers.

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #65 on: August 29, 2018, 02:17:45 PM »
^^Do you consider soldiers to be like dogs?
No I love dogs.

Lmao u something else white boy.
ur the whitest bitch here

Offline Lambchops

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #66 on: August 29, 2018, 06:43:46 PM »
everyone should think and investigate long and hard before they sign up to kill other human beings

Everyone should think long and hard before they VOTE. If the American people actually disapproved of what their country did to others, they wouldn't continue to elect war-mongers and worship guns in their own homes.

Sitting safe and isolated in the extremely privileged position that the US military has provided for you and blaming the soldiers is a bit weak.

Why don't you go and knock on your neighbors' doors and call the ones who voted for this stuff "child killing agents of evil", or is that too close to home?

its gooder to hax hard and NEVER get caught!

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #67 on: August 29, 2018, 07:00:06 PM »
everyone should think and investigate long and hard before they sign up to kill other human beings

Everyone should think long and hard before they VOTE. If the American people actually disapproved of what their country did to others, they wouldn't continue to elect war-mongers and worship guns in their own homes.

Sitting safe and isolated in the extremely privileged position that the US military has provided for you and blaming the soldiers is a bit weak.

Why don't you go and knock on your neighbors' doors and call the ones who voted for this stuff "child killing agents of evil", or is that too close to home?

The American political system is not democratic, ordinary people do not have a say in the United States political system, it is run expressly by and for capitalist warmongers (such as John McCain).
Quote from: Swift
i don't know if i'll ever forgive you for how you treated turtleman

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #68 on: August 29, 2018, 07:01:55 PM »
But I don't think anyone is actually arguing that straw-man. At least I'm not.

Of course not. Wasn't Thompson already a war criminal just for being an army pilot? But now he's suddenly the epitome of "real courage and sacrifice and decency". Perhaps it is possible to be an army pilot and a decent person after all eh?
its gooder to hax hard and NEVER get caught!

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #69 on: August 29, 2018, 07:16:16 PM »
ROTF Thank you for owning yourself so hard.

The American political system is not democratic, ordinary people do not have a say in the United States political system, it is run expressly by and for capitalist warmongers (such as John McCain).

... and that's what you tell yourself when you don't vote isn't it? BAHAHAHAHAHAHA
its gooder to hax hard and NEVER get caught!

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #70 on: August 29, 2018, 11:06:57 PM »
ROTF Thank you for owning yourself so hard.

The American political system is not democratic, ordinary people do not have a say in the United States political system, it is run expressly by and for capitalist warmongers (such as John McCain).

... and that's what you tell yourself when you don't vote isn't it? BAHAHAHAHAHAHA

you god damn fucking retard, fucking HARVARD did studies on this shit.. they find government policy is driven by corporations, not ordinary people. this was already obvious to woke people like me, but now you got real studies by universities telling you this shit. you have no democracy.

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #71 on: August 30, 2018, 11:05:59 AM »
everyone should think and investigate long and hard before they sign up to kill other human beings

Everyone should think long and hard before they VOTE. If the American people actually disapproved of what their country did to others, they wouldn't continue to elect war-mongers and worship guns in their own homes.

Sitting safe and isolated in the extremely privileged position that the US military has provided for you and blaming the soldiers is a bit weak.

Why don't you go and knock on your neighbors' doors and call the ones who voted for this stuff "child killing agents of evil", or is that too close to home?

even if it's true that people should think long and hard before voting, does that make it less true that people should think long and hard before joining a killing machine

anyway yeah people voting for republicans suck and are fucking up but bourgeois elections will only offer bourgeois candidates... you dont change the world by electing barack obama, as is clear.  and that WAS an insurgent campaign against a frontrunner!  hillary clinton wouldnt be significantly less eager to advance the interests of US imperialism than trump is, either.  almost any candidate that would push for real change is priced out by corporations and rich donors funding the campaigns of their opposition.  It's broke and only a severe economic catastrophe and/or revolutionary movement can potentially fix it

Offline Ywfn

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #72 on: August 30, 2018, 01:32:33 PM »
It's broke and only a severe economic catastrophe and/or revolutionary movement can potentially fix it

I think a severe economic catastrophe fixing it is unlikely. I suspect enough of the bourgeois are wise enough to know that they have the most to lose from an economic meltdown, and will do all they can to prevent it, even if that means walking back some of the recent policies and tax breaks that benefit them greatly. I think the only reason things have gotten as far as they have, is that they don't think we're there yet.

Realistically I think a revolutionary movement is the only option.

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #73 on: August 30, 2018, 02:38:35 PM »
Yeah maybe although I don't think the rich will willingly give anything up.  Even if they're fucking up the economy and worsening their own long-term outlook they'll continue to prioritize immediate profits... if some Bernie-type people who don't take lobbyist money etc get into office and roll out some soft socialist reforms that will be against their will, and if the threat of revolution gets great enough that they're scared for their own security they might give something up of their own volition but I wouldn't call that "willingly."

One bad thing is that national guard cops etc are gonna happily gun down protesters if things start getting chippy and another bad thing is that we're cooking the planet in the meantime.

Offline Ywfn

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #74 on: August 30, 2018, 03:12:29 PM »
if the threat of revolution gets great enough that they're scared for their own security they might give something up of their own volition but I wouldn't call that "willingly."

Yea, that's pretty much what I meant. A stable country is what enables them to keep their wealth. They know that if things get too bad, their safety is at risk.

another bad thing is that we're cooking the planet in the meantime.

Well, duh, but that's a completely different, and more concerning problem. At least with poverty and income inequality, the vast majority of the electorate are in "general" agreement that these are pretty big problems, they just have very different philosophies on the solution. With climate change, I'm not even sure we have a majority that believes it's even a problem, never mind a significant one.