Author Topic: mccain's death  (Read 35134 times)

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #15 on: August 27, 2018, 11:53:55 PM »
mccain before he got shot down was like on his 30th indiscriminate bombing campaign, i wonder how many children he killed. he's a war criminal unquestionably. the war perpetrated by america on Vietnam was a crime against humanity. a total bullshit invasion beginning under false pretenses that we see still american perpetrate today in examples like the Iraq war.

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #16 on: August 28, 2018, 08:18:02 AM »
I'm kinda with Lambchops on this one. Not really a fan of blaming the soldier, especially during that era. Lots of people got drafted against their will and brainwashed in to following orders no matter what.

I put the vast majority of the blame on the policy makers and the ones giving the orders. The military industrial complex, the military institution itself, hell, even the civilians who voted for/supported the politicians--I think they all have much more accountability than the soldiers. I think calling him a war criminal is disingenuous.

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #17 on: August 28, 2018, 08:40:24 AM »
he's a war criminal unquestionably.

Read the law and use some common sense.

OMG of all the stuff you could be saying about McCain you just want your sensationalized meme to be true. You don't need to stupid about it, the truth speaks loud enough. He always reminded me of Henry Gibson's character in The Blues Brothers. Have at it!

....a total bullshit invasion beginning under false pretenses.

No argument here. That pretty much describes the start of every war since people started bothering with the false pretenses.


Yes, exactly that. Thanks Ywfn.

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #18 on: August 28, 2018, 09:30:55 AM »
I agree, but it's not the pilot's war crime.

Do you realize "just following orders" was the defense of the nazis tried at Nuremburg? We settled this after WWII, "just following orders" is not a morally sound defense for murder.

Sure, I have made no comment on any of this. I'm certainly not a fan of his politics, nor would I suggest he was heroic (in fact I think he was a bit of an asshole), but using the horrible deaths of innocent people to push your own political barrow is callous, and just as much bullshit as the people trying to paint him as a hero.

It says a lot about you that you assume anyone opposed to the veneration of imperial butchers is just doing it to cynically push an agenda rather than expressing a sincere sentiment of moral outrage and horror. I wonder why you find it so hard to believe someone could have a sincere opposition to racist imperial genocide, hmmmm.

Many soldiers kill people in wars. Many of them were only there because if they refused the draft they would be jailed. It's not a voluntary system, soldiers don't pick their targets and pilots may or may not even know what they are bombing, that's why soldiers in that position are not considered war criminals.

McCain came from a rich family and volunteered to serve in the air force and help kill millions of vietnamese and poison their children for generations. Oops! You're full of shit!

Who was the person that planned and ordered the bombing missions you care so much about? Who was the person who approved the use of napalm by the US military in the first place? Who was the pilot of the Enola Gay? I would guess you don't know and you don't really care, because that's not the barrow you are pushing.

Why wouldn't I condemn those people too? Obviously I do but this thread is about McCain who is currently being blown by the American elite media as a great hero of human rights, so that's why I'm talking about McCain. You idiot

Attack him on his politics and you won't get any argument from me.

Yes just don't talk about his enthusiastic participation in genocide, that's not political somehow
But seriously don't trivialize horrific war crimes by using them for your own meme trash politics. It smells bad no matter which side is doing it.

Fuck off you slimy little weasel, suck this baby killer's dead dick some more.
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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #19 on: August 28, 2018, 09:33:41 AM »

Yes he is racist. Vietnamese and Cambodian and laotian people don't count as human, exterminating them is an apolitical act like swatting flies. Sick settler colonial mentality
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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #20 on: August 28, 2018, 09:38:33 AM »
I'm kinda with Lambchops on this one. Not really a fan of blaming the soldier, especially during that era. Lots of people got drafted against their will and brainwashed in to following orders no matter what.

This is also an insult to all the draftees in Vietnam who had the moral clarity to not participate in the war or even to actively undermine it - the conscientious objectors who went to prison, the mutinous GIs that dragged their officers, and the guy in the chopper who stopped My Lai by threatening to machine gun the marines. Plenty of people saw what was happening and refused to participate, they deserve credit for that and not being reduced to mindless pawns.

I put the vast majority of the blame on the policy makers and the ones giving the orders. The military industrial complex, the military institution itself, hell, even the civilians who voted for/supported the politicians--I think they all have much more accountability than the soldiers. I think calling him a war criminal is disingenuous.

Yeah good point McCain had a long history of opposing the military-industrial complex. Lol
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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #21 on: August 28, 2018, 09:39:03 AM »
he's a war criminal unquestionably.

Read the law and use some common sense.

OMG of all the stuff you could be saying about McCain you just want your sensationalized meme to be true. You don't need to stupid about it, the truth speaks loud enough. He always reminded me of Henry Gibson's character in The Blues Brothers. Have at it!

....a total bullshit invasion beginning under false pretenses.

No argument here. That pretty much describes the start of every war since people started bothering with the false pretenses.


Yes, exactly that. Thanks Ywfn.

Fuck off cracker
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i don't know if i'll ever forgive you for how you treated turtleman

Offline CumSavorer4385

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #22 on: August 28, 2018, 09:46:56 AM »
Quote from: Swift
i don't know if i'll ever forgive you for how you treated turtleman

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #23 on: August 28, 2018, 11:00:40 AM »
I put the vast majority of the blame on the policy makers and the ones giving the orders. The military industrial complex, the military institution itself, hell, even the civilians who voted for/supported the politicians--I think they all have much more accountability than the soldiers.
All the people you say we should blame are the ones McCain joined up with and even led post-Vietnam.  It's also the type of family he came from before signing up to fight.  He never met an imperialist conflict he didn't want.  Classic John McCain:

He was a ruling class warmonger through and through, and the world is a safer place without him...

Offline Lambchops

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #24 on: August 28, 2018, 11:04:50 AM »
Do you realize "just following orders" was the defense of the nazis tried at Nuremburg? We settled this after WWII, "just following orders" is not a morally sound defense for murder.

Yes I am well aware. Nobody was tried at Nuremburg just for being a pilot. Nobody has ever even been charged with war crimes for simply being the guy driving the plane. Read the laws and use some common sense.

It says a lot about you that you assume anyone opposed to the veneration of imperial butchers is just doing it to cynically push an agenda rather than expressing a sincere sentiment of moral outrage and horror. I wonder why you find it so hard to believe someone could have a sincere opposition to racist imperial genocide, hmmmm.

It doesn't matter how morally outraged you are at the crimes, ascribing them to to guy driving the plane is just stupid. How about the guy who pushed the button to drop the bombs? How about the soldier who refuelled the plane, is he a war criminal too? How about the receptionist at front desk of the Air-Force base... war criminal?

How about the guy who gets the bombs out of storage and loads them on to the plane? .... now that guy definitely helped get those bombs there, is he a war criminal?

Many soldiers kill people in wars. Many of them were only there because if they refused the draft they would be jailed. It's not a voluntary system, soldiers don't pick their targets and pilots may or may not even know what they are bombing, that's why soldiers in that position are not considered war criminals.

McCain came from a rich family and volunteered to serve in the air force and help kill millions of vietnamese and poison their children for generations. Oops! You're full of shit!

Try reading. That entire paragraph doesn't even mention McCain, it's on defining a war criminal.

He was rich? So what? So was Elvis. He chose to join the air force? Again, so what? Even if you join the armed forces voluntarily you will still get court-martialed and thrown in a military prison if you refuse to follow orders. It's not a voluntary system.

Who was the person that planned and ordered the bombing missions you care so much about? Who was the person who approved the use of napalm by the US military in the first place? Who was the pilot of the Enola Gay? I would guess you don't know and you don't really care, because that's not the barrow you are pushing.

Why wouldn't I condemn those people too? Obviously I do but this thread is about McCain who is currently being blown by the American elite media as a great hero of human rights, so that's why I'm talking about McCain. You idiot

Again. Try reading. I didn't ask if you would condemn them, and I didn't ask why you were talking about McCain (you idiot ;)).

You can yell at you TV as much as you want. I am no supporter of John McCain, but his politics and every other thing he has done since he was 31 years old are totally irrellevant as to the question of him being a war criminal, and I haven't said anything about any of that.

Attack him on his politics and you won't get any argument from me.

Yes just don't talk about his enthusiastic participation in genocide, that's not political somehow

Not at all. If you have some quote from McCain where's he's saying how enthusiastic he is about killing civillians that's very relevent, post that meme.

But seriously don't trivialize horrific war crimes by using them for your own meme trash politics. It smells bad no matter which side is doing it.

Fuck off you slimy little weasel, suck this baby killer's dead dick some more.

     Settle petal. The guy is pretty easy to hate on without making stuff up, so hf, go hate on him.


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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #25 on: August 28, 2018, 11:06:55 AM »
It seems so distasteful to roast the old dead senator who's killed by cancer but that's what makes it necessary and brave... sometimes the truth isn't pretty but we have to speak it: so many people die from the silence and disengagement of American citizens who stand by and acquiesce to the horror!!!

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #26 on: August 28, 2018, 11:07:16 AM »
In other words Jon and CumSavorer are bigger heroes than John McCain.

Offline Lambchops

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #27 on: August 28, 2018, 11:11:10 AM »
I put the vast majority of the blame on the policy makers and the ones giving the orders. The military industrial complex, the military institution itself, hell, even the civilians who voted for/supported the politicians--I think they all have much more accountability than the soldiers.
All the people you say we should blame are the ones McCain joined up with and even led post-Vietnam.  It's also the type of family he came from before signing up to fight.  He never met an imperialist conflict he didn't want.  Classic John McCain:

He was a ruling class warmonger through and through, and the world is a safer place without him...

That sounds about right.

Actually I would love to see someone make a case for him being a war criminal based on his activities after Vietnam. I doubt anyone could get the evidence to prove it, but IMO it's more realistic that calling him one because he was a pilot.

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Offline Lambchops

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #28 on: August 28, 2018, 11:17:40 AM »
It seems so distasteful to roast the old dead senator who's killed by cancer but that's what makes it necessary and brave... sometimes the truth isn't pretty but we have to speak it: so many people die from the silence and disengagement of American citizens who stand by and acquiesce to the horror!!!

Brave? lol would you believe that I'm abslutely dying to lay the boots into him but sadly we got stuck on the bullshit.

He always reminded me of Henry Gibson's character in The Blues Brothers.

Lol I just re-watched that scene with JM in mind and it even funnier ;D

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Re: mccain's death
« Reply #29 on: August 28, 2018, 11:21:54 AM »
In other words Jon and CumSavorer are bigger heroes than John McCain.

Yeah man a couple trolls on the internet are better and more successful than Mcain was.
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