Author Topic: The Atheist Delusion  (Read 14792 times)

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The Atheist Delusion
« on: January 09, 2018, 10:52:26 PM »
This movie was so well done, that after I finished watching it, I knew I had to share it here.

After we're dead, eternity is going to go on for a long time, and nothing is as important as knowing the truth when our eternity hangs in the balance.

If you're an atheist, watch this film!!

The Atheist Delusion Movie (2016) HD - YouTube

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Re: The Atheist Delusion
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2018, 11:52:06 PM »

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Quote from: Swift
i don't know if i'll ever forgive you for how you treated turtleman

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Re: The Atheist Delusion
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2018, 01:44:41 PM »
what a shitty thread

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Re: The Atheist Delusion
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2018, 02:21:32 PM »
Claw, your comment and contribution can be equated to you emptying a chamber pot over a microscope because you don't want to believe in cells.

Going around emitting constant verbal diarrhea and hate and nonsense does nothing to discredit truth or reason or logic or people who speak these things.

All it accomplishes is making you look like a hateful and ignorant person who is so afraid of truth and evidence that you want to obscure it with filth because the truth terrifies you.

God is going to judge the world for their evil deeds, and no amount of killing Christians in the past has altered that truth in the slightest.

The Romans threw them to lions in the Colosseum. Today they are still arrested and fined for committing no crime other than speaking the truth and acting in love to help lost, dying people who are full of anger and hate.

We are all dying. Judgement is coming on wickedness. If you are alive and reading this, it's not too late to repent of sin and trust in this holy God's loving solution, Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior of the world, who took the punishment for our sin.

If any reader in this forum ends up in hell, it was their choice, since they have heard the truth and rejected God's invitation to heaven, the gift of eternal life won for us by Jesus.

We all deserve this hell. I know I do. I've disobeyed God and been rotten.

But His love is greater than we can comprehend or imagine. His mercy put Himself in harm's way to save us.

God is worthy of our love and praise! I pray for you, Claw, and others here.

It is my greatest hope for you that you come to know how much God loves you, that you trust Him and become saved and end up in heaven.

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Re: The Atheist Delusion
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2018, 04:47:48 PM »
i dont know what kind of retarded nigger would watch a vid which has "WHY MILLIONS DENY THE OBVIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!" in the subtitle.
and what kind of retarded nigger would make a thread such as this one

what i do know is that people have the tendency to believe others read their posts THOROUGHLY just as you, babyshark, like everyone elses... but thats a typical projection for people that care too much. i honestly didnt make it to the second line

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Re: The Atheist Delusion
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2018, 06:55:11 PM »
I'm gonna try to wade through the spam and try to find what you're trying to say without actually saying it outright.

1. People that care about anything care "too much".

People that care about nothing care too little. Caring about something sometimes is caring the right amount?

Where does your personal standard of how much care is correct come from? Do you follow your own standard? You cared enough to make a reply. Why? What were you hoping to evoke in a person reading your words?

2. You don't want to watch anything or read anything because you're not a retard who cares too much.

Well, what's your objection to letting people who do care go on caring and reading and talking about issues that interest them? What is it about what's been posted that bothers you enough to elicit that much rage and hostility?

3. You don't like the subtitle "Why millions deny the obvious". I have to extrapolate to guess at your meaning. I'm thinking that you're suggesting that "if millions are atheists, there are so many atheists, so they can't be wrong!"

The VAST, and that's ENORMOUSLY vast majority of ALL people throughout ALL history have been theists of some variety.

So majority is not on the side of atheism.

And even if it were, majority opinion is not how truth is determined.

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Re: The Atheist Delusion
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2018, 04:15:14 AM »
you misunderstood my point, the retarded subtitle implies the entire vid is retarded, and no, it is NOT about the quantity of atheists/theists

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Re: The Atheist Delusion
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2018, 07:27:24 AM »
How is it retarded?

Calling something arbitrarily retarded is not a logical point.

I could just as well call you retarded and have equally "proved" a point, although in this case, I'd say the evidence would be weighing more heavily with my application of the term, should I have chosen to use it, based on your repetitive groundless proclamations against everything and everyone you happen to not like.

Are you not able to rise beyond fits of expressing fatuous contempt for everything and everyone and address any single argument you encounter with even a minute degree of sophistication?

I also did not "misunderstand" your "point". You didn't make a point. Had you made one, I wouldn't have had to, as I openly stated, make guesses.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2018, 07:31:34 AM by BabyShark »

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Re: The Atheist Delusion
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2018, 08:24:40 AM »
you deny evolution, so clearly explaining anything trivial to you would make ME retarded as well

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Re: The Atheist Delusion
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2018, 08:45:39 AM »
Yes, I deny evolution, as taught in school textbooks as an explanation of origins that removes the master designer and author of the universe from the picture.

I do not believe the idea that nothing (or an infinitely dense dot) suddenly exploded and became the highly ordered universe of stars, galaxies, planets, especially our planet perfectly suited for life spinning at just the right distance from the sun at just the right speed and orbiting the sun just perfectly...while being suspended in space by nothing. "It's clearly the result of a random explosion of nothing" is a highly irrational conclusion from the numerous observations that show obvious design, planning, and purpose.

I do not believe that life made itself out of nothing. The simplest cell is more complex than a space shuttle. DNA is highly ordered, highly specific information, containing elaborate instructions on the operation of living machines and systems, and is very complex and such things can not arise from nothingness.

I do not believe that one kind of animal can turn into another kind of animal. I do not believe that cows turn into dolphins or that frogs can turn into princes in real life.

I do believe that there is great variation within kinds of animals. I do believe that monkeys can produce a variety of monkeys. Roses can produce a variety of roses. Horses can produce a variety of horses. I do not believe horses can produce dogs or dogs can produce horses.

Why would you believe that nothing can explode into everything? (not science, it's religion)

Why would you believe that life can come from nothingness accidentally? (not science, it's religion)

Why would you believe that one kind of animal can turn into another kind of animal? (not science, it's religion)

There is no scientific evidence for any of these things.

I absolutely believe in science.

I believe in the 2nd law of thermodynamics, or the Law of Disorder, which states that everything tends towards disorder. That's the opposite of things arranging themselves into organized systems on their own. Everything tends to scatter, break down, fall apart in the real observable world.

I believe in scientifically demonstrated facts like "all life comes from pre-existing life" as shown by Pasteur's scientific experiments.

You believe what you believe about origins and the world because you have been lied to and fed fraudulent evidence, and have not been shown the real evidence.

That's the standard view of today's "deep thinkers" who view themselves as highly enlightened. "Everyone who thinks differently from what I was taught in school and from TV is retarded."

Bring out your best scientific evidence. Let's have it.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2018, 08:49:03 AM by BabyShark »

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Re: The Atheist Delusion
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2018, 09:50:09 AM »

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Re: The Atheist Delusion
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2018, 11:59:07 AM »
You did not answer the questions. You did not present a single piece of evidence for the idea of evolution, that nothing exploded and then all creation made itself, by accident, with life poofing into existence magically and then becoming bigger and better and growing legs, wings, organs, kidneys, a heart, a brain, circulation system, eyelashes, skin, hair all by itself by random accidents.

Your article is saying that people fill in unknown areas and mysteries with God.

First of all, that idea does nothing to disprove God in the least.

Second of all, it does nothing to prove evolution in the least.

That isn't science. That's philosophy. Set God aside for the time being. I'm not suggesting that believing in the Bible is not a religion. It is.

I'm showing that believing in the impossible and laughable ideas of evolution are EQUALLY religious and NOT based on science (in fact, all the evidence in the world is congruent with the Bible, historically and scientifically), and that they have no scientific "proof" to support their ever changing "facts", just misinformation, misinterpretations of reality, and outright frauds and lies like Haeckel's embryo drawings, Piltdown man, a forgery of an orangutan and human skull, Nebraska man, an entire species concocted from one pig's tooth, and fanciful drawings of "trees of life" not found in real life in the real world, and pretty but erroneous diagrams showing the progression of horse evolution. All known frauds and lies for many years. Still used in textbooks and museums TODAY.

I'm specifically looking for scientific evidence that life came into existence spontaneously out of nothing, that animals can change from one kind of animal to another kind of animal, and that nothing exploded into the universe billions of years ago.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2018, 12:06:20 PM by BabyShark »

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Re: The Atheist Delusion
« Reply #13 on: January 17, 2018, 01:33:14 PM »
evolution is wrong because a frog cant give birth to a cow

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Re: The Atheist Delusion
« Reply #14 on: January 17, 2018, 01:42:29 PM »
Still not evidence for evolution.

Don't you have ANYTHING??

It's quite astonishing the level of "factuality" and arrogance people who hold this view have...with none of the purported "science" to show for it!
« Last Edit: January 17, 2018, 01:48:30 PM by BabyShark »

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