Author Topic: Female Genital Mutilation *Graphic video*  (Read 4563 times)

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Female Genital Mutilation *Graphic video*
« on: December 10, 2017, 07:38:14 AM »

Little girl being circumcised. Female Genital Mutilation. - YouTube

This cruel and barbaric violation of human rights needs to be stopped. What I want to know is WHERE ARE ALL THE FEMINISTS TO PROTEST the outrageous damage and harm being caused to these little girls against their will?? The very vocal and demonstrative "MY BODY MY CHOICE" activists who claim to champion women's rights are SILENT when it comes to abuse of girls and women in Islam.

This practice is coming into civilized Western countries when its proponents come to these countries. It's ILLEGAL, but it's HAPPENING.


Female Genital Mutilation Rises In UK | FGM "Parties" | No Prosecutions - YouTube


Underground in America: Female Genital Mutilation | ABC News - YouTube


Women speak out on female genital mutilation in Australia - YouTube

Personal stories from women who were mutilated

Aisha, 33

What I vividly remember is my sister and I were playing, and a woman came and took us. This was in The Gambia, and I was 6 and my sister was 3 at the time. This woman was known in the village, and she told us she was taking us somewhere to see something. Like little kids do, we tagged along. We went into a home, and immediately women grabbed and blindfolded us and tied us to some thick bushes.

I could smell the leaves, the dirt, everything around us. I knew we were no longer in a home setting, but outside somewhere. There was loud drumming and older women were singing songs, which I was too young to understand. I could hear other kids crying out in pain, but I didn't know why.

I was dragged to a fence covered in leaves, and they took the blindfold off. I could see the other girls bleeding and sobbing in pain. I saw an old woman holding a knife so sharp I could see the drops of blood sliding down the edge. It was the blood of the other girls.

Three other women were holding down my arms and legs, and another was sitting right on my chest, covering my mouth. They try to put pressure on you, so you don't cry for the next girl to hear. I can still feel the weight of her today. I can still visualize all their faces as I talk about this. I can see what each one of them looks like and the emotions that they had — so empty, like they didn't see me as a human being.

The cutting happens very fast. What the cutter does is hold on to your clitoris to make sure she gets that and scrapes everything else that comes along with it — all of the labia, if they can. I fought the whole time, and as a result, only my clitoris and part of my left labia are cut. The other side is still intact. My mother told me recently that when this happens they will often wait until the girl has a child. Then they will finish the job, cutting everything off they didn't get the first time.

After all the girls in my group were cut, we were left to bleed into little dirt holes for hours. Finally, when it became dark, we were taken to the home of the woman who did the cutting and crowded into one room to heal. We were there three months. We ate out of one shared bowl.

In the morning, we would wake up, line up, and receive our "treatment." They took dried leaves and placed them on the wound and that would stay on for two to three days. Then they would rip it off and put another one on until the tissue began to scar. Every morning a woman came in to teach us songs, and if we didn't memorize the words, she would beat us. We were also taught, every day, that if we ever talked about this, if we even mentioned it, they would kill us.

I became friends with these girls. We bonded and ended up going to school together. I learned two of them later died in childbirth, which was too difficult for them because of FGM. They bled to death.

At the end of the three months, there was a ceremony to celebrate that we had gone through the rite of passage. My mother came to pick us up, and I kept asking, "Why did they do this to me? Where were you?"

She just responded, "They told you not to say anything, right? Then don't talk about it." I never got an explanation until years later. I work in health care now, and I have so many questions about my health that has to do with something so significant regarding my genitalia. So I pressed my mother again. She finally said she did it to protect me. She said, "If I were to take you out of that equation, you would be regarded as an outcast, an unclean person. You would not be a part of us. And I don't want anyone to be an outcast of our society. This is who we are."

She also admitted that she couldn't be there when they took us — even though she arranged for it — because it was too painful for her.

I know 100 women who I am related to, all of them will be cut. My uncle's wife now took over in our village, and she's the one who has the knife. All my nieces and any girl born in my family will be cut.

My sister came to the U.S. for her education, and she was the one who helped me come here as well. She cannot have kids as a result of her FGM. I have two daughters now and had to be cut open again to have each one. But I had them here, with a doctor. Back in Gambia, I could have died. My girls will be the only ones in my family who will not have to go through FGM. I know if I ever have my daughters in Gambia, they will do to them what they did to me. My mother assured me of this. I will never take them back. My family will never see them.

This is criminal. This is barbaric. This is against human rights. This is evil.

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Re: Female Genital Mutilation *Graphic video*
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2017, 07:42:05 AM »
GTFO you low class piece of shit.
 I doubt you have ever graduated from a higher institution of learning. And chances are your husband now is actually your boyfriend and not the father of your kids.
Enjoy being broke and living off 35k a year that your boyfriend makes cleaning toilets I don't doubt.
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Re: Female Genital Mutilation *Graphic video*
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2017, 07:58:16 AM »
You have something against anyone that tells the truth.

You need to seriously consider your version of reality.

These are factual things that are happening.

You want to protect and hide the truth so the abuse can continue.

Don't pretend to be a "peaceful" or "moderate" Muslim if you want to protect people who force children into "marriage" and cut off girl's genitals forcibly while the child is screaming and threaten to kill her if she tells anyone.

If you want to protect people who beat girls and women and stone them to death for alleged inappropriate conduct, you are part of the problem.

Abuse can't go on if people expose and resist it.

Abuse needs to be stopped.

You attacking me for exposing the truth shows more about you than it does about me. So I welcome it. Spew all the hate you can, so everyone can see who the real "hater" is. Maybe we should call you a racist sexist Christophobe?


Women are not property. They are human beings and deserve human rights.

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Re: Female Genital Mutilation *Graphic video*
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2017, 09:20:23 AM »
You really need to go to college and educate yourself you retard.
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Re: Female Genital Mutilation *Graphic video*
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2017, 09:49:31 AM »
Before your next enraged outburst of hate, I encourage you to do something that will be very difficult for you and use your intellect.

Are you angry because girls and women are being abused? Are you angry at the injustice and suffering they experience?

Or are you angry because I'm telling people after learning about it?

I had no idea female genital mutilation was a part of Islam prescribed by Muhammad at the time when you first brought up Islam. I have learned so much about Islam so I thank you for prodding me to learn more about it so I can become a voice for the abused women.

Think hard about why you are angry.

Is your anger just? Or is your anger because of pride in your Islamic identity and you don't like the truths that are coming to light?

Truth is truth, whether we like it or not.

You have a choice about what you're going to support and protect.

You can convert away from the ideology of Islam. You now recognize serious problems with the teachings, including the promotion of violent, cruel, barbaric abuse against women and girls.

You don't have to stand by it. It's a choice.

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Quote from: Swift
i don't know if i'll ever forgive you for how you treated turtleman

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Re: Female Genital Mutilation *Graphic video*
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2017, 10:06:29 AM »
Forgot to add: You stupid ass racist bitch.
Quote from: Swift
i don't know if i'll ever forgive you for how you treated turtleman

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Re: Female Genital Mutilation *Graphic video*
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2017, 10:43:05 AM »
Babyshark soon your kids will be old enough to realize their mother is psychotic. When that happens they will run away from you. I suggest you get help before then.
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Re: Female Genital Mutilation *Graphic video*
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2017, 11:37:30 AM »
Also another thing.

Jesus is the slave of Allah.
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