Author Topic: I resign as administrator of Warcraft 2  (Read 21007 times)

Offline tk[as]

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Re: I resign as administrator of Warcraft 2
« Reply #15 on: November 05, 2017, 02:07:13 PM »
Only way this community will be around for more than a couple more years is if a few of us can get together and start a new server. People who are proactive. I'm not opposed to funding some of the costs if it has enough support and seems like a realistic possibility

Offline mousEtopher

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Re: I resign as administrator of Warcraft 2
« Reply #16 on: November 05, 2017, 03:25:17 PM »
hahah, tk has been waiting his whole life for this thread :D

Mouetopher- I like mousey she has made great contributions and her positives far outweigh her negatives. Which is why I will refrain from saying anything ill of her
yay thanks man ! i wonder if i'd win an admin popularity contest at this point, hahahahaha

Blid essentially has the ability to veto any decision I or anyone else makes without consultation from the community.
Example: Recently Ripe[Eur0] posted some garbage in the general section about attacking immigrants in Finland. Blid perma banned him over it and refused to lift the ban despite Ripe apologizing for it and saying he wasn't thinking clearly and he didn't mean it.   
this sounds incorrect. iL didn't weigh in, thus it was a 3 way decision, blid presented his case & i didn't oppose it, thus blid & i were effectively in agreement. Ripe saying x after the fact sounds like a meaningless token symbolic gesture anyway

You can't resign. You have to defend your title in the Admin tag series.

absence of iL is the worst one. even the most passtionate people encounter this brick wall eventually
yeah. #hatecapitalism

That sucks, thanks for what you've done.  I think the worst of this is how you offered to hire programmers to fix outstanding issues and they were refused.  Complete bullshit. 
the situation is more complex than "Tora was willing to save everything & iL said no" -- i doubt Tora would be willing to put up the cash needed to 1. hire anyone decent 2. fix all problems and 3. do it without iL's guidance through the maze of existing pvpgn customizations (as he has no time to offer it). the alternative is to start from scratch which is certainly possible & maybe the best course but that'd probably cost even more. like tk says it'd be great if anyone who has the means could eventually do that & probably the only way the war2 population could make any kind of meaningful comeback.

anti-admin camp, please present all arguments to the following -- the server is a public utility hosted & operated by volunteers for free for everyone's enjoyment, thus no one has any obligation to do anything to enhance it, thus no one is at fault for lacking the resources to continue their volunteer efforts at any time or in any capacity. the alternative to an imperfect volunteer server is no server. (although a better server would of course be better! but having anything is still great!)

furthermore, anyone can step up & offer to contribute at any time, and sometimes people do! and that's nice. Tora has done great work hosting tournies & very generously put up his time & cash for that and other things. hail!

finally, the idea that blid operating in the capacity that he does impedes the functioning of the server in any way is entirely unsubstantiated.

i contend these to be the TRUE FACTS about wc2. thank you good night

(wow 77 people online rn, so good)

Offline tk[as]

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Re: I resign as administrator of Warcraft 2
« Reply #17 on: November 05, 2017, 06:23:28 PM »
"hahah, tk has been waiting his whole life for this thread"   ... no, not exactly. but it's definitely reassuring knowing im not the only one who saw this b.s.

and no it's really not any more complex than " "Tora was willing to save everything & iL said no"  ... that's exactly how it goes. I dealt with the exact same b.s. as an admin. Most recently (while not an admin) i identified what seems to be a damn good fix for the hosting issue we've been talking about the last decade. Firewall hole punching is the term i believe. I gave links to the information and programmers for hire who were familiar with it and would know how to do it... and offered to fund/contribute. They ignored it. Completely ignored it.

"the server is a public utility hosted & operated by volunteers for free for everyone's enjoyment, thus no one has any obligation to do anything to enhance it"  ... I personally think that's b.s.. If someone is spending their time and energy trying to enhance a project, and someone else who gives essentially zero contributions to that project stands in your way.. that's a problem... and im sorry but moving a thread around or locking a thread every blue moon is not a serious contribution. If he's still paying for the server I am 100% confident there are other people willing to take on the responsibility of 20-30 bucks a month. and i'm one of them

Offline ~ToRa~

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Re: I resign as administrator of Warcraft 2
« Reply #18 on: November 05, 2017, 07:32:43 PM »
Quote from: Player on Today at 01:22:01 PM
That sucks, thanks for what you've done.  I think the worst of this is how you offered to hire programmers to fix outstanding issues and they were refused.  Complete bullshit. 
the situation is more complex than "Tora was willing to save everything & iL said no" -- i doubt Tora would be willing to put up the cash needed to 1. hire anyone decent 2. fix all problems and 3. do it without iL's guidance through the maze of existing pvpgn customizations (as he has no time to offer it). the alternative is to start from scratch which is certainly possible & maybe the best course but that'd probably cost even more. like tk says it'd be great if anyone who has the means could eventually do that & probably the only way the war2 population could make any kind of meaningful comeback.

Here are some of my conversations I've had with IL over the past 2 years.

Hey IL,

I don't know if you read the forums very much, but there's been a lot of discontent among the users.

They all want things done quickly and efficiently. I realize you are busy and have your own deadlines to get things done.
However I was wondering if there was a way that maybe we can expedite the process.

Right now Blid tells me right now you are working on the competing the anti hack with a hard ware ban.

Would you be interested in maybe accepting some outside help from say a private contractor?

It shouldn't be to difficult finding one from say

Hi, Tora!
Well, i'm very busy with my real life and my main work also, so i paused my war2 projects for a while.

Yes, i plan to improve my antihack soon, that just needs to think hard, so i still paused also.

Not sure how to use some outside help, previous tries (from other community member) haven't been succeed.
I don't think that it could be easy to find anybody who will make something perfect to use for us.
My previous experience shows that solutions becomes unusable and i have to remake them from scratch.

We talked with Lance about some help from his side, he looks like he could be useful, but he disappeared also.

That's also not so easy to find the way to split the antihack task to several people. I know what i want and i have some self-made code, but nobody will continue another's code, so then i need to split project so several parts and to give another part to anyone else...

I still hope i'll find enough time to finish that project for myself soon...

There are some more projects for war2 instead of antihack, but nobody want to work on that...

Hey IL how is everything?

I wanted to see what the update is with ther server situation. And how things are coming along.
I think I saw u mention u may need to change the server again or get some protection. If that is the case and you are short on funds, I wanted to let u know I am more than willing to sponser a more expensive server platform provided it does a good job.

Also if you are busy with work and what not I am also willing to supplement any loss of income u might encounter for time spent on working the server.

Hope to hear back from u soon.

Hi, Tora!

Nice to see you are here and ready to help!
I think our first task should be to get our plan: should we stay on linode, to return back to inferno or to setup some new hosting.
Implementing any additional proxying host (like cloudflare) could be checked, but i don't think it will give us some reasonable performance.

Hi IL,

Im back from vacation and I was wondering what was the update with the whole server hosting.
I think we discussed raising the memory for the server and what not.

Hi, ToRa!
I still didn't have enough time for the war2 to move it to new hosting, plan to do it soon...

Honestly IL im not very educated on software programming and what not.

However I willing to sponsor whatever hosting you decide to do.

Thank you, Blid is paying $10 per month for hosting already. I don't think we would need much more than $10 per month, there are some different hostings with ddos protection in range $10-20 per month. I just hoped Linode will be ok against simple ddos attacks, maybe it will, let me check that for several few days. Lance and GruntX tries to help me also.

I also didn't plan to ask any compensation for my time for 2 reasons: 1. it's just my hobby and i do it for fun. 2. I can't guarantee any successful result for some short time. I just do what i can i try to resolve the problem as quick as i can.

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Re: I resign as administrator of Warcraft 2
« Reply #19 on: November 05, 2017, 07:33:31 PM »
^^Over the course of my tenure as admin I pmed IL numerous times. War2 is IL's hobby and for whatever reason he is unwilling to accept outside help.
Do I know how much it would cost to hire a programmer and get things fixed? No. However I was and am willing to find out how much it would cost. Also I am willing to raise the funds from the community myself included to pay for any said fixes. IL has never allowed me to help him fix issues with the server. That is the truth.

finally, the idea that blid operating in the capacity that he does impedes the functioning of the server in any way is entirely unsubstantiated.

I don't believe blid being admin "impedes" the functioning of the server. The problem I have with him is that he has done virtually nothing to help the server in the past two years. (the server having 77 users today wasn't a result of blid's recent contributions.)
I log 2-4 hours war2 gaming every morning averaging 20-25 hours a week. I play more in a week that blid does in a month. As do many other players on the server.
Furthermore he hasn't even logged on his actual name and played in years.
Many players don't browse the forums and their only interactions with admins are on the server.

I am calling into question Blid's passion for this game. What exactly has he done in the past 2 years? And why exactly is he given administrator status?
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Re: I resign as administrator of Warcraft 2
« Reply #20 on: November 05, 2017, 09:19:17 PM »

« Last Edit: October 03, 2018, 09:56:07 PM by XuRnT »

Offline tk[as]

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Re: I resign as administrator of Warcraft 2
« Reply #21 on: November 05, 2017, 09:46:50 PM »
i dont believe ive ever said anything untrue about convos me and u have had. this is the first you've mentioned it. feel free to correct me if im wrong and be a little bit specific if u can

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Re: I resign as administrator of Warcraft 2
« Reply #22 on: November 05, 2017, 09:51:46 PM »
I have no clue the topic it was in. You just said something to the extent of having conversations with both me and blid, where we said other things about one another. I am sure blid recalls it too. I remember asking him on AIM about it if he really had a convo because I know I didn't. I told you to post the conversation to prove you had it.

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Re: I resign as administrator of Warcraft 2
« Reply #23 on: November 05, 2017, 09:53:24 PM »
If XuRnT ever banned anybody, they deserved it.

War2USA is the fun and friendly place to play Warcraft 2. New players welcome at USA community!

Offline tk[as]

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Re: I resign as administrator of Warcraft 2
« Reply #24 on: November 05, 2017, 09:54:56 PM »
also yeah .. i do like you. i like blid too. i like my boss at work too... but that doesn't mean i don't believe blid is destructive (maybe not intentionally) as admin. That doesnt mean i think my boss should be a boss. I can like people, but still believe they are 100% wrong for the position they're in. blid shouldnt be an admin. plain and simple

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Re: I resign as administrator of Warcraft 2
« Reply #25 on: November 05, 2017, 09:59:32 PM »
we have had private conversations "talking shit" about blid or other admins .. things we were upset about. i had conversations with blid where he was talking shit about iL too .. complaining that iL thinks Americans are made of money .. iL changed server hosts (more expensive) without ever asking Blid if he'd mind paying the extra)  .. had no desire to ever look through all of the conversations to find those small pieces. people believe me or they dont idc. ive never intentionally been dishonest about anything on these forums or in the community

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Re: I resign as administrator of Warcraft 2
« Reply #26 on: November 05, 2017, 10:01:38 PM »
Alright here we go tk I found the post

blid would you like me to post some of your logs? ... is this the game you want to play? want me to show the ones about you talking about LB.. burnt... or the ones about iL  ?

Let's see the logs!

its not gonna happen. blid knows what was said. everything was said in private.

im not going to play this shit

burnt.. me and u have had quite a few of discussions in private about other admins as well.. if i were to show private conversations between me and other admins, it would only be fair i showed ours as well, no? -,-

Show it all!

burnt has done a lot. i know... im just letting him know all of us have said things in private about eachother. so i would appreciate it if he of all people not instigate this already shitty situation

Show anything I have said about admins tk...

If I said something you or they feel is wrong let us have it out there.

Offline tk[as]

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Re: I resign as administrator of Warcraft 2
« Reply #27 on: November 05, 2017, 10:06:15 PM »
do u have this stuff saved in notepad or something?! lol. honestly i dont even remember the things we were discussing. but there have been multiple occasions where all of us have complained about things each other are doing or not doing. if u believe that's untrue of me to say so be it. not going to post logs.. not going to search through the text to find the logs.

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Re: I resign as administrator of Warcraft 2
« Reply #28 on: November 05, 2017, 10:51:56 PM »
@XuRnT that was a very long and detailed post. But after reading it I have decided to resume my duties as admin.
You were very passionate in that post and it would be wrong for me to ignore yours and the communities plea.
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Re: I resign as administrator of Warcraft 2
« Reply #29 on: November 06, 2017, 12:20:55 AM »
WTF. iL is a legend. What problems need to be fixed? Game is fine, no need for any crying or reality TV drama here. Thanks to iL for always looking after us.