Author Topic: Oh Baby  (Read 9172 times)

Offline jessu001

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Oh Baby
« on: June 17, 2017, 02:55:04 AM »
The Problem with the Server

What problem?
There is no problem.
Yet let people who cohabitate the server grow not against themselves with animosity; but to Christ with his strength.
Let those in the server solidify themselves with mastery, not of moving the mouse fast with memorized apertures, conglomerated with rational discoveries, but with rudimentary righteousness that was so important to GOD; that Christ gave up his wife, children house, family, saying, "In nakedness did I come into the world, in nakedness will I return," FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS.
That is to say, it is not trash.
And if Christ didn't exist, the bible in it's miraculous occurrence doesn't exist. But it does, since anyone with any rationale objective to knowing it's divine authenticity just may read it, analyze it, and figure for the sake of avoiding stupidity, that no man, or group of men; or group of devisors could have written such a perfect work in all it's glory, expectation, prophesy, and divine wisdom.
Let all remark therefore not to look at one another, and marvel because you drink yourself drunk, or know how to do drugs that GOD created for you in a way that makes you think you are cooler than your neighbor; rather, love your neighbor as yourself.


Offline mousEtopher

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Re: Oh Baby
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2017, 11:34:42 AM »
Alex I would like to hear your response to Babyshark's points

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Re: Oh Baby
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2017, 12:11:22 PM »
You know jessu has agreed to do war 2 commentaries for the server  :fro:
war2 > war3

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Re: Oh Baby
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2017, 10:45:30 PM »
Does Easycompany remind anyone else of Boomhauer from King of the Hill? He says a bunch of shit that comes out all rambling sounding. Honestly Easy you say the most random shit. You seem like a pretty cool guy just an honest observation lol.

Offline eleison

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Re: Oh Baby
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2017, 02:19:24 PM »
Let those in the server solidify themselves with mastery, not of moving the mouse fast with memorized apertures, conglomerated with rational discoveries, but with rudimentary righteousness that was so important to GOD; that Christ gave up his wife, children house, family, saying, "In nakedness did I come into the world, in nakedness will I return," FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS.

You talk about how the Bible is a perfect work of divine wisdom, yet what you're saying is grossly inaccurate. The quote about nakedness is not something Jesus was recorded saying; it's from Job.

And Jesus was never married, nor did he ever have children. He did not come to earth to get married and have children. He came to die because all of us are sinful, messed up, broken, and dying, and need saving. Jesus coming to die and save us is the heart and core of the entire Bible, yet I never see you mentioning that.

1 Timothy 1:15
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst.


Offline jessu001

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Re: Oh Baby
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2017, 02:44:56 AM »
Hi Babyshark :!) :!) :!) :!)

Offline jessu001

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Re: Oh Baby
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2017, 02:51:40 AM »
Babyshark did this title attract your presence? hehe

I will give you response Babyshark; but it is advanced biblical narrative, and I will have to write for like... 30 minutes. I haven't been in the bible in years; as I don't follow he bible the way I did, due to contact from extraterrestrials.

But as the scripture says, if any man preach, let him do it as the oracles of GOD; if any man teach/assist/help, let him do it in the ability that GOD gives. And Mousey I will respond to lil babyshark. Aww the cute lil baby shark.

Knowing these scriptures, I did not fail when I wrote, yet culminated a point of wisdom, of having followed the scriptures perfectly.

And in regards to your last association with negativity regarding my claims to scriptures; as was presented by you when we were in a game, I will answer you: because I said "Love Jesus Christ," and you said, "You're not getting it," concerning the desires of Christ... if you love Christ you keep His commandments... if Christians don't abide in HIM, thus keeping His commandments, they have no part in Him. So hinder me not, when I say, "Love Jesus Christ," for as Christ said, he that is for us, for us, hinder him not. I won't quote scriptures, as it is written, you do err not knowing the scriptures and the power of GOD; so why would I, deferring from Peter, Paul, John, Luke and others, quote scripture verses, and not just blatantly say them? And this is one of the reasons to your hostility. You must not know the bible.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2017, 02:55:40 AM by jessu001 »

Offline jessu001

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Re: Oh Baby
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2017, 02:52:26 AM »
ufffffffffffff I will respond to babyshark's message just give me a sec  GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Offline jessu001

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Re: Oh Baby
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2017, 02:53:18 AM »
I don't wanna but I will

Offline jessu001

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Re: Oh Baby
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2017, 02:57:19 AM »
First let me make an introduction.

Oh Babyshark! O that you would follow Christ perfectly?

You know the scriptures that is wonderful! The bible is wonderful.

Ok; now I will write in response... as it is written to do good to others, ESPECIALLY christians/household of faith

That is why I write an intro to BABYshark before I respond publicly

Offline jessu001

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Re: Oh Baby
« Reply #10 on: June 25, 2017, 03:57:39 AM »
Yea Christ came to save sinners, bla bla bla. I know about the GREYS.


hmm they don't want me to talk about it.

The bible was very useful to me; and I followed it flawlessly.

What does John say concerning Christ, babyshark!?

HE SAYS BABYSHARK BABYSHARK aww ur such a cuty lil baby sharky awww

* tries to pet it

BABYSHARKY pls pls pls pls pls
dn get mad pls pls I am a flea


Don't get mad at a lil flea pls pls pleasy

(clears throat)
John says Christ is the bible made flesh.


I take it you know that verse; if you don't... I am going to continue not quoting scripture because people should know it... Paul didn't go quoting scripture; Christ said, as it is written....


OHHHH I TAKE YOUr Corinthians 700 and I would like to compare it with my Job 62

I'm not quoting scripture....

Now what does that mean baby!?

I know you haven't stopped to think about it
I hope there isn't a character limit on this thing
Sure it implies that in HIM dwells the fullness of the GODHEAD bodily...

but it also implies that every thing in scripture points to Christ.

Scripturally this is exact. As the law was a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ.

After years of study you might realize on your own, that Absalom was made by GOD without any blemish on his whole body, not because it was GOD's pleasure solely, but because it was to signify to all who read it, that the scriptures have to do with CHRIST, and CHRIST WAS going to be, in the foreknowledge of GOD, without blemish/sin IN HIS ENTIRETY.

Now if someone now points to Absalom saying... Absalom was without blemish on his body, that confirms that Christ was without blemish in sin; if you know the scripture, so say; Amen.
We can learn about Christ through Joseph? Why? Because Joseph was in the scriptures, and Christ is the bible made flesh.... Joseph and Christ were both firstborn.... Both were shepherds.... Coincidence? Nay. Both were loved by their fathers. Both were prophesied to be rulers. Both Joseph and Christ's brethren didn't believe them. Both had prophecies that they would rule Joseph (as Joseph over his brethren and Jacob (named "Israel"))\Christ all Israel. Joseph was sent by his father to his brothers. Christ was sent by His Father to Israel.
Coincidence? Nay.
Reuben wanted to rescue Joseph; Pilate wanted to rescue Christ. Joseph was sold as a slave to Egypt; Christ was betrayed for the price of a slave. Both went to Egypt. The king of Egypt exalted Joseph ruler over all to bring all under the king’s rule; Christ was exalted to bring all under the RULE OF GOD. It goes on and on and on. What do you think the inspired writers of the gospels meant when they said, so it may be fulfilled, "I have called my son out of Egypt?" What does that mean? Hosea was calm in writing of it... It was spoken before Pharoah by Moses, that Israel was GOD's son, even His firstborn. DON'T SAY THIS IS NOT CHRIST IT IS SPEAKING about Israel's children, called the nation of Israel? Because the gospel writers said it was about Christ.

How do you think? That David being the first king chosen by GOD (Saul was roused up by the people, but not chosen specifically in due time) had a name meaning, in the Hebrew tongue, "Beloved of GOD" because it was not referring, pointing to Christ that was going to be born among us? David was named David in the torah/old testament/scriptures TO POINT TO CHRIST. Not for God's sole pleasure in naming David "Beloved of GOD."

I would go on to Solomon and explain BUT I am simply not going to do it....

When the scriptures say that Moses talked with GOD as man does, speaking face to face; is this to be taken as correct?
Absolutely not. Because GOD says, You can not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live.

So why is this contradiction in the bible, that people like Babysharky can't explain?

Except you don't make a website about it haha, saying... BIBLE DOESN'T MAKE SENSE LA LA LA


Can you figure it out?

I did....
*points to himself... ME

As the prophet Jeremy writes, let not a man boast of his strength... his might... a wise man of his wisdom... or a rich man of his great riches, but glory only in the LORD/knowing HIM.


what is the answer babysharky!?

Christ went to the mount... AND....

Why was he transfigured?

Because HE was the one, not Moses, even though the scriptures say Moses, it wasn't Moses as I just proved....
Christ was transfigured, and his face shone as the sun, into another type of 'being' so to speak, and he spoke to GOD face to face....

How do I know that? Not because the writers of the gospel write of it... but because I'm taking it clear back from the books of Moses.

I almost stop... but I will keep going....

Job... let's take Job....

What is another way the scriptures point to Christ?

He fulfills the scriptures another way, too... in that he enacts their specific actions.

Christ had the strength of Samson in that he was able, by his FAITH WHICH WAS LIKE SAMSON's physical strength, to tell the demons that were breaking the chains they bound a man that was possessed by them to depart. No one else could. These demons were in the man... the people would bind that man up with HEAVY CHAIN lots of chain... and just like Samson physically... Christ broke them physically, but by faith....
Samson was showing how strong Christ the Messiah was going to be... and this wasn't written in the Gospels... though many things were, 'specifically.'
I could go on.

The man in 1 Kings 13:18 (I will use the verse to help you) telling the man, "Hey, I am a prophet of GOD too (which he was)... and you are not supposed to do that...." The prophet that failed was shown in the gospels to point to what the Messiah WOULDN'T FAIL. Just like Esau gave his birthright for a bowl of pottage and bread, Christ did not give up His birthright when he was hungered, to satan when satan told him he would give all the world to him, and food, when Christ was hungered, if he would command the stone be made bread.... Christ would have lost his birthright to Satan if he had done so, so to speak. But Christ was the second Adam, and as it is written, Satan has nothing of me. So where did 1 Kings 13:18 show where Christ didn't fail? Like the prophet who had just been given a sign by GOD to HIS WORD (if you read that chapter,) and was recognized by all to be a prophet and had just done a work of GOD in restoring the King's hand (I won't go into the meaning of this)... but Christ ENACTED that AND DIDN'T FAIL because that situation was shown when Peter was called THE ROCK ON WHICH CHRIST WOULD BUILD HIS CHURCH; but after being so called, Peter rebuked Christ, saying, Not so! You will not die in such a way! You are the SON OF GOD! so Christ, rather than failing like the prophet in 1 Kings 13:18 (not named), he prevailed.
Therefore, babyshark, I hope you are beloved of GOD; I hope everything is soooo wonderful for you... when Job said, "Naked came I from the womb, and naked shall I return..." this was POINTING to Christ in figurative form, of what Christ did with his life, saying at the end, "My soul is exceeding sorrowful unto death," and that all the things he was going to suffer, and had suffered were realized. Every bad thing that happened to JOB wasn't for GOD's amusement, and it wasn't even for sole edification/knowledge/subsistence toward HIS WILL, it was for Christ, and what he would go through, and what happened to HIM. Anyone that follows Christ, as it is written of HIM saying, must leave WIFE, FATHER, MOTHER, CHILD, HOUSE OR YOU ARE NOT, absolutely NOT his disciple. Christ therefore did these things while He, being the master, was on the earth. He denied Himself; as He said whoever comes after Him let them deny themselves, and prepare for the worst of possible deaths to happen to them because of it EVERY DAY. So what I said was correct.

What about Jacob?
Jacob/Israel as written and described in the bible, is not just about him... or even about learning about GOD through HIM; but way back LEARNING about Christ, due to the foreknowledge of GOD on Christ the Messiah
For example...
Jacob's Ladder.
Christ, likewise, in fulfillment of this, WAY BACK in the torah, said, Verily verily I say unto you, Hereafter thou shalt see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man"
Jacob was also named "Israel," and thus seeing this in a dream was as seeing heaven and earth through the One Mediator, Jesus Christ for all believers.

Israel/Jacob wrestled with an angel of GOD all night, why? Because Christ, as it is typified by Him praying ALL NIGHT, has power with GOD and man and prevailed. Did Jacob correspond to this of what the angel told him? Jacob was limping afterward... but whereas Jacob failed, it was pointing to where Christ in the foreknowledge of GOD SUCCEEDED.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2017, 10:13:51 AM by jessu001 »

Offline jessu001

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Re: Oh Baby
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2017, 04:00:50 AM »
And lastly, (BabySharky,) I don't follow the bible the way I did, due to contact from extraterrestrials...
and no longer preach the way I did. So I TOTALLY understand your commitment to my wedding with HIM that I should
properly signify His deeds of shed blood.

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Re: Oh Baby
« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2017, 04:22:52 AM »
pic of me

Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled.

What GOD has brought together let no man put away.

in Christ is forgiveness for sex outside of marriage but GOD IS NOT MOCKED what a man sows that will he also reap.

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Re: Oh Baby
« Reply #13 on: June 25, 2017, 05:36:32 AM »
Do you smoke crack?

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Re: Oh Baby
« Reply #14 on: June 25, 2017, 12:41:45 PM »
Yea Christ came to save sinners, bla bla bla. I know about the GREYS.


hmm they don't want me to talk about it.

The bible was very useful to me; and I followed it flawlessly.

What does John say concerning Christ, babyshark!?

HE SAYS BABYSHARK BABYSHARK aww ur such a cuty lil baby sharky awww

* tries to pet it

BABYSHARKY pls pls pls pls pls
dn get mad pls pls I am a flea


Don't get mad at a lil flea pls pls pleasy

(clears throat)
John says Christ is the bible made flesh.


I take it you know that verse; if you don't... I am going to continue not quoting scripture because people should know it... Paul didn't go quoting scripture; Christ said, as it is written....


OHHHH I TAKE YOUr Corinthians 700 and I would like to compare it with my Job 62

I'm not quoting scripture....

Now what does that mean baby!?

I know you haven't stopped to think about it
I hope there isn't a character limit on this thing
Sure it implies that in HIM dwells the fullness of the GODHEAD bodily...

but it also implies that every thing in scripture points to Christ.

Scripturally this is exact. As the law was a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ.

After years of study you might realize on your own, that Absalom was made by GOD without any blemish on his whole body, not because it was GOD's pleasure solely, but because it was to signify to all who read it, that the scriptures have to do with CHRIST, and CHRIST WAS going to be, in the foreknowledge of GOD, without blemish/sin IN HIS ENTIRETY.

Now if someone now points to Absalom saying... Absalom was without blemish on his body, that confirms that Christ was without blemish in sin; if you know the scripture, so say; Amen.
We can learn about Christ through Joseph? Why? Because Joseph was in the scriptures, and Christ is the bible made flesh.... Joseph and Christ were both firstborn.... Both were shepherds.... Coincidence? Nay. Both were loved by their fathers. Both were prophesied to be rulers. Both Joseph and Christ's brethren didn't believe them. Both had prophecies that they would rule Joseph (as Joseph over his brethren and Jacob (named "Israel"))\Christ all Israel. Joseph was sent by his father to his brothers. Christ was sent by His Father to Israel.
Coincidence? Nay.
Reuben wanted to rescue Joseph; Pilate wanted to rescue Christ. Joseph was sold as a slave to Egypt; Christ was betrayed for the price of a slave. Both went to Egypt. The king of Egypt exalted Joseph ruler over all to bring all under the king’s rule; Christ was exalted to bring all under the RULE OF GOD. It goes on and on and on. What do you think the inspired writers of the gospels meant when they said, so it may be fulfilled, "I have called my son out of Egypt?" What does that mean? Hosea was calm in writing of it... It was spoken before Pharoah by Moses, that Israel was GOD's son, even His firstborn. DON'T SAY THIS IS NOT CHRIST IT IS SPEAKING about Israel's children, called the nation of Israel? Because the gospel writers said it was about Christ.

How do you think? That David being the first king chosen by GOD (Saul was roused up by the people, but not chosen specifically in due time) had a name meaning, in the Hebrew tongue, "Beloved of GOD" because it was not referring, pointing to Christ that was going to be born among us? David was named David in the torah/old testament/scriptures TO POINT TO CHRIST. Not for God's sole pleasure in naming David "Beloved of GOD."

I would go on to Solomon and explain BUT I am simply not going to do it....

When the scriptures say that Moses talked with GOD as man does, speaking face to face; is this to be taken as correct?
Absolutely not. Because GOD says, You can not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live.

So why is this contradiction in the bible, that people like Babysharky can't explain?

Except you don't make a website about it haha, saying... BIBLE DOESN'T MAKE SENSE LA LA LA


Can you figure it out?

I did....
*points to himself... ME

As the prophet Jeremy writes, let not a man boast of his strength... his might... a wise man of his wisdom... or a rich man of his great riches, but glory only in the LORD/knowing HIM.


what is the answer babysharky!?

Christ went to the mount... AND....

Why was he transfigured?

Because HE was the one, not Moses, even though the scriptures say Moses, it wasn't Moses as I just proved....
Christ was transfigured, and his face shone as the sun, into another type of 'being' so to speak, and he spoke to GOD face to face....

How do I know that? Not because the writers of the gospel write of it... but because I'm taking it clear back from the books of Moses.

I almost stop... but I will keep going....

Job... let's take Job....

What is another way the scriptures point to Christ?

He fulfills the scriptures another way, too... in that he enacts their specific actions.

Christ had the strength of Samson in that he was able, by his FAITH WHICH WAS LIKE SAMSON's physical strength, to tell the demons that were breaking the chains they bound a man that was possessed by them to depart. No one else could. These demons were in the man... the people would bind that man up with HEAVY CHAIN lots of chain... and just like Samson physically... Christ broke them physically, but by faith....
Samson was showing how strong Christ the Messiah was going to be... and this wasn't written in the Gospels... though many things were, 'specifically.'
I could go on.

The man in 1 Kings 13:18 (I will use the verse to help you) telling the man, "Hey, I am a prophet of GOD too (which he was)... and you are not supposed to do that...." The prophet that failed was shown in the gospels to point to what the Messiah WOULDN'T FAIL. Just like Esau gave his birthright for a bowl of pottage and bread, Christ did not give up His birthright when he was hungered, to satan when satan told him he would give all the world to him, and food, when Christ was hungered, if he would command the stone be made bread.... Christ was have lost his birthright to Satan if he had done so, so to speak. But Christ was the second Adam, and as it is written, Satan has nothing of me. So where did 1 Kings 13:18 show where Christ didn't fail? Like the prophet who had just been given a sign by GOD to HIS WORD (if you read that chapter,) and was recognized by all to be a prophet and had just done a work of GOD in restoring the King's hand (I won't go into the meaning of this)... but Christ ENACTED that AND DIDN'T FAIL because that situation was shown when Peter was called THE ROCK ON WHICH CHRIST WOULD BUILD HIS CHURCH; but after being so called, Peter rebuked Christ, saying, Not so! You will not die in such a way! You are the SON OF GOD! so Christ, rather than failing like the prophet in 1 Kings 13:18 (not named), he prevailed.
Therefore, babyshark, I hope you are beloved of GOD; I hope everything is soooo wonderful for you... when Job said, "Naked came I from the womb, and naked shall I return..." this was POINTING to Christ in figurative form, of what Christ did with his life, saying at the end, "My soul is exceeding sorrowful unto death," and that all the things he was going to suffer, and had suffered were realized. Every bad thing that happened to JOB wasn't for GOD's amusement, and it wasn't even for sole edification/knowledge/subsistence toward HIS WILL, it was for Christ, and what he would go through, and what happened to HIM. Anyone that follows Christ, as it is written of HIM saying, must leave WIFE, FATHER, MOTHER, CHILD, HOUSE OR YOU ARE NOT, absolutely NOT his disciple. Christ therefore did these things while He, being the master, was on the earth. He denied Himself; as He said whoever comes after Him let them deny themselves, and prepare for the worst of possible deaths to happen to them because of it EVERY DAY. So what I said was correct.

What about Jacob?
Jacob/Israel as written and described in the bible, is not just about him... or even about learning about GOD through HIM; but way back LEARNING about Christ, due to the foreknowledge of GOD on Christ the Messiah
For example...
Jacob's Ladder.
Christ, likewise, in fulfillment of this, WAY BACK in the torah, said, Verily verily I say unto you, Hereafter thou shalt see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man"
Jacob was also named "Israel," and thus seeing this in a dream was as seeing heaven and earth through the One Mediator, Jesus Christ for all believers.

Israel/Jacob wrestled with an angel of GOD all night, why? Because Christ, as it is typified by Him praying ALL NIGHT, has power with GOD and man and prevailed. Did Jacob correspond to this of what the angel told him? Jacob was limping afterward... but whereas Jacob failed, it was pointing to where Christ in the foreknowledge of GOD SUCCEEDED.
