Author Topic: PLZ fix the hosting issue.... :/  (Read 19120 times)

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Re: PLZ fix the hosting issue.... :/
« Reply #15 on: December 18, 2016, 09:10:59 PM »
War2custom fixed the hosting issue, but at that time no one was interested cause he was on bad terms with everyone, if your on good terms with lance now maybe ask him for whatever it is that fixed it ? it would make it easier

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Re: PLZ fix the hosting issue.... :/
« Reply #16 on: December 19, 2016, 12:33:52 AM »
war2ru has the exact same fix as war2custom had (ie upnp). if you still cant host youre gonna have a lot of trouble regardless.

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Re: PLZ fix the hosting issue.... :/
« Reply #17 on: December 19, 2016, 07:18:07 AM »
How about start a kickstarter for paying to fix the hosting issue tk? Ripe says he will pay money, other people interested in war2 and the server might as well. Once funds are in hand then it will make sense and there will be much more incentive to proceed with the next steps. (Maybe we could even tap lamby to do it, he seems geniusy enough!) It's easy and lazy to say "do xyz and everything will be roses, shame on you" which doesn't at all appreciate the amount of work involved in actually doing so.

excatly. i dont have the skills or any technical knowledge. so i offer money. hundreds of ppl in this community. if every1 puts up some bucks it should be easy? ...

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Re: PLZ fix the hosting issue.... :/
« Reply #18 on: December 19, 2016, 09:20:48 AM »
You just need to create a VPN to put everyone into a LAN with the pvpgn server change your game data port done!!! Hosting fixed! People not inside the Lan will not be able to join games with people who are...

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Re: PLZ fix the hosting issue.... :/
« Reply #19 on: December 19, 2016, 09:34:19 AM »
What a great world some of you must live in where other people do your job for you.

I'm an electrician and own a small power washing company .. I wish i could tell the customer "Hey if you want that extra outlet over there.. put it in yourself"    or "If you want your roof cleaned also, you're going to have to do it" 

i dont own/operate/run the server... im not on the admin staff... neither is ripe .. it is neither of our responsibility to take care of these basic issues.

I could easily contact a programmer who is capable of fixing hosting for our PvPGN server via "firewall hole punching"  .. but it's not my responsibility?! ... and even if i did take the initiative to do the admin staff's job for them, chances are iL's paranoid ass would be like "I don't trust TK or whoever he hired to take care of this so im not going to patch the server with it"   .. no no no.. hell fking no. gtfo here with that "well YOU can fix our server for us TK!" lol

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Re: PLZ fix the hosting issue.... :/
« Reply #20 on: December 19, 2016, 09:37:33 AM »
or "hey TK just give us the money so we can do it!"    some of you are so ass fucking backwards i cant help but be bothered by the fact that some of you will pro-create and further pollute the gene pool with that same "you do it for me even though im in charge!" mentality.

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Re: PLZ fix the hosting issue.... :/
« Reply #21 on: December 19, 2016, 09:38:13 AM »
how do other people not find this troubling

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Re: PLZ fix the hosting issue.... :/
« Reply #22 on: December 19, 2016, 09:56:29 AM »
man,some people are just non computer people.

i would just use lances ef bot. dude is pretty cool.

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Re: PLZ fix the hosting issue.... :/
« Reply #23 on: December 19, 2016, 09:58:25 AM »
man,some people are just non computer people.

i would just use lances ef bot. dude is pretty cool.

Fuck it ; ) war2 = computer nerds! We all tech savy here ;)

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Re: PLZ fix the hosting issue.... :/
« Reply #24 on: December 19, 2016, 10:18:20 AM »
what do you mean "what exactly you want to do after you buy the server?"  ??   .. i'd try to grow it obviously. I'm not going to put money into something for no reason.
I mean, how buying the server depends on your possibility to grow it?
Last time you made a page (or group) on facebook, ok, you are the owner and your conflict with our admin team didn't have influence on your project, right?

Burnt makes streaming videos, tournaments, festivals, partys for war2 and he requested to remove his admin from site and server, though we asked him to stay. I mean, Burnt is not an admin officially, but that's not a problem for him to grow up a community. He still makes more than all the other members for our game.

I take care of this game and community, i'm for everything good and against everything bad.
If i trust someone can do something good, i don't need money to give him what he need.
As i gave most access to mousey, because she is experienced admin and webmaster, she makes things perfect i think.

You are not an IT specialist, so how that access can help us to make things better?

If you mean to buy the server to let you give orders to other admins - i don't think that is a way to cooperation. I also don't trust that your ideas are really better than ours. We discuss everything together before implementing things. Several guys are smarter than 1. You also feel free to talk to us, to discuss your ideas and to convince us. That is how we make things.
Our conversatinos (before you exited) showed me you don't accept that way of cooperation.

But ... i've said it before and i'll say it again.. if blid/iL want to jumpstart some life back into this server .. treat the admin as staff members with duties.
The problem is: we have no money to pay for that as for a job. Do you have an idea where to find money to pay to good admin/moderator monthly? And how much money to pay? I think, blid/mousey do their moderation job good. (I mean, this forum)

advertise at least 10 different places a month (youtube channels, gaming forums, facebook...)
be logged on as admin at least 20 hours a month (blid doesn't even do 1 hour a month)  so users can identify them and ask for assistance if needed
play a minimum of 50 games a month  (encourages admins to engage in community)
stream a minimum of 20 games a month (also advertisement for the server)
Do you mean everything of this have to be done by each staff member or by all of them?

Now these duties are shared to several persons. 2-3 make streaming videos, 2-3 make tournaments, 2-3 are being logged as admins...

I don't see how to find more active members: people do what they want and what they like to do. We can't pay them monthly and i don't think hired man can do that better.
pretty basic shit that admins should already be doing imo... if they don't meet expectations, demote them ... if they go above and beyond expectations, give them other perks .. like access to database or forum admin etc.. maybe some sort of recognition ...
Things happen the way you talking about: i tried to moderate, i understood that i'm not good in that job, i stopped my moderation. Mousey made some good stuff, and now she has access and manages all the subdomains. Burnt tried moderating and tried streaming, tounaments, he turned down his mod job.
Our admin team choose roles for every member according to his desires.

Burnt would be given responsibilities/come level of power again.
We asked him. He disagree.
Foonat would be demoted unless he decided he wanted to be actively engaged in the community again
Never saw him on the server last years. Is that a problem if someone have some powers and never join to use them? Nobody even know about that power them. I think not a problem to demote if he never use that.
Also, I reconfig software from time to time, admins passwords becomes broken until the request. Then i restore access for those who request. Never got any requests from foonat. I even didn't see his aka in any credentials last years.
Lightbringer's access to database would be removed, but still have the option of being admin if he wanted to perform the duties i described
Last time he made some job for catching dellam's smurfs as i remember... Just checked: he still have no access right now. Since last time i reconfigured servers. Only me, blid and mousey.
oh.. and if i owned it i would definitely want to have some sort of communication with you iL and keep you as involved as possible because you have a ton of experience with the server.
Yes, and i don't see any alternative to me here. Even if i'd want to go away, i don't see a successor. Most likely mousey, for most questions, but the project still needs me i think.
the way i would run/operate the server should be no secret. it would be ran like a business. Staff (admins) perform basic duties and assist players.. promotions and recognition are given to staff that meet/exceed expectations. demotions for those who do not meet expectations .. but ultimately the position is always available to anyone and everyone who wants it whenever they want it.
The question is how much money you can spend to the project. I'd say, you need several hundred $ every month for everything you said. And no ideas how you plan to return that money back to you.
How about start a kickstarter for paying to fix the hosting issue tk? Ripe says he will pay money, other people interested in war2 and the server might as well. Once funds are in hand then it will make sense and there will be much more incentive to proceed with the next steps.
Agree: you can try to gather the money to make some kind of hosting fix. If you plan to be a leader, it will be your task. But i have no idea how to implement that technically.
The hosting problem is wide. We already made uPNP loader for make auot-port forwarding via router. We (lance) made a hostbot. We made instructions about port forwarding. If your ip is gray, there's no way to host games instead to changing your ISP or buy VPN for about $5/month.
We can make an instruction about VPN if needed.
There's no way to resolve other situations. I have no idea how to resolve other even if you hire a programmer for $10000 or $100000.
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Re: PLZ fix the hosting issue.... :/
« Reply #25 on: December 19, 2016, 10:41:48 AM »
I could easily contact a programmer who is capable of fixing hosting for our PvPGN server via "firewall hole punching"  .. but it's not my responsibility?! ... and even if i did take the initiative to do the admin staff's job for them, chances are iL's paranoid ass would be like "I don't trust TK or whoever he hired to take care of this so im not going to patch the server with it"   .. no no no.. hell fking no. gtfo here with that "well YOU can fix our server for us TK!" lol
If you can find a programmer and he can implement "firewall hole punching", that looks interesting!
Another thing, is i don't think such project is possible without my part. I mean, there will no result if i just give you full access to the server, relax... and we are happy.
I think that will be a big work together with me, to attach it to our server configuration.

Otherwise, if you don't work together with us, you feel free to release that project on your own hardware.
"Hole punching client" will use your own "hole punching server", war2 client will use Also possbile configuration, not more difficult than to place "hole punching server" on

As i understand, that should be a client-server application. Server-side could be a or any other server, client side should be an .exe-file on every client computer.
You can do that yourself or together with us, up to you.
If you share the source codes of your project to me, i can confirm it's safe thing to use. And include to shared pack (like combat or w/e.)
Of course, if you will share some .exe without source code, i can't confirm it's safe. But you can share it yourself, people will use it on their own risk. Looks reasonable, isn't it?

P.S: "firewall hole punching" will not cover 100% of situations, but will definitely resolve some of current problems.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2016, 10:47:57 AM by iL »
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Re: PLZ fix the hosting issue.... :/
« Reply #26 on: December 19, 2016, 10:46:41 AM »
You just need to create a VPN to put everyone into a LAN with the pvpgn server change your game data port done!!! Hosting fixed! People not inside the Lan will not be able to join games with people who are...

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Re: PLZ fix the hosting issue.... :/
« Reply #27 on: December 19, 2016, 10:51:02 AM »
You just need to create a VPN to put everyone into a LAN with the pvpgn server change your game data port done!!! Hosting fixed! People not inside the Lan will not be able to join games with people who are...
Yes, that is how russian VPN worked years ago. That will cause lages when clients locations are different.
But we can use VPN with several external addresses: each address for each client. That will allow connections between clients inside VPN subnet and outside ones.
But that will require money for each external ip address for VPN.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2016, 10:52:36 AM by iL »
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Re: PLZ fix the hosting issue.... :/
« Reply #28 on: December 19, 2016, 11:02:53 AM »
You just need to create a VPN to put everyone into a LAN with the pvpgn server change your game data port done!!! Hosting fixed! People not inside the Lan will not be able to join games with people who are...
Yes, that is how russian VPN worked years ago. That will cause lages when clients locations are different.
But we can use VPN with several external addresses: each address for each client. That will allow connections between clients inside VPN subnet and outside ones.
But that will require money for each external ip address for VPN.

I thought the lag will be the same regardless. If so I'm sure we can purchase a few ips incase that is an issue. I would also assume if they have lag issues the lag will be persistent with or without VPN. If we can say this will solve 100% of hosting issues and 5% lag. I think it's a good change.

We should not need different IP address because we are in the same LAN they would just need different ports. In which the newest combat edition changes it automatically.

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Re: PLZ fix the hosting issue.... :/
« Reply #29 on: December 19, 2016, 11:10:13 AM »
You just need to create a VPN to put everyone into a LAN with the pvpgn server change your game data port done!!! Hosting fixed! People not inside the Lan will not be able to join games with people who are...
Yes, that is how russian VPN worked years ago. That will cause lages when clients locations are different.
But we can use VPN with several external addresses: each address for each client. That will allow connections between clients inside VPN subnet and outside ones.
But that will require money for each external ip address for VPN.

I thought the lag will be the same regardless. If so I'm sure we can purchase a few ips incase that is an issue. I would also assume if they have lag issues the lag will be persistent with or without VPN. If we can say this will solve 100% of hosting issues and 5% lag. I think it's a good change.

We should not need different IP address because we are in the same LAN they would just need different ports. In which the newest combat edition changes it automatically.

I think making more than 2-3 clients on different ports of 1 ip is not a good idea. Of course we can try, but i thought about 5-10 ips for porblem clients. The question is how to manage them. We have to give that vpn access manually for several known clients with problems.

And we made tests years ago: sometimes VPN between 2 clients increases lags, sometimes it resolves the lag problem. I think the goal is different routing between VPN and direct connections inside global network...
What VPN can definitely resolve, is ip conflict.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2016, 11:11:55 AM by iL »
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