Author Topic: War2 over Linux  (Read 41868 times)

Offline Igognito

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Re: War2 over Linux
« Reply #45 on: December 15, 2016, 08:31:12 AM »
I have started making a more friendly guide.
It will be a few page pdf with images etc...

It will include many tips and solutions to problems I encountered.

Hopefully, I will get it finished this weekend.
War2 Linux Guide v1 :-D

To use ddraw.dll you need to define an override for wine. I will present how in my guide.

Savior is open source? Give me the link, I will have a look and see if I can get it to work under linux.
I never did any invasive programming but I'm fast to learn stuff like that :-P


ps: Also ddraw.dll needs to be more efficient. I should get a profiler for wine and see what mess up its performance on the users box. Is Aqrit active in the forum?

Offline iL

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Re: War2 over Linux
« Reply #46 on: December 15, 2016, 09:21:56 AM »
ps: Also ddraw.dll needs to be more efficient. I should get a profiler for wine and see what mess up its performance on the users box. Is Aqrit active in the forum?

Not sure if he is active now, but i think yes. He answered quickly every time i PM'ed or emailed him:;u=563
Not sure it's possible to make ddraw more efficient, here's the thread:,1790.0.html

Savior is open source? Give me the link, I will have a look and see if I can get it to work under linux.
I never did any invasive programming but I'm fast to learn stuff like that :-P


I have started making a more friendly guide.
It will be a few page pdf with images etc...

It will include many tips and solutions to problems I encountered.

Hopefully, I will get it finished this weekend.
War2 Linux Guide v1 :-D

To use ddraw.dll you need to define an override for wine. I will present how in my guide.

Would be great! I'll try to install/config war2 with your guide and think how to optimize the process.
Need help to translate War2Combat to German, French, Italian, Polish or another language:,4728.0.html
Please, contact me if you are interested in that.

Offline Igognito

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Re: War2 over Linux
« Reply #47 on: December 15, 2016, 12:30:27 PM »
And another breakthrough!!!

I managed to get warvid working by using:
taskset -c 0 wine program_name.exe
to run war2
and to run warvid!

This will be included to the guide!!!!

The command sets the affinity to 0!
Probably also insight will work in the same way!

unfortunately that trick didn't work for cpusavior.

Which almost remains the last task for a 100% functional war2combat under linux!!!!

Offline Igognito

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Re: War2 over Linux
« Reply #48 on: December 20, 2016, 02:30:33 PM »
Hello all!

I have made a pdf version of the guide.

Tasks pending:
(1) cpu_savior or a similar utility
(2) Create a linux war2 package for distribution in Ubuntu Software Center? Or perhaps only add a link to the with nice images.
(3) Start with other distributions

Cheers all