Author Topic: War2 over Linux  (Read 41869 times)

Online iL

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Re: War2 over Linux
« Reply #30 on: September 19, 2016, 06:37:40 AM »
cpusavier 1-2 cause a memory dump of the wine desktop
@Il: do you still develop this? perhaps if I somehow get to record the messages you might be able to fix it! I believe it could be  a "security" issue.
Well, not a high priority task, but yes, i think i can look into it, especially for ver 1.
I also going to continue on win 8-10, so i hope to fix bugs for these windows. I think would be better to rewrite savior. I don't like it's current code.

Also i don't trust that's not possible to make insight and warvideo to work, i hope need to make some additional config things to start it. These things worked find for all windows for years, so should be a way to run then on wine also.
I still had no time to test linux as i promised, i'll try it soon...
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Re: War2 over Linux
« Reply #31 on: September 20, 2016, 04:41:41 PM »
Well, not a high priority task, but yes, i think i can look into it, especially for ver 1.
I also going to continue on win 8-10, so i hope to fix bugs for these windows. I think would be better to rewrite savior. I don't like it's current code.

Great, I will try to get you the dump. It is not a really urgent issue but it would be nice to stop having the fan working every now and then :-P

Also i don't trust that's not possible to make insight and warvideo to work, i hope need to make some additional config things to start it. These things worked find for all windows for years, so should be a way to run then on wine also.
I still had no time to test linux as i promised, i'll try it soon...

About warvideo and insight. There are several issues to consider that makes it hard to use them. First, that you need to return to your desktop in order to start them. Second, well I got to start insight but it simply crashed :-( I will try again.

There is another program called hypervideo I think. I had a brief look at it. This could work but I'm afraid it lags badly the game.
I will do more tests when I have the time and keep you informed.

I think in the end we should be able to compile a decent guide even for new linux users.


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Re: War2 over Linux
« Reply #32 on: September 21, 2016, 01:23:06 PM »
I've been playing alot of Warcraft since my last post and its working great.

Only problems, as you know, is black screens in chat and stuff but fully functional and perfect in game.

Only glitch I have found since last post is losing keyboard focus after 1st game (only happens sometimes I think), but I can fix it by quickly switching workspaces and then switching back (SUPER + right arrow, SUPER + left arrow)

So because I have that quick workaround, I havent even spent anytime trying to fix it yet but maybe Ill get around to it.

I really want to get War2Video working or an alternative, but havent spent any time yet. Ill let you know what I find.
Also on my todo list is the Map Editor, if I can get those 2 to work thatd be awesome

By the way, I didnt use the PlayOnLinux War2 installer, I set it up custom settings. You should checkout PlayOnLinux because i think of it like a virtual machine manager for Wine installs. It allows you to run multiple versions of Wine and assign them to different programs easily. Also you can use it to manage the wine instances which each have their own 'drives', + their own libraries installed

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Re: War2 over Linux
« Reply #33 on: September 22, 2016, 07:17:49 PM »
I tried the editor at some point. It gave me some problems but I do not remember the details.
It was not important for me as I also have 1 win machine where I could use the editor if I wanted.

The keyboard focus problem I only solved it by using xinit (that is the main reason I use it)
I hadn't tried your key combinations but it was so annoying that I prefer my solution.

Lately, I'm getting more crashes I think it must be the observer :-(

About PlayOnLinux. I have used it. It is not for me though... I like wine simple :-P (well with wine tricks but that is a detail)

Keep playing, I hope to find you online and we have a game together. Together with Disgruntled we 3 use linux to play :-)

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Re: War2 over Linux
« Reply #34 on: September 27, 2016, 07:09:54 PM »
I got WarVid working on Linux/Ubuntu --- it required mfc42 library (winetricks)

I also got Map Editor working, it just worked on whatever winetricks I already had installed for Warcraft2.

It just lags a bit tho, the mini-map displays the map perfectly, but when you move it to look at a new area it takes about 2seconds for the window to refresh which is weird but useable, like you said, if you are serious about map editing you can run a Windows VM

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Re: War2 over Linux
« Reply #35 on: September 28, 2016, 09:48:30 AM »
I will try again... I tried it and added the library you mention. But that was not enough. The problem for me arises that I cant safely alt-tab among windows applications. If I can somehow start warvid recording without alt-tab then it should work!

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Re: War2 over Linux
« Reply #36 on: September 28, 2016, 10:18:14 AM »
I'm unable to get back to the desktop at all while running War2 - here's how I do it

I open War2 in its own workspace, then I SUPER + RIGHT to get to the next workspace, then I use that workspace to open whatever program I want to be able to access while playing Warcraft (spotify, warvid, etc) then SUPER + LEFT to get back to war2

It works

Only one problem I have noticed with Warvid is that once I go back to Warvid to clear/save a recording and start a new one (with War2 still running in the other workspace), all of the buttons on Warvid are hidden the menu is all black

But the buttons are still there and they all reappear when you click one of them

So just memorize where the Start/Stop recording button is (bottom right) then hit where it should be. The recording will stop and then the buttons to save/clear will reappear. So I save it and then press record again and switch back to the War2 workspace

Lol the shit we have to put up with to play on Linux. I'm still just totally stoked I dont have to play inside a VM anymore tho, no mouse lag! And in game is actually even better than when I played on Win7
« Last Edit: September 28, 2016, 10:20:25 AM by Wretcher »

Offline Disgruntled

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Re: War2 over Linux
« Reply #37 on: September 28, 2016, 11:49:20 AM »
Also the user jos is playing on a linux machine.

never tried to get warvid running... Will give it a go this week and report back

My bug question at the moment is regarding 100% cpu usage
Has anyone found a fix.  I scale the cpus to 75% with an applet...

Has anyone had luck with the cpulimit command... Ir are we all suffering with high temps and cpu usage?

Also ive been using wine-staging for a lot less crashing

Cpuscaling applet im using (bios quiet and cool i think meeds to be on)
There a command line interface that can make this change too but the gui is easy for me

Info on winestaging... Its the development version so ot may mot be as stable but im finding it works well.  Can be installed side by side or as complete replacement for wine.
Use at own risk!!! If things are working well without it i wouldn't mess with it
Fixed a lot of crashes for me but inteoduced an issue with focus where i need to alt tab out and in to get text imput focus (ie type in password)

Also i think its worth noting the performance is majorly effected by using the right graphics driver (restricted drivers settings).  I assume the people using wine regularly know this but new players may not realize this is so important
« Last Edit: September 28, 2016, 12:41:18 PM by Disgruntled »

Offline Igognito

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Re: War2 over Linux
« Reply #38 on: September 28, 2016, 12:19:42 PM »
I tried the cpu util but it crashes war2 the moment it launches.
I believe it could be a security issue. (As from my understanding the utility modifies the protected memory of war2)

Perhaps trying it with elevated right might allow it to work.

how do you get to scale the cpu to 75?

Also what is the wine-staging, could you give a guide for using those?


Offline Disgruntled

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Re: War2 over Linux
« Reply #39 on: September 28, 2016, 12:39:38 PM »
Can confirm neither version of cpusavior works for me either (elevated priv.  Or not) Appreciate IL and a possible rewrite attempt sometime down the line :)

Offline Disgruntled

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Re: War2 over Linux
« Reply #40 on: September 28, 2016, 12:48:00 PM »
Also i think if we could say hey: heres a game you can play on linux,  here are some easy directions.  Posted to the correct places we could see an small influx of new players looking for a game that works well and is nostalgic. Even just us writing here may help

Also there seems to be more documentation on diablo 2 and starcraft 2... Often the problems we are having have been solved by those guys
« Last Edit: September 28, 2016, 12:50:23 PM by Disgruntled »

Offline Igognito

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Re: War2 over Linux
« Reply #41 on: November 18, 2016, 12:45:57 PM »
Hi all,

recently I had a new problem with war2 over linux!
After getting a few units everything was getting slow! It wasn't lag it was just sluggish!

I mentioned it to Disgruntled and he said that it is the graphics card and that I need to install the proprietary drivers of nvidia.

So I went to check and !!! guess what, I had the drivers installed.
I was out of ideas but I decided to check if it happens in single player too.
And the problem appeared there too.
After exiting war2 by accident I noticed that wine was giving me an error message about 32bit and opengl.

I go what???? I have opengl and the drivers work fine (or at least report it works fine)
Then I did what every computer scientist should do when he gets a problem that makes no sense! Reinstall :-D

So now that I shared my pain let me give you an explanation.

It appears that the NVIDIA drivers or opengl got an update! But the link among the two was not recompiled... As a result even if everything was reported fine the two where not working.
Solution: Deactivate driver->reboot->Reactivate driver->reboot

Also useful to know that war2 requires the propitiatory drivers to play smoothly.

To linux players:
Major tasks pending:
 (1) Getting a recording app to consistently work.
 (2) Getting the cpu 100% problem handled.
 (3) Create a war2 package for distribution?

does anyone ever done something similar with (3)?
It would be cool if users could go to the software center and get even just a link to with a nice step by step description of how to install war2!

That will certainly get us some people trying it out!


Offline Igognito

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Re: War2 over Linux
« Reply #42 on: December 12, 2016, 02:40:24 PM »
Hello all!

I believe I managed to fix one more problem!
the colors inside the menu. Which are important mainly for hosting easier games :-)

We need the following stuff:
This ddraw.dll is able to fix the menus correctly on Windows.
And here is the source code:

I think that also iL had mentioned it. But the trick to make it work was there:

You need to overidde the dll the procedure is described on the above guide.
I will make an upgraded post of the total guide one of these days!


ps: I will also try this:

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Re: War2 over Linux
« Reply #43 on: December 15, 2016, 07:27:56 AM »
Great job, Igognito!
Sorry, i promised to check that on my linux desktop, but i still have no time for that.
Nice to see the project war2 over linux is alive!

I hope to release a new version of combat, to make it compatible with as many systems as possible. Appreciate your part with linux compatibility.
I still didn't have time to config any kind of working linux desktop+wine to try war2, nice to see you do it yourself successfully!

When i read something like your posts, i want to go into that and do something immediately. That is really interesting for me. But then i return to my real life and see i have many other high-priority and interesting projects. Sad there's so many interesting projects and so few time for them in my life...
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Online iL

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Re: War2 over Linux
« Reply #44 on: December 15, 2016, 07:42:28 AM »
Can confirm neither version of cpusavior works for me either (elevated priv.  Or not) Appreciate IL and a possible rewrite attempt sometime down the line :)
Savior uses hardcoded addresses in process memory. These addresses are the same for all windows xp&7 (most likely), but i'm not sure if they are declared the same on any system.
I have no knowledge about memory management, i just tried and that worked for win xp and win 7.

I have no idea how to find proper addresses under wine. Maybe some kind of debugger same as for windows?
I think need to get the addresses from some kind of process table instead of hardcoded ones as in my code.
Savior is opensource, so anyone can try that.

You need to overidde the dll the procedure is described on the above guide.
I will make an upgraded post of the total guide one of these days!
Just to copy proper ddraw.dll to war2combat directory, same as in windows?
From your link:
DLLs usually get loaded in the following order:

    The directory the program was started from.

    The current directory.

    The Windows system directory.

    The Windows directory.

    The PATH variable directories.
You can also contact aqrit, he is a great developer in all these ddraw things, maybe he will be interested in making his code compatible with wine also.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2016, 07:49:23 AM by iL »
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