Author Topic: Take Blid's Admin Away and Free This Game  (Read 14685 times)

Offline tk[as]

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Re: Take Blid's Admin Away and Free This Game
« Reply #30 on: April 01, 2016, 04:42:15 PM »
some people are leaders .. some are not.

simple as that imo.

this game coulda gone a lot farther a lot longer i think.

Irrelevant. Blid/IL have done nothing to prevent trustworthy people from helping, and the fault equally falls on all of us for the games decline - and no more or less on Blid/iL. You are trying to place an unequal amount of responsibility on them, and your reasons for doing so are arbitrary and unjust. I don't know why you can't get this through your head, and you continuing to try to persuade others of the same failed argument is a show of your poor intellect.

Their job does not consist of promoter/marketer nor is it their job to make the game more enjoyable/user-friendly. Just because they happen to govern/moderate the server to some degree you somehow put it in your head that it's their job to do everything else.

i didnt read the whole thing but once i saw that i loled... I offered to come back as admin and continue serving the community.

they refused because i brought what i thought were serious issues to light after i gave up my admin like 1) LB looking at user's passwords, Blid never logging on as admin, or going very long stretches without even logging on at all, and a few other things

Point is.. the only "abuse" i've ever done was give mystical your aka 1 time, which wasnt even really admin abuse because you made it so blatantly obvious it was you without even doing an IP check.. and then removing all PERM IP bans from the server because i believed some were so broad they were conflicting with other users who were never meant to be banned.

There was really never any reason not to trust my ability to be an admin... but because i hurt their feelings they didnt want to reinstate it.

They let their personal feelings get in the way of me coming back and helping the community again.

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Re: Take Blid's Admin Away and Free This Game
« Reply #31 on: April 01, 2016, 04:59:01 PM »
just read some more... The way i think the server should be ran is the same way a business should be ran. The goal should always be to grow.. The only way to grow is by investing time/energy/resources. Either directly or by delegating those powers so others can. I feel like iL has failed on that front so it's primarily his fault. As a business owner you wouldn't expect your customers to go out and invest their time/energy/resources in building your company would you?  They wouldnt. That's not their job. It's a false expectation. There is nothing in it for them if you're successful.

The same concept applies for the war2 community... at least in their eyes. For the most part very few in the community see any benefit to doing the job that the admins are supposed to be doing. People for the most part are selfish. They do very little unless they get something out of it.... and they fail to realize that building a community gives them more playing opportunities. The only real perk for most people is by putting them in leadership roles. Giving them "power".

Blid and iL are both very hesitant to do this.

The server needs to be ran like a business for it to be successful

If it were mine I would make a thread on the forums or advertise it in chat

"Looking for new admins/operators to help build the community.. Please respond with qualities that you feel make you a suitable candidate!"

Then you will have a flood of people responding

"i can develop the website"
"i can use streaming as a form of advertisement"
"I can advertise here..."
"I can give this doman as a back-up server"
"I am interested in transferring stats, assigning icons..."
"I can spend 5-10 hours a week training people"

... now, not all of those things require operator or admin status, but it's a perk. incentive....

So then I would say "ok... send me a report bi-weekly with proof that you are doing what you said you would promise to do."

If they say they're training people.. e-mail warvideos over. If they say they're twitch streaming give the link to see that they're streaming as much as they say they are.... etc..."

its all performance based. IF they follow through with their end they maintain their power or even get more power if they exceed expectations. If they are not following through with what they promised to do then their admin/operator or whatever gets removed. No hard feelings, it's just "business".

It's a really simple concept that just isn't happening at all. It would quickly create a competitive atmosphere among operators/admins to try to outdo eachother "im training more people" "im streaming more" ... all the while the community is growing and benefiting from the competition amongst the leaders.

but again it's just not happening.

Offline tk[as]

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Re: Take Blid's Admin Away and Free This Game
« Reply #32 on: April 01, 2016, 05:02:05 PM »
"i speak german...i speak russian.. i speak portugeese"     translators would be huge for this community.

and we all know who eachother are. There are different levels of power that can be assigned. there is no reason operator/voice/admin cant be given in increments based on trust/performance.

if someone applies but we all know they're unstable individuals obviously they can say "no... sorry man"

and if someone who was otherwise trusted fucks up and abuses power it's pretty damn easy to remove their power and move on.

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Re: Take Blid's Admin Away and Free This Game
« Reply #33 on: April 01, 2016, 05:16:08 PM »
how much for the rights of war2...then gamemake a engine so it plays on mac android linux ps4 dhtml xbox whatever else and release it like sega does sonic.

or we could just rename it and call our own put on steam lol ok gone to drink!!!

there is no way to save a game is the sad news :(

but we could def rename it and put on steam free trial if they like 1$ whatever.

let whoever find it facebook whatever maybe someday be 1,000s of people.

blizzard is never going to revive it again.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2016, 05:27:11 PM by easycompany »

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Re: Take Blid's Admin Away and Free This Game
« Reply #34 on: April 01, 2016, 05:38:30 PM »
Jeez Tk you are an idiot.

Yes, you abused your admin powers, thanks for admitting it. Could have gone without you trying to rationalize it though. Also, you don't need admin to do 95% of the things that could benefit this game. You just want it for the "power"/recognition, thanks for unintenionally projecting the same.

Your whole argument that it should be run like a business and thus it's il's fault makes no sense and your stupidity is hard to withstand. It's not a business, it's a community effort, and iL/Burnt/ldir/Blid/mousetopher and a few others have done relatively FAR MORE than their  "fair share" to help the community, and you somehow want to blame them of all people when they are basically the only people doing anything.

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Re: Take Blid's Admin Away and Free This Game
« Reply #35 on: April 01, 2016, 05:50:38 PM »
You are either in "oppositional defiant" mode or you are truly a retard... whichever it is, continuing this conversation with you is pointless

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Re: Take Blid's Admin Away and Free This Game
« Reply #36 on: April 01, 2016, 06:25:00 PM »
Your prior posts prove that it is you who is retarded. You also proved how petty you are by indirectly revealing that your motive for helping is so that you can get a powertrip out of being an admin on a video game.
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Offline tk[as]

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Re: Take Blid's Admin Away and Free This Game
« Reply #37 on: April 01, 2016, 06:45:44 PM »
People rarely do something for nothing. People want to be rewarded for their hard work. That's a natural behavior for the vast majority of people.

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Re: Take Blid's Admin Away and Free This Game
« Reply #38 on: April 01, 2016, 06:47:41 PM »
You didn't put so much time and effort into playing war2 so YOU would know you're good. You did it so other people would acknowledge it... and if they don't acknowledge it, you go out of your way to make sure they do

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Re: Take Blid's Admin Away and Free This Game
« Reply #39 on: April 01, 2016, 06:50:29 PM »
Warcraft II will always been a nice game.

We had potential to do something big.

Peoples and staff dont realize it.

I have nothing against the work staff are doing.

I got something against their decisions.

They understand totally nothing and just let die this game even with their little effort.

Actually the game is still alive because Tora is like the father christmas who bring us some candys.

But without him it will be done for real.

Because you know what? Staff have no clue about how to bring peoples on that server, and now its even worst, because they cant even keep them.

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Offline Yamon

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Re: Take Blid's Admin Away and Free This Game
« Reply #40 on: May 14, 2016, 12:02:02 PM »
Smeagol calls me biased, but I warned then muted Ryu for talking about Smeagol's kid or whatever before then warning Smeagol for talking about warbandit's ex-gf or whatever.  It's pretty consistent.  If you're having an argument that's okay, but I don't want these kinds of deeply personal attacks on the forums.  There's no place for it here and that's all I'm enforcing.  Cheers
That's right!  Make Great Again!  I'm printing hats.

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Re: Take Blid's Admin Away and Free This Game
« Reply #41 on: May 14, 2016, 12:36:54 PM »
Give me a fucking break TK. Care to explain what happened to the users whom I "stole" the passwords of?
aka DeaDLyGaMeS

Offline tk[as]

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Re: Take Blid's Admin Away and Free This Game
« Reply #42 on: May 14, 2016, 08:09:38 PM »
Give me a fucking break TK. Care to explain what happened to the users whom I "stole" the passwords of?
i have no idea what you did with the passwords .. i just know you found out how to get them... which is scary enough for me.

some people use the same passwords for war2 as they do for their mail or facebook or whatever ... and you went out of your way to see what people's passwords were  (including mine...)

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Re: Take Blid's Admin Away and Free This Game
« Reply #43 on: May 14, 2016, 11:43:17 PM »
Are there any specific instances where Blid has been biased or abused his power?  If so, let's get it out in the open and discuss it.  I don't know what else Blid does but I feel his moderation of the server and the forum are essential to the operation here.  He's quick to respond and I haven't seen him make any poor decisions so far.

I had a whole thread of this find it yourself it was about 6 weeks ago, when he was caught lying several times.
Im not going to bother listing it all again. Nothing will happen been here so many times before..

Offline Yamon

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Re: Take Blid's Admin Away and Free This Game
« Reply #44 on: May 18, 2016, 12:40:50 PM »
all this game needs is to be seen and understood by people. That's it. If the community was to all donate enough to a youtuber, or a website for ONE advertisement, the game would probably explode. Furthermore, finding a youtuber who would advertise it for free on their channel, wouldn't be a hard task. And i think the perfect person for that job would be ms. mousetopher.

I don't like this youtuber, but he's a gamer and has 12 million subscribers.

literally he probably enjoys warcraft in general, why wouldn't he support the last war2 community? we have quite a powerful angle being the only war2 server on earth.

get enough exposure, blizzard will shut us down and re-release warcraft 2. Does that sound horrible to you?
« Last Edit: May 18, 2016, 12:49:24 PM by Yamon »