Author Topic: Attention iL. Please respond.  (Read 9412 times)

Offline tk[as]

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Re: Attention iL. Please respond.
« Reply #15 on: November 24, 2015, 07:06:11 AM »
if youre not interested in selling iL, there's really nothing else for us to talk about. if you change your mind in the near future let me know.

wangs.. you're right there will definitely be some lost players. there's no getting around that. the main purpose/goal of creating a new server would be to rebuild the community and have lots of actively engaged leadership to give the community the support they need. is slowing dying. that's just the way it is. there are less players on today than there were 6 months ago. less 6 months ago than a year ago..

either they dont know how to do anything about it, or dont care to do anything about it. regardless, if we have any intentions of keeping this game alive the next 3, 5, 10 years.. it's not going to be on unfortunately

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Re: Attention iL. Please respond.
« Reply #16 on: November 24, 2015, 08:39:03 AM »
Harry, I think the dream here is that even if most people don't move, somehow by getting all new players they could build a new active server.  Seems like a longshot and I'm not sure how that requires a new server but whatever.  Tk wants to be in charge of a server.

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Re: Attention iL. Please respond.
« Reply #17 on: November 24, 2015, 08:58:14 AM »
What does it say about our current administrationbwhen they don't even believe its possible for the game to do better than is. If our own "leaders" have no hope.. the very people who have the most control over the direction the community goes have no hope for the game.

That's how I know something needs to change.

This bull shit excuse "its a 20yr old game with old outdated graphics" is b.s. .. people play monopoly, doom, descent, chess, checkers.. more than they play war2. The main difference is that people know about those games and they don't know about war2.

The problem me and burnt faced when we were able to get the word out about war2 is they were met by a small selfish community with only one admin on daily (me) .. and I didn't speak all of their languages.

War can be rebuilt. That's no question.. but its not going to be rebuilt by people who don't even believe its possible.

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Re: Attention iL. Please respond.
« Reply #18 on: November 24, 2015, 09:01:28 AM »
The problem me and burnt faced when we were able to get the word out about war2 is they were met by a small selfish community with only one admin on daily (me) .. and I didn't speak all of their languages.
First off, with all the clan tags we have now, I don't know why you're obsessing over admin icons like they're the only way to help people.  Secondly, what are you going to do about this problem?  The community on a new server will be even smaller and you still won't have any Russians or Brazilians willing to sit in chat all day teaching GOW to newbs.

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Re: Attention iL. Please respond.
« Reply #19 on: November 24, 2015, 09:02:16 AM »
U are offering a free game.. people play money for candy crush or farmville.. and you don't think its possible to get people to play it?

Why.. seriously for the love of God if this is what you believe please tell all of us why you are still admin. Why have you not resigned and given others who believe its possible  a chance.. I seriously want to know

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Re: Attention iL. Please respond.
« Reply #20 on: November 24, 2015, 09:03:44 AM »
Ever play on windows 8 or 10? U can't even see tags. But u can see blue text

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Re: Attention iL. Please respond.
« Reply #21 on: November 24, 2015, 10:05:56 AM »
Or yellow text..

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Re: Attention iL. Please respond.
« Reply #22 on: November 24, 2015, 11:52:19 AM »
when are you dumbshits going to realize there is nothing you can do to expand the current community. Its an OLD ASS GAME that no new player will ever join. Your only shot to keep the community alive is to keep the current community playing and maybe get a few nostalgia stragglers. Realize that even those that played the game many moons ago arnet likely to come back because, ya know, they have moved on, in life and stuff.

Please god just fix hosting and hacking and get off your fucking high horses about trying to create some new awesome war 2 universe. IT WILL NOT HAPPEN...

Stop trying to split already small community and just fix the two shitty problems we have (if possible).

Im with Harrywangs - if some new server pops up and not going to waste my time and im off.

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Re: Attention iL. Please respond.
« Reply #23 on: November 24, 2015, 12:13:24 PM »
OE do u play war2? Ever? .. if so, why? ... its an old ass game I thought? Who would want to play an old ass game?

If you're gonna try to make a point and call people dumbasses. Try not looking like a hypocritical dumbass urself?

People like playing good games. War2 is a good game. That's why we still play it after nearly 20 years. Not all gamers are waiting for the "latest and greatest". The goal isn't to bring 10,000 people to War2. But 400-500 is more than possible.

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Re: Attention iL. Please respond.
« Reply #24 on: November 24, 2015, 12:24:26 PM »
the problem is, people play facebook farmer or candycrash are looking for something disposable.  things they pick up on their mobile device and play as a distraction.  war2 is not mobile friendly and in fact is not very windows8/10 friendly and in fact is not windows friendly at all since it's not a windowed program but a dos executable that takes up the entire screen.  and then on top of that it has a steep learning curve. 

i do think it's possible to bring players back in.  if something about the server goes viral on reddit because of nostalgia... that's the sort of people we might be able to reach.  veterans that remember playing back in the day and dont even know they're noobs, lol.  maybe the occasional refined player comes in from there also.  facebook ads - maybe could bring in a slight trickle.  the players will be newb compared to us and it will take an effort to catch them.  retention is hard because of the nature of the game and because of a grizzled and grumpy community

i think we can finish stamping out hacking when iL gets some more time... but that's not really killing the game anyway, for anyone except equinox.  hosting?  we have upnp already.  i usually see enough people hosting.  for those that cant host it may not be something that we're able to fix.  iL has discussed it before.  if someone's isp does not give them a real IP then they can't host.,375.msg4643.html#msg4643

tk if you want to spend money on anything it should be on getting someone to adapt combat to be compatible with future windows OS's and mac OS lol.  not buying a new server

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Re: Attention iL. Please respond.
« Reply #25 on: November 24, 2015, 12:26:25 PM »
The #1 reason more people aren't playing War2 today is because nobody even knows our community exists.  #2 is because since they do find out and check us out they are met with an unwelcoming veteran community, still hosting issues, and no administrative support to resolve any issues that could potentially keep them on the server.

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Re: Attention iL. Please respond.
« Reply #26 on: November 24, 2015, 12:27:15 PM »
from the same thread but more about real ip.  it's not a client or server issue, it's a user/isp issue,375.msg4686.html#msg4686

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Re: Attention iL. Please respond.
« Reply #27 on: November 24, 2015, 12:33:14 PM »
I've said it before, I'm not going to spend any more of my money trying to build our server with its current staff. Things are either being managed improperly or not managed at all. If I'm going to spend all kinds of money, I'm going to make sure I have control over its success. Right now I can throw $5000 at advertising, and some minor fixes for the current server but I already know neither you, Il, mouse or LB are going to do anything to make sure they have an enjoyable experience on the server.

I'm not throwing any more money away on that server unless its to buy it so can get shit done.

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Re: Attention iL. Please respond.
« Reply #28 on: November 24, 2015, 12:34:18 PM »
how exactly are you ever going to force the vets to be newb or to be nice to newbs?  the only change from the current server, besides you having to hire someone to run the back-end for you since you wont know how, is that you'll be in the channel and have blue text?  that's all im hearing here.  ill give you yellow text on the existing server and save you the bother.

Offline tk[as]

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Re: Attention iL. Please respond.
« Reply #29 on: November 24, 2015, 12:36:28 PM »
U still never answered my question.. did you finally cave in and start paying the $15 a month for server hosting or did u just stop all together 2 years ago... if ur still not paying bit Cus u didn't wanna fork over an extra $10 a month you have some balls even suggesting anyone finance anything related to War2