Author Topic: community is fed up  (Read 12938 times)

Offline Yamon

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community is fed up
« on: November 14, 2015, 01:04:07 PM »
This game is garbage with the current server. There are so many players that conflict with each other, the server is down every single day, there's hackers running rampant, there's like 2 games at all times, 1 of them is always chop or pball. There are players who's connections are not good enough to ping themselves back and fourth from germany. There are so many political issues that we can't even appoint an active admin. We have 1 developer. all of war2's staff are people that are widely disliked. And all of war2's new blood is suckered into playing chop or pball. There's only 5 players to play against in competitive war2. The whole community is paranoid of hacks, calling people running the anti-hack hackers. The community is so misinformed about everything. Masta{hR} has to buy a fucking hotspot if he wants to play warcraft 2. And there's only one person contributing to tournaments. We have burnt stepping down from the community and just giving up because everything is run so shit. We don't even have any legimate advertisement. We have no improvements in technology.

Guys, this is the game we all love. Doesn't anyone think we can do better as a whole?

The server had like 500 players, with no connectivity issues, no hosting issues, and you never had to chase down an admin for anything. Under lance's server and administration, this game was 100x better.

We all know what this game needs to thrive. It's not rocket science. Why hasn't it happened yet? Because we trust the wrong fucking people. Not only do they do a shit job, they expect you to suck their dick for it. No one cares that ldir paid a few bucks to keep war2 going. Many people have offered to pay and will still do so.

To remind ourselves what this game needs, and how we are going to achieve that, lets make a priority list.

#1. Antihack launcher. This is essential, and it's easily made and implemented. Waiting months and months for such a simple piece of software is absolutely insane.
#2. Port forwarding software. Many players can't figure out how to open their ports, and it makes them quit before they get started. Simply giving them a tutorial is lazy and it's proven ineffective.
#3. Real advertisement. Like I've stated and everyone knows, there are plenty of people willing and able to throw money at this game. Let them do so in the form of advertisement.
#4. Developers. There are a handful of developers for war2 besides ldir, who want to create what this game needs to thrive.
#5. A quality server. A pitiful second hand server in Germany is absolutely ridiculous. Confliction excists because  packets go the long way around the world to reach the server and go back. That's why you create multiple servers based on location. The solution is simple. Buy a server in the middle of the west and the east. Like GB. But when we had a server stationed in U.S. no one had confliction problems, so stick with the tried and true.
#6 Active Admins. Appoint new active admins. Peroid. Blid is the only administrator who has been consistent. Give other people a chance to be just as good as him.
#7 A way for new players to learn and become regulars. TK had the right idea with the training videos. Many players are capable of shaping and molding new blood into active players. So empower the community to do so. The only reason they don't is because they think war2 is a cespool and they want to play and gtfo. And sadly, they're correct.

How do we achieve all of this? Easy. Give lance the power to do all of this. Donate to lance and let him set up multiple teams for each purpose. War2 custom would of been an absolute blessing for war2 and we should of definitely went with that. Instead war2 is dead because we didn't. Fund lance's war2 custom project, and ALL of these issues will be addressed properly, and in a timely fashion.

Furthermore, I would suggest that we all pay lance to do this. Give him an incentive. We should be donating so much that he has some left to play around with.

and once war2 is back with an active player base, we can look into the future. Possibily a clone of war2 made by a brand of developers.

We can make this happen.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2015, 01:22:47 PM by Yamon »

Offline xXxSmeagolxXx

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Re: community is fed up
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2015, 01:40:09 PM »
The anti hack should be required for everyone. There are far more than 1 person contributing to tournaments. I started these tournies 1 year ago and Tora started his because of me about 3-4 months ago. The anti hack definitely needs to be required by everyone. Not all admins are disliked. Your message is far too long... Whatever though, War 2 is not in dire straits nearly like you are saying. There are people helping a dozen donating and 2 hosting tournaments.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2015, 01:41:50 PM by xXxSmeagolxXx »

Offline Yamon

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Re: community is fed up
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2015, 01:45:05 PM »
The anti hack should be required for everyone. There are far more than 1 person contributing to tournaments. I started these tournies 1 year ago and Tora started his because of me about 3-4 months ago. The anti hack definitely needs to be required by everyone. Not all admins are disliked. Your message is far too long... Whatever though, War 2 is not in dire straits nearly like you are saying. There are people helping a dozen donating and 2 hosting tournaments.
your tournaments are counter-productive.

Offline xXxSmeagolxXx

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Re: community is fed up
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2015, 01:45:55 PM »
The anti hack should be required for everyone. There are far more than 1 person contributing to tournaments. I started these tournies 1 year ago and Tora started his because of me about 3-4 months ago. The anti hack definitely needs to be required by everyone. Not all admins are disliked. Your message is far too long... Whatever though, War 2 is not in dire straits nearly like you are saying. There are people helping a dozen donating and 2 hosting tournaments.

your tournaments are counter-productive.
Lmao go troll elsewhere moron. You need to to stfu. I'm not saying there aren't good points in your post, but you know nothing about the tournaments.

Offline Yamon

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Re: community is fed up
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2015, 01:47:36 PM »
The anti hack should be required for everyone. There are far more than 1 person contributing to tournaments. I started these tournies 1 year ago and Tora started his because of me about 3-4 months ago. The anti hack definitely needs to be required by everyone. Not all admins are disliked. Your message is far too long... Whatever though, War 2 is not in dire straits nearly like you are saying. There are people helping a dozen donating and 2 hosting tournaments.

your tournaments are counter-productive.
Lmao go troll elsewhere moron. You need to to stfu. I'm not saying there aren't good points in your post, but you know nothing about the tournaments.
pball was cool for a laugh in like 04 dude. Your stupid tournaments are nailing war2's coffin shut.

Offline xXxSmeagolxXx

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Re: community is fed up
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2015, 01:48:25 PM »
PBall is still alive and I have helped it a lot in the last year. GOW tournaments happen right now  because of Tora and I.

Offline Yamon

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Re: community is fed up
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2015, 01:51:01 PM »
PBall is still alive and I have helped it a lot in the last year. GOW tournaments happen right now  because of Tora and I.
tournaments are the least of war2's concern in the first place. Tora acts on his acord. He wasn't inspired by you. you should spend that $200 on me teaching you how to play war2 and then you will realize how fucking stupid pball is.

Offline xXxSmeagolxXx

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Re: community is fed up
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2015, 01:52:49 PM »
Of course Tora acts on his own accord. We are also partners and always have been since the GOW tournaments have been hosted there is ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT Tora was inspired by me, and we are great friends.. Of 5 tournaments I have made the brackets in one and assistant hosted 2. There are definitely other things WITH the tournaments that could get done. Such as finishing the anti hack and getting everyone to have it. I'm just saying currently wc2 is not dying the server was very active this morning. The admins are still inactive quite a bit but there is stuff being done on War 2.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2015, 01:54:55 PM by xXxSmeagolxXx »

Offline Yamon

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Re: community is fed up
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2015, 01:54:30 PM »
Of course Tora acts on his own accord. We are also partners and always have been since the GOW tournaments have been hosted. Of 5 tournaments I have made the brackets in one and assistant hosted 2. There are definitely other things WITH the tournaments that could get done. Such as finishing the anti hack and getting everyone to have it. I'm just saying currently wc2 is not dying the server was very active this morning. The admins are still inactive quite a bit but there is stuff being done on War 2.
yeah the server was somewhat active this morning, and then it crashed. go figure. we get all this momentum and then it falls flat on its face because we have 1 developer and a shitty server.

Offline xXxSmeagolxXx

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Re: community is fed up
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2015, 01:55:53 PM »
Yes the programming end by Il needs to get moving. I want the anti hack finished just like you and others. There are other things that could be done too, but cash tournaments are a good start for now. Hopefully the programming end starts picking up more.

Offline dellam

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community is fed up
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2015, 02:51:05 PM »
Nothing will happen
No follow thru in this place . People don't want to admit they need or accept help . I offered to get it to 10,000 players several years ago .
But no 1 listened I honestly kept it up for several months but nothing was done

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« Last Edit: November 14, 2015, 02:57:41 PM by dellam »

Offline Yamon

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Re: community is fed up
« Reply #11 on: November 14, 2015, 02:53:45 PM »
you don't need everyone aboard in this dellam. if you truly want to help war2, then talk to lance and start him on the project.

Offline MaStA{hR}

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Re: community is fed up
« Reply #12 on: November 14, 2015, 03:00:57 PM »
Lol... Smeagol "assist hosting" a GoW tournament. Now THAT'S scary. I personally appreciate you hosting custom map tourneys because I think it is an integral part of game play. Maybe the .RU server only wanted classic map players, but if you leave out the custom players, then we all we are left with is a bunch of grumpy old farts scratching dirty butt cracks.

What happened to the greats like LB, ViRuZ, GP, and a host of other names that make tier 2 on down players jizz just by seeing them on? What happened to Tyrus, Feature, Equinox and others? I'll tell you what... we've lost quality players over and over again to other games. Wc2 is very close to unplayable.

I have next to no tech knowledge but I want to help wc2 financially. I am ready to get the ball rolling with dinero. I am willing to spend any amount of 4 figures on this game IF it can guarantee a complete fix of hosting issues. Once the hosting issues are fixed, everyone will start coming back. This game is very attractable when all moving parts are working correctly. Otherwise, this is the most frustrating experience trying to join a game... ever.

I literally have to sit in the lobby for 30 minute intervals or more to wait for a game that I like to be hosted. I forwarded my ports, along with the help of people like Yamon, and it still doesn't work.

Fix this game, and we could have 200-1000+ on at all times instead of 25-70.
I love this game!

Offline xXxSmeagolxXx

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Re: community is fed up
« Reply #13 on: November 14, 2015, 03:04:19 PM »
There is nothing scary about me assisting a GOW tournament. I played GOW for 4+ years 1998-2002. Also I did the brackets in the first tournament. IF you were to throw a few thousand at this game not even that would fix the issues. There have been several people who put money into this game and we are still at the state we are now. What this game needs is more active admins and the programmers we have to get down to the nitty gritty. You can throw some money into this Cam, but don't expect it to be an easy fix with how things currently are, some of it due to inactivity and just laziness over the last so many years. Honorable intentions to help the game, but it is being helped, it's a game from 1995 and we all have to help though.

Offline dellam

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Re: community is fed up
« Reply #14 on: November 14, 2015, 03:09:32 PM »
Swift runs a web marketing company
Although it sounded a bit amateurish and unprofessional he did offer the services for free for this place.
Obviously u need to fix the server first . Then introduce a proper ladder. Then auto ban if idle 10 minutes. Also if u ban newbs your banned .
Then once all that is done , get swift marketing company to promote the place

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