Author Topic: here it is swift  (Read 59209 times)

Offline CumSavorer4385

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Re: here it is swift
« Reply #120 on: October 29, 2015, 01:36:33 PM »
Socialism didn't exist before international global capitalism which didn't exist before colonialism, idiot.
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Offline Yamon

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Re: here it is swift
« Reply #121 on: October 29, 2015, 02:05:48 PM »
did you know before modern society, we had two options. Socialism or Monarchs.

This is maybe the dumbest sentence ever written on this forum, which says a lot since Swift has 366 posts on here, which probably average about 500 sentences each on account of his frequent meltdowns.

no one cares what you say. go away

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Re: here it is swift
« Reply #122 on: October 29, 2015, 02:05:58 PM »
You do adhere to americon economics. It's that simple.

The popular economic theories and interpretations that you will be taught in pursuit of your degree are simply from a certain point of view, and they're not objective. It's a perspective on how to interpret and study economic systems. I do not have to believe in such theory to be a capitalist in practice, just as much as one doesn't have to adhere to modern American Christianity to live their life, or to be a christian for that matter (lol).

You're both fucktards using different definitions of "adhere." Yamon is more correct by the specific definition of the word since your economic activity is dictated far more than the economic conditions of American society than whatever method of economic organization you personally think is optimal, you are correct that one doesn't have to specifically think capitalism is great to act as a capitalist. However it does make you a rather large hypocrite, especially since you seem to vacillate between "capitalism ftw! I'm better than you because I have money" and "capitalism actually kinda sucks I just do it to make money lol, Jesus saves folks" depending on who you're trying to paint yourself as superior to at the time.

1. It's obvious that Yamon was arguing that I adhere to modern american economic studies by my practice of capitalism, while I was stating that I don't adhere to the studies in respect to them being absolute or dogma. This isn't something you needed to point out, as like I said it was obvious.  It's what I was explaining to him. Moreover, the context in which surrounded "adhere" in my posts clearly signifies my use of the word, in three separate posts - including the very first one he responded to. It was obvious from the get go that I was talking about the studies and theories that people place over the system as a whole, and that I do not take them astruths. To that end, he is completely wrong as he was unable to pick up on that I was attacking the study of economics theory when looked at through the modern lens within economic studies in the US.
You're 0-1

2. I am not talking about which system is optimal, nor how moral capitalism is or isn't. You're going off subject completely.  Instead I am talking about my take on how our modern economists/society/teachings interprets how economies function and the methods used to regulate, improve, and correct economic conditions within a system. You're 0-2.

3. I'm 100% anti-capitalism 24-7, and completely against it. Anything I say in the contrary is a troll, and I also don't think I am better than anyone due to bank accounts or any other such materialist/shallow measurement that others might go by. I am also not interested in whether you believe this or not, and I will continue to fuck with you and act to the contrary of my values when talking to you, and a few others... because you're jealous you are not a business mogul like myself ;)
0-3 for not seeing that the apparent ridiculousness and excessive contradictions are undoubtedly overplayed joking
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Re: here it is swift
« Reply #123 on: October 29, 2015, 02:09:04 PM »
the standard of living sure as hell ought to be better in america than anyone else, seeing as it occupies the most powerful position in the world and uses that position to exploit resources and labor from poorer nations the world over.  here's a free book

Lol. America is far from the nation with the most natural resources. America is far from the nation with the most land, or largest workforce. We are the most powerful country for one reason, one reason only. Captalism. Not because we steal resources. In fact, Russia has the most natural resources in the world. How are they doing? And to say we steal resources from other countries. I mean, I don't know if i can trust a book from a neoliberal to tell me whether or not america steals anything. People thought the Iraq war was over oil. We didn't drill a drop. But whether or not we steal anything is totally irrelevant. If you look back on history, stealing stuff from other countries would be considered a good thing. Why? Because hell if we can, why not do it? And look at America's intregity. Many people have been against such engagements as vietname, desert storm, or our involvement in Salmalia, But wtf we were doing there? Feeding people. I think a country that will risk the lives of it's children, to help another nations children, might be entitled to some resources. And we don't "exploit labor" from other countries. They get paid  more working in america's outsource than they would in a regular job in their country. But i agree i think america should not outsource as much and hire it's own people. But the only reason companies are outsourcing to begin with, is government regulation in the workforce, and if our enterprise was 100% free, we wouldn't be outsourcing at all and we would always be able to get a job without such formalities as a college education in cosmetology to work a factory job

You are extremely fucking retarded and practically everything in this post is false and/or unsubstantiated.

actually it's all true. And if you are going to claim such things, then provide evidence. Because i don't say anything that I do not know is true or not, and i don't say my opinion. This is not an opinion based thing. So if that's what you have to say, and you're apparently so much more enlightened, enlighten me. Just kidding, i know you're not. You should be banned from this forum because your posts have no meat.

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Re: here it is swift
« Reply #124 on: October 29, 2015, 02:17:05 PM »
So swift when do you plan to run for president.
That's all that's left for you right.
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Re: here it is swift
« Reply #125 on: October 29, 2015, 02:20:19 PM »
It would be really awkward when armed forces came to my door at the White House to seize my assets, considering it would be I who empowered them to do so.
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Offline Yamon

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Re: here it is swift
« Reply #126 on: October 29, 2015, 02:20:41 PM »
Socialism didn't exist before international global capitalism which didn't exist before colonialism, idiot.

because when this guy shows up, we should take him seriously
by the way, socialism was around before Jesus.

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Re: here it is swift
« Reply #127 on: October 29, 2015, 02:21:42 PM »
Socialism didn't exist before international global capitalism which didn't exist before colonialism, idiot.

because when this guy shows up, we should take him seriously

Look at that board. That guy has won a lot of Interent arguments.  He must be right about a lot of things.  That probably includes such things as capitalism predating socialism.

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Re: here it is swift
« Reply #128 on: October 29, 2015, 02:22:48 PM »
Also, Yamon, you don't know what neoliberalism is.  That book is critical of neoliberalism; it is not a neoliberalist book.  You support neoliberalism.

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Re: here it is swift
« Reply #129 on: October 29, 2015, 02:25:25 PM »
Also, Yamon, you don't know what neoliberalism is.  That book is critical of neoliberalism; it is not a neoliberalist book.  You support neoliberalism.
oh i see. regarldess they're all old arguments that hold no weight anyway. This is not a new thing.

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Re: here it is swift
« Reply #130 on: October 29, 2015, 02:27:18 PM »
It would be really awkward when armed forces came to my door at the White House to seize my assets, considering it would be I who empowered them to do so.
Do you know how to cheat the irs? And get anyway with it?(No foreign bank accounts please.)
I got a huge tax bill this year.
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Offline CumSavorer4385

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Re: here it is swift
« Reply #131 on: October 29, 2015, 02:28:19 PM »
1. It's obvious that Yamon was arguing that I adhere to modern american economic studies by my practice of capitalism, while I was stating that I don't adhere to the studies in respect to them being absolute or dogma. This isn't something you needed to point out, as like I said it was obvious.

You like to say "its obvious" as a copout, but its not actually that obvious. You are talking past each other using two different definitions of the word "adhere," and I explained these two different definitions and how they manifest in your respective arguments.

Further, the means by which you don't "adhere to theories" is not really substantiated or explained. "Adhere" is a word that implies a certain amount of fidelity in action to a theoretical ideal, so how do you "not adhere" to "American capitalism?" Where does your economic activity depart from the precepts of American capitalism as it materially exists and as you yourself admit you materially practice it?

  It's what I was explaining to him. Moreover, the context in which surrounded "adhere" in my posts clearly signifies my use of the word, in three separate posts - including the very first one he responded to. It was obvious from the get go that I was talking about the studies and theories that people place over the system as a whole, and that I do not take them astruths.

That's not really what "adhere" means though, and Yamon's use of the word "adhere" is closer to the actual meaning of the word, so he's right to call you out on that and question just how much you "adhere" to alternative economic schools of thought, as I am now. You are using it as a stand in for "believe in" or "find convincing," but this is not typically what the word means. For example, if I say "I do not adhere to the law of gravity" the more obvious reading of this sentence would mean that the law of gravity does not apply to me, rather than that I do not actually believe that the law is valid or true.

You're 0-1

What's this mean Swift?

2. I am not talking about which system is optimal, nor how moral capitalism is or isn't. You're going off subject completely.

I never claimed that you did, except insofar as you confuse the meaning of the word "adhere" in this context to mean your personal preference or opinion, so I think you're the one going off subject now.

You're 0-2.

What are these numbers Swift?

3. I'm 100% anti-capitalism 24-7, and completely against it.

You're obviously not, this is a lie Swift.

Anything I say in the contrary is a troll,

You can't shill for capitalism and engage in rhetoric that reproduces the ideological foundation of capitalism and then just say it is "trolling" and doesn't count Swift, that's not how language works. When you spend days on end talking about how you're better than people on the basis of having more money and being a capitalist, you don't get to write one sentence that says "I was trolling" and completely erase the actual meaning of your language. If it is sincere trolling (it's not), that could be considered, but to claim that the effects of engaging in such "trolling" for days on end are nullified with a few seconds worth of disclaimers is intuitively false for anyone who understands the basics of language, rhetoric, and general human thought.

and I also don't think I am better than anyone due to bank accounts or any other such materialist/shallow measurement that others might go by.

So you are just a cynical liar then, since you have claimed to think so many, many times on this forum in recent weeks.

I am also not interested in whether you believe this or not,

If this were true you would not take the time to explain yourself Swift, so this is another obvious lie from you. This kind of petty posturing is very transparent, just so you know, no one actually believes you "don't care" when you write this much bullshit justifying yourself.

and I will continue to fuck with you and act to the contrary of my values when talking to you, and a few others... because you're jealous you are not a business mogul like myself ;)

Well, whether you are merely a cynical, dishonest liar, or a rapacious superficial classist and misogynist on top of that, you must be very proud and pleased with yourself either way. Good job!

0-3 for not seeing that the apparent ridiculousness and excessive contradictions are undoubtedly overplayed joking

Still don't know what these numbers mean.
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i don't know if i'll ever forgive you for how you treated turtleman

Offline CumSavorer4385

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Re: here it is swift
« Reply #132 on: October 29, 2015, 02:29:03 PM »
by the way, socialism was around before Jesus.

No, it objectively was not, and you are a complete idiot.
Quote from: Swift
i don't know if i'll ever forgive you for how you treated turtleman

Offline Yamon

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Re: here it is swift
« Reply #133 on: October 29, 2015, 02:34:44 PM »
by the way, socialism was around before Jesus.

No, it objectively was not, and you are a complete idiot.

google it

Offline CumSavorer4385

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Re: here it is swift
« Reply #134 on: October 29, 2015, 02:45:08 PM »
by the way, socialism was around before Jesus.

No, it objectively was not, and you are a complete idiot.

google it

I'm not an atheist.

Please show me an example of socialism existing before Jesus Christ, as you claimed.
Quote from: Swift
i don't know if i'll ever forgive you for how you treated turtleman