Yeah, my girlfriends laptop got crypto 2 last october, ive researched it extensively, youre pretty screwed as you probably know by now. This is a great warning to everyone to have a solid backup solution in place.
As has already been said, theres no "fix" its all encrypted and youre files are toast.
Interesting suggestion to try to do some forensic file recovery tho, i will look into that, its an interesting possibility, but the virus is so sophisticated, im sure the authors would not have left a work around like that.
One thing i would like to add to this thread tho, i am keeping all the encrypted files, stored on an extra hard drive, in the hope that someday law enforcement or another hacker group seizes the server that these hackers are operating from and releases the keys. The keys to open these files are out there, its just a matter of time before someone catches these guys and releases them (hopefully) and then you can unlock your files
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