so i started playing this beautiful game 20 years ago and no other game could catch me like w2 did. i raped lots of newbs (to be continued) and met alot of unique people online and irl at lan parties and private meetings. the early years were intense with all the people and clans being around. lots of fun!
i never was a great troll nor did i smurf a lot. not much to reveal here.
shoutouts to some fellows i met along the way
CWG_GHOST thanks for teaching me gow and being a good friend. he picked me up as a newb
BHC-HAWK what a legend. even more irl
Dynamic (floh) good friend in early days
Armin i rocked your BotD for years!
arthi fun guy
Knitterhemd great hatred for a while but turned into a great mate and ally again
alf great guy
ana puffy!
mystical drunk af on oktoberfest lol
ripe shame we never met irl (yet?)
hotty great player who sadly dodged my lan parties
poscow i learned alot from you
burnt thank you for organizing so many tournaments
spb insane amount of games
finally, some funny screenshots