Author Topic: War2Rebalanced - We need your feedback!!!  (Read 21493 times)

Offline Nox

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Re: War2Rebalanced - We need your feedback!!!
« Reply #60 on: December 14, 2021, 08:19:03 AM »
Test autoheal vs bloodlust!  :wc2:

Weird tests :/ How can you check anything this way when Bloodlust is working as a random dmg bonus? If I remember correctly that bonus is insanly random, something between +8-24 dmg with every hit.

Thats a great point, but we also need to add some other points.

Like the amount of the knights and the ogers, 9 ogers and 9 knights is a little amount, but if you goes for a dual and start to make bigger attack with 20-30 knights full mana, im pretty sure knights will win the fight.

We also need to take in consideration that the game is full of latency bug wich bring the lust way much harder to do manually, sometime in some games you try to lust and lust barelly work and you get kill before it work.

We also have to take in consideration the suprise effect, knights are constantly in healing mode without any action from the players.

Caught some ogers out of position without watching from the players and the time you realize what happen knights gonna wreck you before you cant even lust.

Not only they gonna wreck you but they gonna be 100% full healt after the attacks.

Its easy to take some videos when everything is prepare and work fine.

But in the heat of action it's not working like this.

Whatever, after a couples days of playing it and after a good amounts of games in different situation.

I think it's a good balance, in general lust gonna be very op, but autoheal can do alot of damage with a dual or a couples of expantion. Massive knights attacks when ur caught out of position is really devastator, its hard to lust and you barely have no time to do anything.

but i think it bring a nice difference between the two races in general.

With this balance, orc are still the monster in therm of damages, they still do amazing damage in early mid game while the human became stronger in mid late game.

So finnaly i change my mind, i think it's a good update and we should let it like that.

I will keep everything cept the towers targeting attack and the repair cats.

The rest are crazy updates  :thumbsup:

Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

Offline Mistral

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Re: War2Rebalanced - We need your feedback!!!
« Reply #61 on: December 14, 2021, 04:37:20 PM »
War2mod v1.80.50
removed tower control from rebelance
fixed bug when crash in lobby (maybe?)

Offline Mistral

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Re: War2Rebalanced - We need your feedback!!!
« Reply #62 on: December 15, 2021, 04:05:39 PM »
War2mod v1.80.51
removed catapults repair from rebelance

Offline Incos

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Re: War2Rebalanced - We need your feedback!!!
« Reply #63 on: May 16, 2022, 08:52:47 AM »
Take the ballista - have it emulate the catapult.  There is a delay in the beginning script for ballista which makes it < cata. - my twitch. Streaming 9:30pm - 11pm est most days!!