Author Topic: ok heres my proposal for toxicness!!  (Read 5628 times)

Offline FlyDude

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Re: ok heres my proposal for toxicness!!
« Reply #15 on: January 28, 2020, 12:02:56 AM »
People get in trouble with the law for making all kinds of threats, Van has pmed people in detail on how he is going to murder them and their partners, which is a pretty serious threat, Freedom of speech entitles you to speak your mind and opinions, not go  around threatening people on how you plan to murder them.

The whole freedom of speech argument is kinda null  when it starts to involve threatening peoples lives

That's not a serious threat. That's just a hilarious sense of humour that you don't understand.

What I find interesting is the lengths sjw retards like woofy (and all his various smurf iterations), will go to to push their ridiculous social agendas, on a gaming server, for a game, that has ALWAYS had this extreme humour element (and, pray god, always will).

If these guys would put down their gummy bears and glowsticks long enough to actually play the game, they might conjure up a lick of respect, but they suck so bad at all aspects of war2 that this is the only means they see to make an impact; desperate for attention as they are.

Leave .ru alone.

The U.S. server auto-kicks for the word "shit", amongst others. For those who want to push this fundamentally retarded social agenda: they have the choice to go there.

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Re: ok heres my proposal for toxicness!!
« Reply #16 on: January 28, 2020, 03:05:20 AM »
I'm absolutely sure threatening people in their real life should not be something that have part in our community.
But... what to do with that?

Someone threatened others, he and his friends got threatened, someone send letters to someone's wifes/husbands. I think that is vicious practice, we should take it away from our community.
I'm not talking about to ban somebody, that would help nothing, just make one side angry on another one. I'm about to just stop that yourself. Then people will stop do that against you and your friends.

I ask everybody to stop every kind of threatening from your side, then your opponents will stop from their side.
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Offline Droid

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Re: ok heres my proposal for toxicness!!
« Reply #17 on: January 29, 2020, 08:14:12 PM »
That's just a hilarious sense of humour that you don't understand.
That's what I keep telling them, when they talks about ban-VAN or some shit like that.
It's good to see that non-Russian players understand that too.

All those racist, wife-fucking, bicycle-hating speeches are just sometimes bad, sometimes good jokes.

And about XURNT protecting VAN.
I remember I watched his stream at POS LOW Adam Memorial Cup in 2017 and Xurnt squelched VAN.
I was really mad then, like "XURNT WHO THE FUCK ARE U TO SQUELCH HIM", I wanted to read his comments via stream.