Author Topic: Oh Baby  (Read 9174 times)

Offline jessu001

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Re: Oh Baby
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2017, 07:50:27 AM »
Do you smoke crack?

d8 there is fulfillment in words, and righteousness by not only conglomerating your faith to overcome the entire world, but to become a completely new creature, that is, obtain a faith so highly restricted to perfect love of GOD in Christ; that people will call you mad because of the abnormality of perfection.
Speak not in ridicule to the light of the world, to a city on a hill.

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Re: Oh Baby
« Reply #16 on: July 01, 2017, 09:22:18 AM »
what do you think about jesus being a communist

Offline jessu001

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Re: Oh Baby
« Reply #17 on: July 01, 2017, 11:18:45 AM »
Hi Marx!

What knowledge of the Savior can you bring? Of Christ Jesus can your mind swing -- that the bible in all its glory should attain and attach itself to one man; being the product of GOD, coming out of GOD, being the only begotten Son of GOD.

Communism according to Marx is aimed to help the proletariat (working class,) as contrasted with their struggles with the bourgeois (upper/middle/lower ruling class.) Don't be confounded therefore by injunctions or episodes of contrasting what Christ presents for us, and the detail of struggle as immense as it was in certain times of the world, or even now, and thus the creation of a creed and dedicated 'party' to solve those problems, hence, communistic ideals.
Christ commands in this present time, when he is not King ruling on the earth, to the "proletariat," not to rebel, or be in animosity of their position in life, but to take Paul's example, in that he learned in all things to be therewith content, with whatsoever state he was (also in Psalm 23 et al..) And if under masters, to obey in all things. I will make one verse quote, but that is all, as one should know the scripture, as Christ said, you do err, not knowing the scripture or the power of GOD. The verse of someone obeying a master is in Colossians 3. Furthermore it is commanded by Christ that the servants obey the masters heartily, as though they were following the commands of GOD.
MASTERS are told to deal justly, telling them they have a master in heaven, even GOD, who will give them according to their works, being no respecter of persons.
Thus we see not the birth of communism with Christianity; but the complete denial of a plan for communism at all, knowing that the 'proletariat' accurately following the will of GOD would have no solution to solve for indemnity of happiness -- they would be on one hand, cared for by GOD and happy with their labor; or on the other hand, if not both, cared for well by their masters/CEOs. Communism, which seeks to aim to help the proletariat in its struggles - would have no struggle to subsist for remedy, and would thus relinquish or not even form.
Those who will not be ruled by Christ when he is king, as it is written, "bring them hither, and slay them before me." This is not communistic; however, make not appeal to a murderer or a drunkard on the throne, THIS IS THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. And what man took a candle and shut it out when comforted or in need of light, that was in his right mind. What person despises a city on a hill, that loves its enemies, is righteous, and cared for by GOD? What person swims in a lake, and looks at a rainbow, and beholds the drops of rain; moreover eats savory meat, or has marijuana, or wine, or strong drink, and gives thanks to GOD because of it? Those who know that GOD created the heaven above, in the earth below, and in the sea beneath, and all that in them is. Therefore who but a murderer and a liar, would despise Christ as King, and thus be slain. Again communism has no creation for such causes. For it is written in the scriptures, that the servants of Christ will be of such demeanor, and full joy, that any other kingdom would be in awe, and by the servants alone. This is found in the bible in Solomon's rule, which is a 'type'/foreshadowing of the Christian dispensation under Christ's future rule on earth.
Christians are forbidden to rule over one another, but the greatest shall serve. This is not perfected in the communist manifesto, as such perfection is not dedicated to its espousal of doctrine -- the communist manifesto falls short of such "daring" and perfect statements. Christ is stated by a Roman as speaking as no other type of man, but as GOD (if asked I will give the verses for these two situations.)
Moreover communism has an aim, but doesn't reach the perfection of the bourgeois seeking no material gain or items. It is not daring enough. But the bible is that daring. Christ altogether makes sure communism won't even have an issue, that is to say, the help of all communistic appeal and care would have no place for a situation such as what Christ commands.... This is to set not things for yourself on earth, which rust and moth corrupts, or that thieves break in and steal; but to set things up for yourself in heaven, which rust and moth does not corrupt, and thieves do not break in and steal. For example, if instead of going to a movie your pray for a homeless man; having faith that it would do even the smallest bit of good, if not COMPLETELY ERRADICATE his errand with pithy substances. This calls for an end to materialistic hedonism which would completely destroy an economy and render no classes at all; and thus no class struggle of course.
Christ did not come to destroy the law of Moses (However Christ's future reign on earth will not be an economic or warring environment -- we know this by Solomon's reign and how it applies as a type/foreshadowment of Christ -- in Solomon's reign silver in the lowlands was as common as stones and there was peace in his days. Christ will also have the wisdom as was thought to be applied to Solomon, but was coordinated not to be so besieged as to become mad as Solomon did with his wisdom; but will be exercised appropriately by Christ.) The law of Moses calls for economic wealth with the creation therefrom of people that are unable to support themselves. However the homeless are able to find food, because the law commands that the landowners to not pick/glean all of the fruit or food but to leave thereon remnants that the poor may be able to pick and eat. Christ mentions this economic system in his parables as the law of Moses does, a free competition market; and sometimes existing under the rulership of a king.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2017, 11:30:56 AM by jessu001 »

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Re: Oh Baby
« Reply #18 on: July 02, 2017, 02:04:25 AM »
jessu is in a constant elevated state of conciousness

hail jessu :fro: :fro: :fro:

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Re: Oh Baby
« Reply #19 on: July 02, 2017, 08:57:52 AM »
Has anyone actually read jessus 's works?
war2 > war3

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Re: Oh Baby
« Reply #20 on: July 02, 2017, 10:42:54 AM »
Jessu is he who comes before the 2nd coming of Jesus. Who Jessu is not worthy to unlatch his sandal. Jessu is the voice of one crying in the void of Warcraft 2. War 2 where the barbarians still roam, none heed the call of this modern day prophet. Hear me Warcraft 2 players hearken to Jessu's words. Like seriously mann, yeah babyyy, ITS YOU JESSU ITS YOU MANN.

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Re: Oh Baby
« Reply #21 on: July 20, 2017, 09:59:48 PM »
jessu. shave ur nose hair.