Author Topic: command line utility for mpq  (Read 3423 times)

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command line utility for mpq
« on: April 27, 2015, 05:43:07 PM »
Let me publish my utility written for combat 401 specially.
It's called cmdmpq and it's an alternative to winmpq.

Yes, winmpq supports command line, but it's command line is pretty ugly. Doesn't support spaces or special symbols in file and dir names.
And it also requires many separate dlls to work properly and i had troubles with winmpq on some OS versions.

So i rewrote it for command line-only (only adding files to archive) using opensource SFmpq library.
I use it in combat 4.01 installer to build custom war2patch.mpq based on different installer checkboxes.

Let me attach it here for everyone who want to use it.
Need help to translate War2Combat to German, French, Italian, Polish or another language:,4728.0.html
Please, contact me if you are interested in that.

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Re: command line utility for mpq
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2015, 06:35:44 PM »
I'll check this out in a bit. I never experienced any errors with mpq editors. Thanks!