Author Topic: [Warcraft 2 Charity Tournament Draft] I would like your opinion on this guys!!!  (Read 3464 times)

Offline Cel

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Why am I even posting this now:
Ok, so I have been following the tournaments discussions a bit and lets get that out of the way right away: I know in the past I failed to make any tournaments happen, multiple times actually and I must really suck at it to be fair.
But I believe this is because I always focussed on just having a good show for the streams.
I always thought about what new viewers on streams wanted to see, not necessarily what you guys wanted to play.
And unfortunately these are very different things sometimes, which resulted on pretty much 0 participants and involvement everytime I made such an attempt maybe there are other reasons to these failures as well but... Anyways, point is, I know, I sucked at this but who tries nothing gets nothing...

Maybe this time we can find a middle ground or some kind of common goal and a way to make something work  :slight_smile:.

I believe we all have pretty much the same dreams when in comes to the health of our community and warcraft 2. We all would love people to come back and some of us do already spend crazy amount of efforts in that very direction.

Here is the reasoning and thinking behind this whole charity stream idea:
Have you guys ever heard about charity streams or seen one?
These event have the potential to bring a hell lot of attention to games and communities that are sometimes very very small and almost unheard of. And it does that in a very very very positive way!

I have been thinking about this for a long long time now, this would have to be a community effort though, this is not something someone can do alone and it would require us to be able to unite for our common goal just once and see this through.

Here is how this would work on paper:

- Every player would be able to choose a charity of their choice to represent, and to whom the donations money would go to if they win the tournament.

- We would basically have to create a dedicated account page where we would collect donations very cleanly and openly. At the end of the event, all the money collected would then be sent to the charity chosen by the winners in a verifiable way. (first place charity gets most of it and second places get a bit less etc).

- To make sure the show is really going to appeal to the largest audience possible we would select the most popular maps we can think of that we know will bring the most viewers, mixing water and land based maps as well as chop games at every stage of the tournament.
The goal being to really make sure we show is the most diverse and spectacular possible to keep people's interest and bring back memories as much as possible to people that are going to show up at the event that one time.

- Every game would have to be streamed so people can follow along what is happening and priority will be that the event gets the widest coverage possible here on all our streams.
When I say this would be a team effort I really mean it! Participants would be asked to take it upon themselves to try and show sportsmanship (no stream sniping, play for fun etc...) basically to show their best and most friendly side just for that one time event... I recon this would be a big team effort really, but I believe we can try and put our common goal first just once.

If we do this right we could have a real shot at really creating an event that would make us look good and bring back a lot of people back to war2 at the same time...

We certainly would have to plan that properly and make sure everything runs smoothly and flawlessly starting by creating a kind of custom Challonge page for participants to register and choose the charity they want to represent out of a list we would have prepared in advance. We would also do all we can to advertise the event and make sure it gets as much coverage as possible just like all the other charity stream events prior to ours.

For the tourney itself I was thinking of making it a ffa tourney, at the beginning on big maps and then smaller and smaller down to pure 1v1 maps. Maps would be selected by popularity as well as their appeal and diversity for viewers to get a very complete tour of war2. The first player to leave or to be killed entirely is eliminated from the next map until it becomes a pure 1v1 then we could have a best of 3. Something around these lines... (we could also allow smurfs or make it a smurf tournament too, I mean, there are many possible changes that can be added to that raw draft but you get the point).

At this point this is just a raw idea that I wanted to share with you guys and know if you would be willing to believe || want to participate || help in such an event.

So what do you think guys? Would you be down for something like that? Could we make something like this happen? Would it even be worth it according to you?

Let me know what you guys think! And feel free to give ideas this is a raw draft and as I said before it will have to be a community thing if it ever is going to happen!
« Last Edit: October 13, 2020, 07:21:10 AM by Cel »

Offline Rareskills

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I think you should have @Equinox host it  :stuck_out_tongue:

Offline Nox

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I think you should have @Equinox host it  :stuck_out_tongue:

Im not doing anything anymore for this server and im not doing anything for cel aka trogallart and his bunch of hacker trolls friends.

Cel is just here to troll us and try to get our money, he dont cares at all of this communauty, everything he cares hes trying to get our money since the beginning.

He is a fraud on war2, believe me.

Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

Offline Cel

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I dont care who hosts it honestly, but like I said the money here would not go to me or anyone from the community it would be raised for known charities and would have to be tracable (openly and clearly).

What we would gain out of this is not money but a lot of attention and potentially new members on both everyone's twitch involved in the event and the server. Adertising for the Warcraft 2 community, nothing more...

But somewhat this is bad... Even suggesting we could do that is bad according to Equinox I am speechless  :sweat:

Offline tk[as]

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I cant see donating to a charity giving us more attention than some well designed/placed advertisements honestly.

I think donating to a specific charity would be better on an individual basis.. seeing as how all of us are from different countries and will never agree on a specific charity to donate to.

Offline Cel

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Well that is the point, every player chooses the charity he wants the money to go to and there are organisations that are kinda international too like the red cross or doctors without borders, so we could focus on these organisations I suppose idk...

I believe, such an event on the server would be good for the image of our community.

And again I am not saying one person has to pay specifically for them charities I am saying we just host an event to help raise money for them it is very different. If no one donates no one donates it does not matter...

No one has to pay anything if they don't want to, we would just show on stream a goal to reach and any viewer that wants to participate can give money if they want to thus helping reaching the goal and in the end the winning players can decide to which charity it all goes.

If you look at other communities like the speedrunning communities and all these other small games they do host charity stream events from time to time on twitch.
These really get a lot of attention/visibility and involvement from people watching this is why I had the idea for war2 maybe it would help.

I could be wrong I dont know, I just felt this would help showing we are not totally self centered and willing to reach out.

Offline tk[as]

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Sounds better on paper than in real life I think.

This server is technically illegal I believe... pirated without blizzard's permission lol.

And then we make this donation that makes us look like good hearted people... they download the game.. log on as complete newbs.. and then. Hopefully burnt is there to say "hey want to join [z]??? before the rest of the community chews them up and spits them out lol

Offline Cel

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This server is technically illegal I believe... pirated without blizzard's permission lol.

Well making a pvpgn server in itself for the game is not illegal. But that is besides the point.

Distributing the client for free and messing with the game files is against the TOS to some extent. But at the same time this game is more than 20 years old, and blizzard announced already like 10 years ago they stopped selling/supporting it as well as all their old classic titles.
They effectively gave up on the game for like 10 years leaving it to fans so to speak. And that is where comes in, free customer support and improving of the game without damaging the original brand in anyway (this is the combat version not the official release version. is thus not trying to misslead players to think they are Blizzard and Blizzard image is safe)...

What does is exactly what other fans did to other titles from that aera just like settlers2 "Return to the roots" project or "cnc-online" or the sadly now shut down "battlefield revive project" and many other.

Here is the kicker, Blizzard are the rights owners and they are well aware that exists. If anything, is doing customer support for them for free.
If Blizzard wanted this server to stop they just would have to send one email to IL from their legal team and voila.
Just like EA put an end the the Battlefield revive project or Blizzard shut down the most important wow private servers it just takes one email, simple as that.

But obviously for now they choose not to do that, and if they ever did, it actually probably would be good news for war2 because it would mean they consider war2 worth caring about again and maybe remastering?

And then we make this donation that makes us look like good hearted people... they download the game.. log on as complete newbs.. and then. Hopefully burnt is there to say "hey want to join [z] before the rest of the community chews them up and spits them out lol

Many players came to play the game from our streams and keep playing it to this day. They knew what they were getting into most of them actually learned the game much much faster than others because they learned most of the basics from the streams so this probably is the best vector to bring people in than just random untargeted advertising, at least they get a proper introduction to the game and the way it is played here.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2020, 10:11:10 PM by Cel »

Offline Cel

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Cel is just here to troll us and try to get our money, he dont cares at all of this communauty, everything he cares hes trying to get our money since the beginning.

If I was in for the money I would probably not have chosen Warcraft 2 as my main source of content on twitch/youtube tbh lol...
There are many games out there that I like and actually could play and that are waaay more popular and way easier and less riscky to grow a twitch channel on, so why would I even bother with war2 then?

Maybe because I actually love the game how about that for an answer?