Author Topic: Raging harrassment screen shot section  (Read 6446 times)

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Re: Raging harrassment screen shot section
« Reply #15 on: May 06, 2017, 10:10:25 PM »
ive done 10 miles barefoot, lost my crocs in the process of taking the cops offer to walk back to my county ;D i recommend staying in your safe zones.

it wasnt that bad kinda made me feel like rambo. moral of the story dont trust cops..would be a asskicking time and been my ass lol.

ah homeless yeah can happen to anyone..glad you back man.

yeah hacking seems boring as shit to me...some one like dellam would enjoy it.

I had three black guys try to jump me, and slice my face with a razor, I dodged and weaved it, didn't get touched, but I did lose my shoes in the process, and my bag. *this is in chicago IL*.  Than the cops showed up, and I didn't know these guys, never met them before, just some *gangsters on the block*.  I said the N bomb lol, cop looked at me and said, I'm a N (he was white).  He drove me 15miles out of my way, and drop'd me off. lol xD

I had cops try to beat my ass a couple times, I put one in a head lock, and there was like 7 of them.  that was a mistake lol.  They made sure to make me feel the concrete.
My white ass will never go back to Chicago unless my boys and all us strapped with ak47s and bullet proof vests!!! Don't go into Gary if you in Indiana :( fuk the police

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Re: Raging harrassment screen shot section
« Reply #16 on: May 06, 2017, 11:00:37 PM »
since I posted, everyone laid off.. but I guess someone doesn't bother with forums.

You weren't flagged from what i saw last night.

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Re: Raging harrassment screen shot section
« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2017, 11:56:14 PM »
kanca im afraid youre very emotional and lots of people will make fun of you (i know i would)

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Re: Raging harrassment screen shot section
« Reply #18 on: May 07, 2017, 12:29:39 AM »
Yeah I'm from a small country town, so i know abou the country cops.  Its like a pack, different breed.  Chicago cops.. I could tell you some wild stories about them, I think i prefer them at times, they will let u get away with the small stuff more. 

One time in chicago, I walked in the real hood, like.. can't be white, and u can't walk down the street or else..  I was lost, I did lol.  Got jump'd, hit in the head with a pipe.  I heard 9 people got me.  I woke up in the hospital.  They stole my wallet.  I walked out the hospital, and two days later a guy ran into me, chicago is huge..  and he said hey.. I think I found your wallet. I was like.. Thank you Jesus lol.  Never lost a fight in my life, but I have had cops gang me, and I have had black people gang me.  I've taken down 2/3 guys at the same time.  I had two guys running at me in an alley, I turned to them, knowing they was trying to fight.  They thought I was going to run.  I'll never forget this..  I took my shirt off, put my hat down.  and put my feet in a fighting stance, and i flex'd as I could.. at the time i was doing about 500pulls and 500 pushups. roughly.  no lie, them suckers, stop'd dead in there tracks.  Went from running, to stone. lol

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Re: Raging harrassment screen shot section
« Reply #19 on: May 07, 2017, 10:26:35 AM »
and its funny how you choose the point of view as, LOOK WHAT YOU DID WRONG!  instead of being like.. ya i see what your saying...  You realize I stated, I couldn't log onto my name.. without getting whispers from people, of harrassment, i couldn't join games, no one would join my games.  I had to defend myself even as a watcher..  So i made a new account just to play, and I still would get whispers, so someone knew even with my different account, that I was kanca.  Why don't you comment on that, instead of one time, I raged about it... dummy
sounds like a good moment to revert to the K@nca account!

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Re: Raging harrassment screen shot section
« Reply #20 on: May 07, 2017, 03:13:09 PM »
Alright how is any of this relevant? Or do we come here to read cool stories?

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Re: Raging harrassment screen shot section
« Reply #21 on: May 07, 2017, 05:16:13 PM »
a wacraft2 player has returned! cheers! :peon:

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Re: Raging harrassment screen shot section
« Reply #22 on: May 15, 2017, 06:18:12 PM »
cyber bullied lol :D call down my friend :]