Author Topic: $100 60 Man PBall Tournament Results!  (Read 4430 times)

Offline xXxSmeagolxXx

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$100 60 Man PBall Tournament Results!
« on: October 03, 2015, 11:46:23 PM »
The $100 60 Man PBall tournament is over 13 people played in the final bracket and 8)Mikulz(8 won 1st to win $70 prize and the PBall Trophy Icon. Xcal got 2nd place and won $30 for his finish. Here is the bracket:
Round 1
Intrude vs Angel~Fire - Intrude wins 2-1
~Tora~ vs Flea - ~Tora~ wins 2-0
Crash3r vs QUICK{hR} - Crash3r wins 2-0
8)Mikulz(8 vs Cs-Kirby - 8)Mikulz(8 wins 2-0
Ch0pStyx vs Van - Ch0pStyx wins 2-0
First round random bye round: Xcal, xXxSmeagolxXx, Evil~MANOWAR

Round 2
xXxSmeagolxXx vs Evil~MANOWAR - xXxSmeagolxXx wins 2-0
Xcal vs Intrude - Xcal wins 2-0
Crash3r vs Ch0pStyx - Crash3r wins 2-0
8)Mikulz(8 vs ~Tora~ - 8)Mikulz(8 wins 2-0

Round 3(Semi Finals)
Xcal vs xXxSmeagolxXx - Xcal wins 2-1
8)Mikulz(8 vs Crash3r - 8)Mikulz(8 wins 2-0

Round 4(Finals best of 5)
8)Mikulz(8 vs Xcal - 8)Mikulz(8 wins 3-1

1st: 8)Mikulz(8 $70
2nd: Xcal $30

Overall there were around 16-20 people in spikes before the start of the tournament but 13 ended up in the final bracket. Congratulations to anyone who won a game or round. 8)Mikulz(8 has already accepted his $70 via paypal and Xcal my good friend has graciously donated his $30 prize to the next tournament. Good job on 2nd Xcal and congratulations to 8)Mikulz(8 who made a great showing and along with his $70 1st wins the PBall Trophy Icon. It was fun thank you to everyone who showed up!

« Last Edit: October 03, 2015, 11:59:40 PM by xXxSmeagolxXx »