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Messages - QuilKs

Pages: [1]
1 / Re: Please help Yamon
« on: March 14, 2021, 11:38:10 AM »
SOOOO.......yamon i feel bad for you man. I can see how some peoples situations in life can put you in a bad spot with no way out(its seems at that point in time) but take what you have right now in front of you and get yourself in the mindset that you are sick of this life and ready for a change and willing to do whatever is necessary to get out of this spot.
As a New Yorker myself.....I have the best advice anyone can give you on here. Stop in at every jobsite that you see in NYC and ask for the foreman or boss. ask these people confidently if they are hiring and that you are motivated to start as a helper/laborer. if you went to 15 places, 3 will hire you. Almost every construction company needs more workers right now(especially if you'll work at minimum wage!) bro you might land yourself at minimum wage for few weeks then get bumped to $20 if you are decent!! have some courage. Be bold. and get the fuck off the streets! you can get a shared rent somewhere in queens for $200 a week no problem. (look on make it happen Yamon! Best of luck

2 / Re: 2020 New Year 1x1, 2x2 Tournaments!!
« on: December 26, 2019, 11:01:04 AM »
solid post by kagan
 its funny, i've played with you less than a handful of times. I don't think I ever said anything besides glhf to you. strange you would post that about me


van[z] should be banned and have a lawsuit brought against him personally.
this guy two days ago was "watching a game vs. his team [z} and didn't have allied chat on and i was watching him write, "hes coming with ogres to your base at 12" and things like that.
so go figure, the next game when he watches, i don't vision or ally him.......i slaughtered his teammates base and his peon was in there....ooops he died. :D i literally didn't even know, but owell, thats how it goes. he should've been hiding in the corner somewhere not repping his pards bases.
so messages me after and says don't ever join a game of mine again, i replied "lol."
he messages back and says "i hope your son dies."
i mean........bro its a game. you want to talk to me about how my very sick son should die???? who are you to tell me this?
there needs to be repercussions for this behavior.
i went on the other day before and after about 3 games, each time he was talking trash to seperate people on the forum. the guy needs a life #1 and #2 someone from war2 admin needs to do something about this. unacceptable.


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