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Messages - merrath

Pages: [1]
Flame Wars & Offtopic / Re: Re: Multilingual server
« on: March 17, 2015, 08:39:39 AM »
damn, should have its own botnet service to dispose the garbage such as the one above ^

Thank you for this insult.

Flame Wars & Offtopic / Re: Re: Multilingual server
« on: March 17, 2015, 08:33:44 AM »
NOT posting about 'closing the hacking client', 'hacker client', '2.02 client', 'latency bug', 'lightbringer hacks', 'stupid staff not playing the game' in literally EVERY thread will surely prolong your presence here before the ban

post that shit in one thread (about war2 client // version check) or flame wars/offtopic.

They can ban me if they want im not gonna respect it anymore since tk left and i am certainly im not the probleme.

This is not because i dint get back i dont know how to get back.. If they ban me again i will spam this forum over and over untill they stop.

Just better to stay calm before it goes worst for everyone.

No ban, no spam, everyone happy, dont try to be proud and keep banning for your own satisfaction, it's not gonna work anymore.

Flame Wars & Offtopic / Re: Multilingual server
« on: March 17, 2015, 08:27:09 AM »
I think you should stop waste your time untill you closed this hacking client.

So people can start to play seriously, instead to think everyone hacks and play without confident.

It will also resolved the latency bug.

Oh but your dont cares, your not even playing, you probably dint know latency bug is a nightmare for pro players when they try to get peon outside of the mine for ressource management.

4 / Re: Sell War2Ru?
« on: March 17, 2015, 08:09:09 AM »
Anyway thats not even a real ban, this is just a hating ban.

A real ban will should be like this..

Take the amount of overall players on server, it mean approximativly 100 players... Make a pool about the ban and need 3/4 of 100 players.

So between 60 and 100 players agreed for the ban..

Thats a real communauty ban, not a vote from 6 peoples of this forums, includ 4 peoples of the staff claw and winchester.

5 / Re: Sell War2Ru?
« on: March 17, 2015, 08:04:14 AM »
dude, you said you would respect your ban and no longer post here. lie after lie after lie, boooring.

Did you see equinox? I see Merrath, merrath is nobody.

6 / Re: Sell War2Ru?
« on: March 17, 2015, 07:36:23 AM »
Message from Equinox:

It's time to sell this game iL~

You ask tk for chance but the truth is there already 10 years we let you chance.

10 years you suppose to do something with this game and ten years we still 30 players in the channel.

You dint even know how to play, you dint even know your own members..

I insult you on game and nobody defend you, did you dont see reality? Nobody cares of you.

I give 1000$ for war2ru server.

Just be a man, take the 1000$, your gonna be winner....

Is better 1000$ instead of closing this game in two month.

Take it dude, your not even playing, let this game for people who like it and gonna make it better from love.

Pls gtfo dude, you kill this game, seriously GTFO AND TAKE THAT 1000$
As i see, you want to buy the whole project with the community.

I don't think it's possible to buy the community, it's only possible to gather people, and it's not something that could be measured by money. You can probably spend $0 to gather people or to spend $1000000 for the same task. That depends on your leadersip and communication skill.

People will follow you for free if they feel you better leader than our team.

I'd also say that $1000 is good price for bnet-server configuration with some typical site software, working, but with empty server database. To let you start it on your own vps-server with your own domain name.

Equinox, please, stop attacking me and our staff and let us do what we can for the project.
We never want to kill the game and the community, but we have to protect it against you when you begin to attack people.
Insulting, intolerance, blackmail, attacks against people - never helps to reach anything positive.

I still plan to implement some kind of antihack software soon: to inform people if anybody uses and kind of hack (independently of war2 version or their screenshots) and probably autodropping hackers.
My problem is that i have another life besides war2: my main work, real life, family. And i also need to have a rest sometimes.

It's funny how you make your point when im ban from your forum.

Same as moustopher talkshiting about me everywhere when im ban.

Your there Trying to be decent when i cant talk back... How the fuck it's suppose to be fair if i cant even answer?? Anyway, let me do it before your shitty staff ban me again.

I have play this server for ten years, i have over 25k games on your stupid server, i have pass more times then you, blid, moustopher, burnt and lightbringer combined, i have the right to give my opinion way OVER YOU dude... Way over anyone of your staff.

But your there banning me over and over because your pretending i attack your staff.... And yes that the entire truth... But for fucking ten years ive been attack by alot of peoples because im french.

Did you guys have really cares? No! Did i have really cares? No... Now, because i attack you, because your staff is the worst staff ever, your trying to ban me over and over? Even burnt try to make believe people i hacks and i ive never do nothing for this game, Are you fucking serious?? The truth is You guys just cant handle my opinions and prefere ban me because is more easy, because you see there some peoples start to be my side.

If your so borred of my attack, put me on your ignore list as we do since ten years? Why the fuck i will get ban? Because your admin and you have the only power?? Banning is suppose to be a big decision from communauty, not from you. Your nobody to ban someone because your not even the communauty.. Your not the one who play with us, your nobody on the real game, your a ghost, im sorry but thats the truth.

You have no fucking right on who you can ban or who you cant because your not the one whos there everyday with us...

Same for moustopher, blid and burnt...

You guys are just there sitting on forum all day long, doing no shit, splitting your stupid thread, banning peoples, muted peoples... Talking about nba, Dude, THIS GAME IS Diying.. why do you want to kill it more with all your bunch of stupid rules??? Do you not understand this game is dead... We dont need your fucking dictator rules, it need attraction, and there no attraction with your stupid plan you try to do since 1 month.

Even the only admin who was really active and playing with us ( TK ) Left your staff because he totally by himself desagree with your vision of this game, because he know this game dead, because he know most of player are custom players, and there not alot of pro players anymore, the way your doing right now not gonna give us more peoples, there nobody who gonna said ** Hey guys i have seen a forum today where they are pretty hard on rules, it's gonna be fun, let's get mute *** Be realist, it just mean absolutly nothing.

No, You just lose one of the most popular and one of the best player of the server ( ME ), you lose your own most active Admin ( TK ), you start to see peoples against you, Ganz, Ryu and way much more on the client.

Peoples who dint came here but totally agree with us.

We dont even understand why this game is called war2ru..

It just make no sens... you totally have a preference for russian player by making them personal website and everything.

Where my personal website for canadian? Or italian? Or american? Or poland??

You probably put the same time for russian as you put for all of us.

Your just not a neutral person, you guys in that staff have preference and do your moderation from this preference, exemple banning.

This game are not suppose to be called RU, OR CA, OR USA, it suppose to be neutral to bring more peoples as possible...

There almost a war right now between USA and Russia.. Do you know how much people we loose by this stupid name???

Ive try to explain you alot of times... i got fucking nothing against you or your staff, i got something against almost all of your decision... Because its already doing 10 years your taking all the decision... And since ten years we are still 30 players.. What do you not realise??? You have not the leadership for this role.. You dont understand how promotion work to get new people or how you have to get affiliates. You dont understand how it work...

The day you will realise i am not the probleme and i will do way much more for these games instead to be ban, this game gonna be better for everyone.

I know how to get this game on track, everyone know it, but its look like you just want this game die for your personal hating against me.

This is selfish for the communauty, this is selfish for this people who deserve more...

There no way i cant be admin here, i will be the most active and the most attractive for this game no doubt, EVERYONE KNOW IT, there no question about that.

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