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Messages - SmurfKinG

Pages: 1 ... 64 65 [66] 67 68 ... 73
why on earth are you rationalizing with dellam  ::) (... or at least trying to)

i understand that as an admin you feel obliged to give explanations
but dellam is the exception. no one will stand for him. nor will anyone question you or any other admin about actions taken regarding dellam.

some wise characters once said:

“Never explain―your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway.”
― Elbert Hubbard

“If you can't understand it without an explanation, you can't understand it with an explanation.”
― Haruki Murakami, 1Q84

I have been playing for 2 days... I never hacked since restarting, let me make that clear

The only reason we started hacking was because we could never get a game, the only way to get a game was to spoof a name of a player that others were willing to play. .... Other wise they would ask dellam s9 ?

Anyway I versed war.ii or war2.ii I cant remember in a game, I didn't hack but after the game ( not during) he accused me of hacking. He never requested ss or had any actually evidence, he said it just felt very hacky... WTF?
So then he goes in chat and starts telling everyone that I hacked.. I never did.. Next thing I know ive been banned from the server and cant log in.
Now I have to restart my modem to get a new ip.


stopped reading afterwards, was too much laughter to handle

General Discussion / ART.
« on: January 21, 2015, 05:20:14 PM »
im an art fan, i appreciate and enjoy all sorts of art.......... cept abstract paints, that art is stupid.

thought id share this one among the geeks consensus on these forums

artist name Elisa Naranja Metalica

and no, btw.. ryu replies to everyone

the one attacking equinox like a fukin mongoloidic autistic retard in about 99.99% of equinox posts is winchesteretard

its like its his job or something

go get a real job faggot and stop spamming the forums with ur nonsense crap


u shoulda started by sayin... i having a 3g cell phone internetz....

i wouldve saved my breath. lmfao

i really cant picture this .

port forwarding is a feature on the routers, is it like "greyed out" and with a message pay your is $$ to enable. orwtf ?!

is dmz available then?,165.0.html

if its like that then you should desist from that crappy internet providing service imo.

Mods & Development / war2 in the system tray
« on: January 20, 2015, 06:40:57 AM »
I want an app for windows that basically its just an icon on the system tray that pops ballons when a new game is hosted with the game name and possibly its creator aka..,,. Cool huh, sounds doable no?

983 / Re: Hi, I'm back
« on: January 20, 2015, 06:18:10 AM »
Oh I SO manage to make dellam rage everytime.
When i spot him (usually do instantly) i say hi dellam to make sure he knows i know its him.
Then join his game, then he launches and when the 5sec timer reaches 3sec, i leave, he then rehosts, i joi. Again, and again leave by the 3 second.  Rofl, then repeat the routine for at least 5 times before he decides to ban me.  Its amazing, i truly believe he has some degree of autism of some sort.

When i do play him, and win. He insta-disconnects. This counts as raging in my book.

General Discussion / Re: A Real Gamer.
« on: January 20, 2015, 05:20:36 AM »
more like a Real Loser

thats the sort of stuff you would do when your 16 or something.

32 and 38 rofl

besides u fuking mongoloids who like to think too much.

yeah nice way of deviating from straight accusation

take your retarded homo-discussion out of this subforum u bunch of monkeys, provides absolutely zero to war2

damn those admins are really lacking.

we didnt move to a new forum to have this homosexual good for nothing crap of a shit thread, move to general discussion.

someone said earlier that new forum recruits must reach an amount of posts before they can start threads.
thats a good practice among several forums and it should be put in place here as well. lots of trash shit (thats serves nothing good to war2) such as this, could be spared.

c'mon admins, wake up

Strategy & Replays / Re: standard peon count
« on: January 18, 2015, 05:16:31 AM »
having a pre-meditated build sounds like a recipe for failure
doesnt matter how many peons u put in what, what if your opponent is dualing or triple or fourhalling

what matters is if you scout and how well you do and how often. then adapt your strat accordingly.
see what your oppnent is up to.
no rocket science.

General Discussion / Re: Improving the Forum Brainstorming Thread
« on: January 18, 2015, 03:57:32 AM »

General Discussion / Re: Improving the Forum Brainstorming Thread
« on: January 18, 2015, 03:53:31 AM »

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