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Messages - 8)MikulZ(8

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Sounds great see you there  :wc2:

Mods & Development / Re: Warcraft II Config program
« on: July 10, 2020, 03:57:25 PM »
Updated with a few new display modes for upscaling.
OpenGL / Direct3D 9 will now detect when a player joins and automatically switch to windowed mode while is open (it will switch back to fullscreen when you join a game).
Tooltips were added in English and Russian (translated by iL)
Can I disable the automatic windowed mode in so it's always fullscreen?

Right now that's not possible with OpenGL / Direct3D 9, you would have to use the GDI renderer for that.

Are you sure you actually really need OpenGL / Direct3D 9? The main advantage of these two renderers is that both of them fix the laggy cursor (input lag) on windows 8+10. If you don't mind the input lag then GDI is just fine.

The problem with GDI for me is that it doesn't display the game (or just cursor not sure) in 144fps but (30?)fps, and i'm so spoiled by smooth cursor of 144hz display I can't stand laggy cursor of 60hz monitors anymore lol. If there is some way to change GDI to display 144hz then it should be fine too.

See you there! Lets have some fun games in memory of the most legendary chop player Manny!

Mods & Development / Re: Warcraft II Config program
« on: June 04, 2020, 02:54:24 PM »
Updated with a few new display modes for upscaling.
OpenGL / Direct3D 9 will now detect when a player joins and automatically switch to windowed mode while is open (it will switch back to fullscreen when you join a game).
Tooltips were added in English and Russian (translated by iL)
Can I disable the automatic windowed mode in so it's always fullscreen?

95 / Re: R.I.P. Ch0ppy
« on: June 03, 2020, 07:53:36 PM »
This can't be true...

He was the kindest person I've ever met online and a very good friend... Best Chop Farms host ever letting everyone play and I don't even know if chop would be alive anymore if he didn't host it almost daily.

This is a horrible day in Warcraft 2 history and the most sad thing I can think of that could have happened on this server...  :sob:

RIP Ch0ppY, my bro.. Someday we will reunite again to play some Chop Farms!

96 / Re: mutton plz tell me what folder
« on: May 11, 2020, 07:11:21 AM »

97 / Re: Chop 2vs2 tournament | December 22 @ 3 PM EST
« on: January 08, 2020, 08:46:39 AM »
Nope. Not enough people I guess.

98 / Re: Chop 2vs2 tournament | December 22 @ 3 PM EST
« on: December 10, 2019, 06:56:53 PM »
Nice pic of claw  :rofl:

It has been so long from the last time I played at a chop tour. Maybe I'll join too!

Looking good! I like that we now have a full version with music and everything so people don't have to edit some registers and download iso images to get music working  ^-^

Awesome! It has been so long gotta go unrust  8)

101 / Re: True key to getting good at war2
« on: July 03, 2018, 06:15:12 PM »
Naruto's music is the best I've heard in an anime and it sure has worked for me :fro: Fairy tail music is another good one.

Sorry I only recorded our last game we played today and it was a pretty fast game too, so its propably better to commentary some of the earlier games if some1 recorded them. Didn't think anyone has much interest in them and I didn't have my record program (OBS) ready. Gratz for Proof winning me 3-1 ggs!

I'll start to record more of my games from now on especially tournament ones. :)

Sadly we couldn't finish our games because Proof said he would be afk for 15 mins, I waited about 1 hour but he didn't show up and I had to go to sleep...

Haven't used these war2 recording programs much, but looking at the meltdown of claw I guess insights don't work on pballs? If not, can you or someone else explain why, instead of starting a traditional war2 forum pissing contest about it LoL

Everyone like different maps. Someone saying their map is better than other maps is just their opinion. Also a person saying some map is more "real" than some other map is just being an elitist cunt.

Nice job Mikulz and Smeagol for organizing.

Thanks XuRnT! Had fun ty for hosting and keeping pball alive Smeagol!

Insights of all the games attached

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