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Messages - [TD]Medivh

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76 / Re: What the heck happened to my account
« on: November 17, 2015, 02:51:44 PM »
I didnt get invited

From viruz , from wargasm  and from lux.
When i asked them to join
  THEY ALL AGREED about that.

77 / Re: What the heck happened to my account
« on: November 17, 2015, 02:39:33 PM »

Blid , i need your phone number i have to talk with you.

Eveything now is going out control. I gotta solve the situation...

Support Requests / Re: Medivh is not [TD]
« on: November 17, 2015, 02:32:41 PM »
So ive got locked after an idiot named "archangel" which came back after ages non playing says "medivh is not TD", and DODGED all 1v1 with me

This is ridicolous, im very disgusted about all that.

I'm gonna bring viruz wargasm and lux here and solve out the situation.

79 / What the heck happened to my account
« on: November 17, 2015, 02:23:46 PM »
What happened to

Can't log in with my account anymore?

got hacked?
got banned for some dark reason?

I require explanaition

Tournaments & Leagues / Re: Saturday October 24th Gow Tournament.
« on: October 26, 2015, 12:17:26 PM »
You can select medium/low resources then, would someone play/enjoy it?

No. That's cause the correct settings for garden of war.pud are high resources , forest , 1 peon only , even faster speed, SINCE EVER.

Crying and blaming map for tricky positions isn't the right mentality to get good in this game. That also explains why 80% of ppl who plays since '95 havent still learnt basics.

You should just focus more to refine your strategies and exploit your position to improve your gameplay instead of posting such silly threads.

Tournaments & Leagues / Re: Saturday October 24th Gow Tournament.
« on: October 25, 2015, 02:47:19 PM »
Thats a kid attitude.

You get 6 or 8? Play it like a real man and lets see what u can do.

Tournaments & Leagues / Re: Saturday October 24th Gow Tournament.
« on: October 25, 2015, 11:50:39 AM »
i honestly don't like anything you've decided on tora. but my request is GOW TE instead of GoW classic since it's a tournament and getting spot fucked has reguarily been hindering people from winning


i just told you, i said i was offering free lessons after no one wanted to pay for it, and even then, obviously whoever is paying me is going to get better lessons anyway, because it is within my self interest to provide better training to receive pay


First you want to switch the classic gow map to TE version cause you fear fucksposts then you would give lessons and you wonder about the fact no one would ever spend a cent to get lessons from you.


83 / Re: Rat's prize money
« on: October 03, 2015, 07:05:26 PM »
Actually u could just donate it to me since i would have won it if i wasnt at work !

84 / Re: Official Ladder HALL OF FAME
« on: September 12, 2015, 12:33:05 PM »
Everyone talking about hall of fame and i dont find my name written in this ?
Ahhhh im so disappointed.

85 / Re: Admins, what is the great masterplan?
« on: August 25, 2015, 09:55:56 AM »
This is quite the best plan we could put into effect.
I completely agree with CLAW, things around here now are being so sad
Never seen the server so dead ( could even be due to vacations and summer season )

Actually , the thing i couldnt help but notice admins are so absent this period, except for burnt who logged on about everyday to take care of the situation and write down some announcements about the tournaments.

So, i would add another point to claw's ones which is establishing a shift of admins in order to always have at least 1 admin in the channel at every hour of the day.
If the problem consists of schedule issues , then i would suggest to name admins who live in different country, or just like one from South america , another for North america and an european one.
This should even balance out the situation. ( in addition iL and whoever else is the main admin of the server)

What i'm saying is that Ru should never be left without an admin.

86 / Re: Helping the game
« on: July 18, 2015, 06:09:33 PM »
ROFL smokosz

87 / Re: Helping the game
« on: July 18, 2015, 03:03:24 PM »
Who said it's dead? I said I will return if the game becomes big again.

In fact i never said ur legend died.
Your legend never began rofl

Learn to read newb

88 / Re: Helping the game
« on: July 18, 2015, 02:05:54 PM »
Its because I stopped playing the game seriously shortly after bnet came  late99/early 2000. Since then I have probably only played like 300 gow games at most in those 15 years.  Obviously nobody will talk about you when you have been inactive for so long but all the old good players know my original aka and thats all that matters. I am a legend and was a top player in the game when it was at its peak. THe only player in the history of warcraft 2 to be #1 on every server

You are making fun of youself.

A true legend never dies.
Actually the legend of "ganz" didnt even begin LOL

89 / Re: Helping the game
« on: July 17, 2015, 01:59:59 PM »
"US"? lol Whats your aka? If you were any good I would have heard of you. I have no experience??? ROFL I have 2nd most wins in Kali IGL history. I played with the best of the best when this game had 100x the playerbase of today.

Then you should log in sometimes so i can give u a beatdown.
Who you were in Kali ,no one gives a fuck , your win ratio back in the days has no importance. Your name is not known , You are NOT relevant for this community.
And i've never seen anyone talking about you or namin your account. and thats the proof you are NO ONE.

90 / Re: Helping the game
« on: July 17, 2015, 01:20:58 PM »
I never heard of u either.

That's exactly what im saying.

You have no experience, and you know no one of the good players cause you don't have the level required to play with us.

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