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Messages - Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart)

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 388
General Discussion / Re: Congratulations democrats
« on: January 29, 2022, 10:27:53 AM »
I mean like 90% of trump voters agree with the stuff he’s saying even where it’s wildly inaccurate. His type act like it’s some secret truth they have but it’s actually just the new mainstream right bullshit.

Cumluver was probably referencing the time someone here said they’d “rather be pedo than gay” but I don’t think that was tk

General Discussion / Re: Congratulations democrats
« on: January 28, 2022, 03:20:37 PM »
*bursts into the thread with heartbeat racing after watching a ben shapiro vid*
*rage quintuple posts*

General Discussion / Re: Congratulations democrats
« on: January 28, 2022, 03:02:37 PM »
It's okay because they were fat Amerikkkan pigs.  Tk said so

General Discussion / Re: Congratulations democrats
« on: January 28, 2022, 01:53:21 PM »
what closure have any american cities or states ordered? 

Do you mean now? Or before vaccine distribution?
There were countless shutdowns at the early days of the pandemic and even now many schools have shut down in person learning as you are aware.
i mean now obviously.  Like, tk is complaining about current shutdowns, saying we are now entering a recession, and that his walmart is out of hamburgers now.  thats why i am making fun of him for posting something from literally a year ago

all the restrictions are long gone.  even chicago schools opened up after a short closure (and it was the democratic mayor who went to war with the teachers union there), and mostly all the other school systems that closed only did so because they couldnt staff their schools anymore due to too many illnesses.  no political officials ordered it anywhere.  instead they were dragging people in off the street to volunteer as subs and bus drivers.  these are the facts.  Tk is broken

General Discussion / Re: Congratulations democrats
« on: January 28, 2022, 01:06:13 PM »
Hmm lets see this link you provided

Lets look more closely  2021/02/19   /business/newsom-coronavirus-california.amp.html

Computer, enhance!


General Discussion / Re: Congratulations democrats
« on: January 28, 2022, 12:57:44 PM »
i don't watch any tv news lol.  you have to be stupid to do that

"theyre not in the hospital FROM covid, theyre in the hospital WITH covid" you proclaim, after hospitalizations reach record numbers surpassing even last winter.  Must just be more car accidents than ever i guess.  any rationalization at all is accepted if it can help us pretend covid didnt impact anything

tell me, what closure have any american cities or states ordered?  point me to one please instead of simply crying because the walmart fridge is out of hamburger.  in the absence of any government ordered closures, i submit to you: perhaps supply chains are suffering because a bunch of people got sick at the same time?

ask Equinox for advice

General Discussion / Re: Congratulations democrats
« on: January 28, 2022, 11:08:16 AM »
How many healthy people are dying of covid? Not a lot at all

2500 people dying a day. They must not be very healthy! Good riddance!

General Discussion / Re: Congratulations democrats
« on: January 28, 2022, 11:07:07 AM »
We are officially entering a recession thanks to this "oh my God 99.7% of everyone who gets covid survives let's shut the global economy down!!!!" Mentality.

Like 99.999 survival rate of you're not old, obese, or have some underlying condition.

Hope it was worth it. Fuckers.
what is being shut down.  you are tilting at windmills lol

just ranting and raving at nothing.  you are consuming way too much political content and getting overstimulated lmao

General Discussion / Re: ATTN Russians
« on: January 28, 2022, 11:05:08 AM »
Do you think Russia will invade Ukraine?

How do Russian civilians feel towards Ukraine?

Do most Russians you know support a Ukraine invasion? ... Or does it seem to be something only the political/military leaders want to do?

... Biden is not in control of our country. There are people "behind the scenes" who are determining our policies, and they are using Biden as the face/messenger/scapegoat. That is kind of scary because Liberal elite/media/politicians desperately want a war with Russia. I'm nott sure why.. but the left have been hell bent on spreading anti-russian propaganda for at least 4-5 years.. Maybe more.

So it's scary because the person who will be held accountable (Biden)... Is also a person who is clearly declining in both physical, and more obviously mental health.

Basically Biden is perfect for the job. He's not Trump (because based on the 4 years Trump was President.. He would do everything in his power to avoid military conflict) Biden is a career politician that understood a long time ago he belongs to specific corporations and will serve their interests.. and when it's all over with, Biden's dementia will be so severe that everyone will feel sorry for him and not hold him accountable.

By the time the American people realize a war with Russia was such a horrible senseless act that could have been avoided, the "behind the scenes" elites who actually made the decision to invade Russia will never have to face consequences because they're behind the scenes... And the person (Biden) that the public believes made the decision to invade Russia will be in such a horrible state of mental decline that it will be impossible to charge him.

It's perfect.

The only way to avoid the conflict all together is if Putin backs off Ukraine... But the more I think about it, the more I think Putin might just be "testing the waters" to see how the U.S. responds to potential threats from Russia... Do they respond from a position of strength, or potential weakness.

There was an article posted a few years ago stating the U.S. could lose a war to China OR Russia ... But that report could have easily been created/fabricated/manufactured to convince Trump and the Public that more military spending was a good thing... or even an attempt to convince/trick China/Russia into attacking from a weak position, believing it were stronger.

No matter what.. A war where the U.S., China, and Russia is inevitable eventually. China will pass U.S. as a global super power if there is no intervention. The most common form of intervention throughout human history is war. Empires do not give up their superiority without a fight. And China/Russia are better friends than U.S./China or U.S./Russia.
first, i dont think there will be a war.  neither with US vs china & russia, nor russia invading ukraine... but it's inarguable that tensions have been rising.  the real left (communists) have no interest in this happening.  imo it's actually the west (and especially the US) pushing this ukraine hysteria. 


imo it's also not even true that russia wants to invade ukraine... but the US is talking about adding ukraine and georgia to NATO, an anti-russian military alliance assembled to encircle russia.  and this would be tightening the circle around them.  very inflammatory and provocative.  the US already helped coup a more russian-friendly ukrainian government to put it into the hands of west-friendly types.

ps: lol at the meltdown over threads being in appropriate forums

General Discussion / Re: Australia quarantine
« on: January 25, 2022, 09:09:53 AM »
Fort Detrick is an army base in Maryland with no research facilities related to medicine or contagious diseases.

lol idiot.
"It is home to the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command (USAMRDC), with its bio-defense agency, the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID). It also hosts the National Cancer Institute-Frederick (NCI-Frederick)[3] and is home to the National Interagency Confederation for Biological Research (NICBR)[4] and National Interagency Biodefense Campus (NIBC).

In August 2019, its deadly germ research operations were shut down following serious safety violations, in particular relating to the disposal of dangerous materials.[5][6]"

Damn COVID19 was released on August 2019 from Fort Detrick, confirmed.

I’ll do some research on this. I haven’t really looked into fort detrick that much in all honesty.
But your saying you accept covid-19 was medically engineered in a lab and didn’t occur naturally right?
It’s still probably naturally occurring but the US military was in Wuhan in October 2019 for the World Military Games, right around the time covid first emerged. If you want to point fingers you can point them wherever you want. Jingoistic Americans are always going to be pointing them at China even though there’s no evidence it didn’t simply naturally cross species.

Not really about pointing fingers at people I think.
IF the covid-19 pathogen was created due to gain of function research.
It’s about holding the people responsible that created it. Because as you are well aware millions of people have died and millions of businesses have been destroyed as a result.
how do you prove it?  and how do you then "hold responsible" whoever let it out?  you cant.  especially if it's china, you can't just bomb china or boycott china, they're too big and make 90% of our goods lol.  but people just like to chest thump and blame china because 1) now you seem tough on china, and westerners have been trained to fear/hate china so it's popular to blame them, and 2) it absolves them of their own horrendous responses to it. 

this thing came into human populations in 2019.  2019, 2020, 2021, now it's 2022.... dang that's a long time huh.  youd think we could figure out some way to deal with it in that time but what if instead we just did nearly nothing while occasionally grumbling about nefarious red china and the ccp (who have kept covid spread to an absolute minimum in their country).  if you see what im saying.

obviously tk lives in an entirely different media ecosystem where getting a vaccine means you love billionaires and getting covid means youre smart.  it's tedious to actually try and debate this stuff because at this point our country is so stratified that it's clearly a waste of time, tk is locked into his position.  he didnt like trump at first but then everyone else on the right liked him and now what do you know tk likes him too, and what do you know tk is saying exactly what everyone else is saying not just about vaccines but also about stocks and ooh hes even juts reposting videos he watched (while accusing others of being programmed lol)

but since you apparently got the vaccine and maybe are a little more ideologically coherent (general libertarian philosophy) i guess i should respond a little more.

Leave the city and they have none of those restrictions.

Ok is it hurting you?
You yourself always wear a N-95 mask wherever you go and are fully vaccinated. How do people in rural communities not wearing them affect you? Your not very likely to be infected even if you come in contact with someone unmasked as your mask should protect you.
Call me crazy but I think we as a society should do what we can to limit the spread of disease and death. To say we because who cares about anyone but yourself is poisonous individualism and leads to a failed state.

Ok your welcome your opinion.
I did ask you a question in the above post which you ignored.

How do people in rural communities not wearing them affect you? Your not very likely to be infected even if you come in contact with someone unmasked as your mask should protect you.

To your point about about my earlier statement about “individualism” in America. That is how America has functioned for decades and it has been that way since it’s founding in 1776 and last I checked the state hasn’t “fail” as you are claiming it will.

Nobody is saying for people not to wear N95 masks or get the vaccines. In fact all local governments recommend it for everyone to!
yeah america has had a fairly shitty philosophy from the outset, and this has led to atrocities like slavery and genocide and all sorts of shit, but it also has had its moments where theres growth and a "rising tide lifts all boats."  however, just logically, as the rich get more power they get more influence, which allows them to control congress and the levers of government more and more, which allows them to strpi back anything that limits their own wealth.  the end result is a society that becmoes increasingly unequal, and so to keep from being hanged in the street, they also have to feed more and more slop to the base, sell them hate against immigrants, sell them hate against china, sell thme hate against wacky sjws and teh Libs (and while liberals do of course suck, when you orient your beliefs around simply opposing them at all turns, because lol triggered or get wrekced or whatever, that means government becmoes incapable of doing even basic stuff).

In any case.  it does hurt me when a disease rips through the entire population of my country, yes.  What if this accelerates the spread of the disease everywhere leading to more and more people, including my loved ones, getting sick.  What if this leads to new variants of the disease.  What if this leads to interrupted supply chains and store shelves being empty.  What if i have to go to the hospital and can't because all the beds are taken and they're festering plague hotels now?  what if all the health care workers quit and go into new jobs as private on-call nurses and doctors for the rich?  What if theres an exodus of public school teachers because theyre sick of being sent into poorly ventilated places with no mask mandates for low pay?  No man is an island.  We all live here together.  individualism is a disease

General Discussion / Re: Australia quarantine
« on: January 25, 2022, 08:49:46 AM »
because that video wasnt made in response to me.  that pedophile congressman didnt read my posts here.  that vid is just some random right wing shit that already exists out there that you posted at me.  i dont care about it and im not fauci or whoever other moron it may be talking about.  i actually write what i want to say instead of just vomiting out other peoples content

lol i want us to confiscate bill gates and elon musks assets and redistribute them.  i want us to nationalize big pharma and make it a state enterprise.  you want to allow these assholes to keep amassing more and more wealth and you think im soft on billionaires because.... i got a vaccine so id have less chance of getting sick?  if you actually cared about the power of billionaire corporations you would have to completely rearrange your worldview.  i however have a coherent worldview that fits together and makes sense because im smart.

General Discussion / Re: Australia quarantine
« on: January 24, 2022, 12:56:55 PM »
'Think About What We've Been Told About This Virus That Wasn't True': Jim Jordan Slams Biden, Fauci - YouTube

Brain. turned. off.


You should turn it back on and get the remote bakc then

Lol it's so funny people like you talking about giving in to billion dollar corporations.  You are surely against higher taxes and regulation and anything else that would distribute wealth and keep corps and the rich in check.  You're only bringing it up here because you think it's convenient to your argument, not because you actually care. 

btw how is that video relevant to anything i've said at any point lol.  I didn't even click it but i know it's about some other idiots that have nothing to do with me.

General Discussion / Re: Australia quarantine
« on: January 23, 2022, 04:10:23 PM »
Fort Detrick is an army base in Maryland with no research facilities related to medicine or contagious diseases.

lol idiot.
"It is home to the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command (USAMRDC), with its bio-defense agency, the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID). It also hosts the National Cancer Institute-Frederick (NCI-Frederick)[3] and is home to the National Interagency Confederation for Biological Research (NICBR)[4] and National Interagency Biodefense Campus (NIBC).

In August 2019, its deadly germ research operations were shut down following serious safety violations, in particular relating to the disposal of dangerous materials.[5][6]"

Damn COVID19 was released on August 2019 from Fort Detrick, confirmed.

I’ll do some research on this. I haven’t really looked into fort detrick that much in all honesty.
But your saying you accept covid-19 was medically engineered in a lab and didn’t occur naturally right?
It’s still probably naturally occurring but the US military was in Wuhan in October 2019 for the World Military Games, right around the time covid first emerged. If you want to point fingers you can point them wherever you want. Jingoistic Americans are always going to be pointing them at China even though there’s no evidence it didn’t simply naturally cross species.

General Discussion / Re: Australia quarantine
« on: January 23, 2022, 03:50:03 PM »
Leave the city and they have none of those restrictions.

Ok is it hurting you?
You yourself always wear a N-95 mask wherever you go and are fully vaccinated. How do people in rural communities not wearing them affect you? Your not very likely to be infected even if you come in contact with someone unmasked as your mask should protect you.
Call me crazy but I think we as a society should do what we can to limit the spread of disease and death. To say we because who cares about anyone but yourself is poisonous individualism and leads to a failed state.

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