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Messages - 00Samuel

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
46 / Re: Is there any clan more prestigous than 00?
« on: January 30, 2018, 07:48:46 AM »
^^Your warbandit I think

Firstly. It's 'you're'. Secondly, I know you are trying to insult me, but it's not going to work. Warbandit is a fine, upstanding example of an all round player. Not only that, but he is 6'5 and 130lbs of pure muscle and could take out pretty much anyone on warcraft 2 in a real fight.

47 / Re: Is there any clan more prestigous than 00?
« on: January 30, 2018, 07:39:40 AM »
Yes we are super cool ....... it is not all about winning to me, but being a noble person

Ok this is one of the lamer troll threads. Come on, I just watched and episode of supergirl that was less cheesy than this. It's like a triple-cheese cheese supreme with extra cheese, a cheesy crust and a side of cheese balls. Surely nobody actually talks like that....

How is this a troll thread? She said not all 00 are bad and i let her know it was true. You're just trying to pick I fight but i'm not going to stoop to your level. 00 means everything to me and i will represent them with respect and dignity

48 / Re: Is there any clan more prestigous than 00?
« on: January 29, 2018, 12:01:53 AM »
Whoa! Not all the 00 on that list are jerks!

Some of them are upstanding, non-newb-hating, non-server-destroying super cool guys.

Yes we are super cool. Remember how I saved you in our HSC game? I have also sacrificed my near 90% winning record to partner with noobs and help them in handicap matches, and also save teammates such as yourself, so you are able to enjoy a longer is not all about winning to me, but being a noble person

Cool im definitely in I love paintball
Hell yeah, do you have a Facebook? You should join the PBall Players group that way you can get news about tournaments and other PBall related stuff a lot easier and more reliable than here.

I have an account and i know where the page is so will join up later unless i forget!

50 / Re: Is there any clan more prestigous than 00?
« on: January 28, 2018, 10:45:41 PM »

I think that the only player out of the ones that you mentioned that could really present problems is Shotgun
haha! Shotgun can't even beat the old guard towers outside of 12 strategy

51 / Re: Is there any clan more prestigous than 00?
« on: January 28, 2018, 10:41:24 PM »
Loool legend choppy nice joke
Ch0ppy isn't a legend lol

Ch0ppy has beaten many of the best Chop players, don't let his record fool you-He plays many handicap matches. Beating him is a huge accomplishment, which I did.

Clan mean nothing in w2, its only tag
WRONG. The get into our clan, you need to be time tested, and have unbelievable skill. No Offence, but you are not worthy.

i remember one game, me vs them, i was left middle and they were bottom left and top left (no hop vs 2 with hops)
i won hehe

That is an amazing accomplishment. You sound like you might be worthy challenge of the 00.

t of interest, what name were you using while "dominating" in chop farms?
00Samuel-my one and only name

Cool im definitely in I love paintball

53 / Is there any clan more prestigous than 00?
« on: January 26, 2018, 10:00:58 AM »
I don't think so.

When you look at our clan, we basically have all the best and most dominant GOW players. Noone can really compare. People like Shotgun and and Yamon who fancy themselves as T1 end up getting embarrased.

Even look at the win record of our members- most of have a 75% win rate.

We are also very versitile- myself and brother 00Steve have recently started dominating in chop farms for example, making ahort work of experienced legends like Ch0ppy And Str33fight3r.

If anyone thinks there is a better clan, id like to hear about it. Or if any clan wishes to challenge us, we are more than happy to show who is the best.

Thanks everyone and have a lovely day

General Discussion / Re: nba 2017-2018
« on: January 18, 2018, 07:31:25 AM »
Lauri Markkanen becomes the fastest player to make 100 3-pointers in their career, doing so in 41 games


He only takes about 10 3 points a game so im not surprised

55 / Re: Ways to cheat in war2.
« on: January 18, 2018, 07:25:40 AM »
"Facebook stalking
Player A adds person B on facebook. Player A sees that Player B has had a major life event such as just broke up with his girlfriend. Player A tells Player C that Player B has broken up with his girlfriend. Player C will challenge Player B to a match whenever possible. "

Why are you laughing Swagzier?

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