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Messages - [TD]Medivh

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46 / Re: List of players better than me
« on: July 12, 2018, 11:09:58 AM »

stopped reading here

Thats what you do when you fear to read the rest of the sentence.

47 / Re: List of players better than me
« on: July 12, 2018, 08:37:52 AM »
The stats you posted are irrelevant, mostly because the stats include the time when i just began to play old/ef and some of them are just too short...
Actually the most correct one is me vs braviet in the most recent time which confirms the fact that we are even and i counted 30/32, not 28/30..
You should also listen to the opinion of the people... Personally ive always thought you used to feed your ego a bit too much...

Responding to LoNe: i dont remember i have played you that much (but ladder system says so) so i wont doubt about that, anyways i dont even consider the games ive played against a hacker.

Concluding i must remind you all that ive started to play MUCH later than 95% of the total players, and this should not be a neglected detail.

48 / Re: List of players better than me
« on: July 08, 2018, 09:37:16 PM »
Are you talking about 1v1 ANY MAP
Or 1v1 gow....

1v1 gow i would definitely win since im at the same level of braviet/jesk/poscow/itshot, at the same time i admit im not that expert in other maps
So it depends.

Of course, evaluating this type of things is very difficult

Can't i have a custom one ? :D

50 / Re: R.I.P. AcidGangsta (GOFUNDME PAGE NOW ADDED)
« on: March 15, 2017, 08:14:41 PM »
Very sad to hear , R.I.P.  :(

51 / Re: Master tag challenge thread
« on: March 13, 2017, 06:06:17 PM »
ended up 4-3 all gow map

couldnt upload the warvid on forums due to huge MB

here it is :

52 / Re: Master tag challenge thread
« on: March 13, 2017, 04:09:18 PM »

53 / Re: Master tag challenge thread
« on: March 13, 2017, 08:22:47 AM »
I challenge alf-attack bo7 koth

54 / Re: Master tag challenge thread
« on: March 12, 2017, 06:34:35 PM »
I challenge u8t3io3p in bo7 starting with gow

55 / Re: [resolved] SS missing from Lone
« on: March 12, 2017, 02:29:39 PM »
Thanks again for your opinion claw , but we all don't take it serious at all and if u cant understand it by urself then ur even more stupid than i thought...

And im not going to reply to u ANYMORE in this 3D, i dont have time to waste with meaningless persons.... thanks again..

Anyways... theres a slight possibility that the warvid have been modified, since IVE NEVER seen this weird shit in tons of warvid replays...
I'm very curious , like lambchops to understand why theres such glitch, and what causes it..

56 / Re: [resolved] SS missing from Lone
« on: March 11, 2017, 10:19:27 PM »
no, it was lambchops post that misled you.this is a very known and obvious bug with warvid, and since theres a warvid, you might as well (and should) stfu. you got owned and you got a little princess attitude, similarly to lone for that matter, but its time to let it go

I find interesting how "claw" who doesnt play gow (or plays it very bad) and is not an admin is trying to join the conversation and give his judgment about an issue that probabily goes beyond his understanding.

Personally i think you are a person that probabily haven't got a happy childhood and is now searching for attention.
You're doing it wrong man

You are a freak of nature , go bother someone else lol

57 / Re: [resolved] SS missing from Lone
« on: March 11, 2017, 01:13:12 PM »
no, it was lambchops post that misled you.this is a very known and obvious bug with warvid, and since theres a warvid, you might as well (and should) stfu. you got owned and you got a little princess attitude, similarly to lone for that matter, but its time to let it go

Lol, i must admit you are funny sometimes even tho i never liked you.
But yeah, that the goal of all clowns ~~

58 / Re: [resolved] SS missing from Lone
« on: March 11, 2017, 10:56:59 AM »


Yea, theres a possibility that he hacks hard but dont worry its due to win8 / 10 ...

59 / Re: SS missing from Lone
« on: March 11, 2017, 02:06:10 AM »
Wow, it is an interesting thing , ya know ? lol

Anyways ....
It took you a while to edit the ss before posting it... in fact you didnt post it the same day we played...

Thought u were faster with dt process

60 / Re: SS missing from Lone
« on: March 11, 2017, 01:39:34 AM »
Watched all your warvid, and theres a weird thing i noticed, (and its not an FPS problem), the fog of war dissappears for a millisecond, and it happens with intermittence, if you're able to stop the replay perfectly in one of these FPS you can notice that the vision is revealed.... it happens for very short time but u can see it for all game long, thing that DOESNT HAPPEN in ANY of the replays i've got , (recorded from me or recorded from other players)....

Do explain how warvid does not prove everything

As you can see i dont have to explain anything, YOU DO instead.

Also my question is still up....
Where is MY SS?

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