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Messages - Knitter

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211 / Re: DKPuzzle.pud Challenge
« on: March 01, 2016, 09:43:49 AM »
kk got it thx!
i almost finished it!

212 / Re: DKPuzzle.pud Challenge
« on: March 01, 2016, 07:45:09 AM »
Ive tryed to TVB / ( 3 seats i put 2 comps ) / resc map default and fixed order

ive started with 1 peon on 1 Island coundt do shit :D


213 / Re: DKPuzzle.pud Challenge
« on: March 01, 2016, 07:24:16 AM »
Yo Player, ill take the challenge.
Im sick laying at home, im allready bored after 2 days :)

How do i host?
Melee or TVB?
What resc?
Whats the key? to kill every comp?


214 / Re: wtf is this - Cheat enabled
« on: January 03, 2016, 04:41:47 PM »
Rofl, Braviet for president!
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

215 / Re: unlock names please
« on: December 30, 2015, 08:17:17 AM »
add wii4ever_arthi his name is also logged.

Just checked logs.
However, that looks like a false positive, so i'm sorry.

Let me explain:

How my antihack works:
It reads the memory values known as used by hacks from war2 memory. Then it sends that values to the server. And then the server compares that values to "known clean war2 values" and reports HACK if differs.
For map hack known "clean" value = XX. "Hack" value = 00.
That's why when i see value 00 from someone i can definitely say that he activated maphack. When i see XX i can definitely say that maphack is not being activated for him.

But what if value changes from XX to anything else, like 02? I have no idea if the map will be open (as in maphack) or ok (as usual), but that definitely means something strange happens. Normally that value is ALWAYS XX. That's why that will also be reported as HACK.

Another question is, what happens if reading the memory value will cause error for some reason? I've been so stupid that i didn't check that properly until last update.
Technically, value possibly be sent to the server then is not defined, but that should be 00 most likely.
I still don't understand how that can happen that defined and existing memory data in existing process can be checked most of the time, but not in several moments.

But I added that check to new version, just to be sure, marking failed-reading values as UNDEFINED.

And now what i can see in server logs:
These are several akas being marked as "HACK!":
- thaydrad:
map value: XX changed to YY and then changed back to XX.
other values also have been also changed to YY and then back to proper values.
YY is not any of known hacking values.
No idea what that can mean, but that's not kell-known hacks.

- 8472:
values have been clean most time. But sometimes changes to UNDEFINED.

- 00Kyle:
values have been ok at the beginning. But then they have been changed to UNDEFINED. After that they all have been changed to 00. And then to UNDEFINED again, many times.
00 means hack for maphack, but not for other hacks. So, 00 for all values could mean something else than hacking. No idea what exactly.

- Miron:
All values changed to UNDEFINED also.

Returning to the past:
xXxSmeagolxXx used previous version and i rechecked now:
All values have been changed from ok to 00. That could mean hack for maphack, but other values should be different.
I think that means antihack have not been able to read his memory values properly for some reason and then sent 00 instead. I classified that as hack. And i think i was wrong.
So i think that was false positive with xXxSmeagolxXx  also.

I'm sorry again.

My future plans:
1. the problem in loader have been fixed. So, no more false positives. There are some more problems (not related to false positives) i plan to fix soon, so several new versions should be released.
2. my idea to consider any non-proper value as hack have been bad. I think 3 states should be shown: definite OK, definite HACK and undefined.
3. my idea to keep everything secret have been failed also. I have to discover at least several basic concepts about antihack and it's logic. Such discovering could cause the rish of hacking the antihack, but i can't keep everything secret anymore.
4. i still plan to rewrite the backend of server side from scratch to handle input data more careful. So, i'll consider these new conditions also.

I'm sorry again, but antihack project is still in testing stage. So, some bugs in code and in concept appeared in real environment only.
I'll make efforts to never repeat such situations.

Did you just admit that your anti hack used to the be just crap?
Just wondering why always the same people which have had a hacking history get caught again and no1 else.
Just wondering why no1 else like Joe, Cola, Lego, Braviet, Jesk, Alf.... ect..people which used anti hack daily but never had the same issue. Always gets the same people we talk about.
But again its the wrong script and not the player :)
When Martin-18 got caught, he didnt get the ban.   
Obvious it was his brother or his cousin who played on his name, no ban.

Ah well, this never gets tired...
Im not sure why we got this anti hack anyway.
People get caught after caught and never gets banned its so frustrating.
Swift got caught so many times in the past, nothing ever happend because hes a good talker and admins got no guts to ban him.
Martin-18 is prolly the biggest hacker, but is online 24/7.
If theres 1 reason why this game dies and people losing spirit , thats maybe one of it.

I was done for a few months playin some diablo3 now im back, but nothing changed.
Get the guts and ban the hacking people ... at least ban the people which had plenty of chances. Im not tellin anyone to ban some1 who got caught once.

218 / Re: icon
« on: December 27, 2015, 06:32:03 AM »
Hi XMenX
i think its possbile but u gotta design it by ur own.

219 / Re: Thank u (serious topic lol)
« on: December 09, 2015, 04:59:51 PM »
honestly. things have been so much worse few years bak :]

I agree with Ripe, thanks IL u did a very good job keep it up. I still believe people will come back after they get bored with other games. Keep it up and one day we got more games again.

well actually i had time to play...
too bad its hosted GOW TE, i wont play that shit.

Heh why do you hate TE so much?  I think still 8 kind of sucks... the biggest change is that the guy at 6 makes his hall a little closer to the mine.

By the way, as far as TE goes, I think it's not needed so much in a team tournament.  If it were going to be used it makes more sense for 1v1

Well, we play OLD GOW all day, all year... And now we gonna change for a tourney, that makes no sense.
Actually i like the epic s9 vs 9 fights. Also i think s9/9 dual is very strong too and also tricky. I can dual, fake dualin, rush out, w/e that will all give away by using TE version.
Im just saying it changes alot. I think Yamon got trouble to break into good duals, thats why he wants TE.

You guys can play w/e u want , its just an Advice how i see the facts.


well actually i had time to play...
too bad its hosted GOW TE, i wont play that shit.


222 / Re: Anti Hack reqiures War2Combat
« on: October 02, 2015, 01:28:17 PM »
well, i dont think many got the original war2 anymore... Thats why im asking if we could fix the newest combat with sound.

223 / Anti Hack reqiures War2Combat
« on: October 02, 2015, 01:15:09 PM »
Hey Fellas, whenever i use War2Combat with Antihack i miss my good old war2sound. Usually listen to music when im playing war2. But sometimes i like the good old war2sound while playing/watching.

Is it possible to fix it?
What im trying to say is, i wont use Anti Hack all the time. If some1 reqiures me to use it, i will! Unless i dont mind to take an ss, if im asked for.

224 / Re: hacker caught
« on: August 31, 2015, 06:56:53 AM »
Is S

Is SoCxBennih and 8472 the same guy? Just wondering because u marked both red. If thats the case u should permaban this guy for real. Because its Martin18, BHC-ICE and BHC-Master. They are caught hacking so many times now. If they cant learn the easy way, they gotta learn the hard way.

Tournaments & Leagues / Re: Tournament Of Champions - Grid
« on: August 09, 2015, 01:44:39 PM »
an Icon for pball tourney? please....

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