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Messages - SmurfKinG

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 [15] 16 17 ... 73
Mods & Development / Re: HD screen problems...In-Game Lag
« on: June 07, 2015, 06:31:27 PM »
What drv did u download

213 / Re: nother mental nutcase surfaces
« on: June 07, 2015, 04:34:14 PM »
drophack sounds like 3rd party software

 end_process easier  8)

214 / nother mental nutcase surfaces
« on: June 07, 2015, 03:45:48 PM »
was playing a 2v2 chop game

82[is] and amazing-TD both asked to be in same team, it was evident they were friends w each other
the host didnt submit to their requests and launched the game
i ended up being 82 ally.

host died soon.

i started suspecting something odd happening since amazing-td and 82 were neighbors but werent fighting each other
i had somewhere in real life to go so wasnt really in the mood for a 1s, and this amazing-td was trying his ass so hard to beat me
i then realized it was a 1s, without me asking for it or without amazing-td asking for it.. it just happened.
(i mean its common practice if u playing arena, not chop.. unless u explictly ask for 1s)
fight was a lil back n forth, i was close to dying in some moments, when finally got the upper hand, was about to end game.
82 had been massing units all over his area, and on those units included a dozen of sappers, and from within a 1min time, was about to end game. he sapped a huge area on the trees, and amazing-td snuck a dk thru 82[is] base and  dked my peonline lol.
i mean, if thats not a clear backstab dunno what is, told 82 how lame he was, and finished amazing-td,
(and ill spare some details to make it clear. he was done, finish, caput, secured his peon goldflow, leveled his raxes, granted he may had banked some cash since the fight prolongued for a bit and still had a bunch of roosts but i also had a bank stash and pumpin mages, his newly made drags were being blizzed down on-the-fly. game over)

then 82[is] said something about me shittalking cuz i told him he was lame (which he was) and backstabbed me. lol
i swear and put my hand in a bible that i didnt say anything else to him on that game or any other time ever. lol (when it comes to gaming im really the quiet type, not the shittalker type)

i then disconnected the game, i would'nt have dced if only amazing-td had the sportsmanship and fairplay to accept his legitimately earned loss and leave the game, i would've left afterwards, nevermind the 82 backstab. but he instead hid behind 82's skirt and backstab plans

anyway, sorry to bother on a story probably noone here cares shit about but i enjoy writing about fools i encounter on game.  8) 8) 8)

82, dont join my games bro, unless u apologize and do some convincing explaining

amazing-td, also dont join my games, unless you give me a free win.

p.s. dont give 2 shits about stats, its about making a point.

smurfking out.

p.s. 2
i often wonder if war2 breeds mental nut jobs

215 / Re: Official Explanation of ladder & account abuse
« on: June 07, 2015, 03:39:30 PM »
i think archer should be unbanned to give us his own (another) version of whats happened

From what I understand, he tried to pin the blame on Tupac after being caught.  I'd really like to see how he'll handle himself on the forum if we allow him to make his case here.

yeah, i mean, if admins are so sure about decision, what is there to fear about him explaining?

Mods & Development / Re: HD screen problems...In-Game Lag
« on: June 07, 2015, 03:21:19 PM »
download newest drivers
uninstall drivers
install new drivers
(video card drivers obvously)
sometimes the simpler things work.
you gotta try the simpler stuff before asking help, no offense.
 this is common practice in pretty much any technical support site.

even my cell phone company, when i dial up asking for help, a recording tells me to reboot my phone b4 continuing with support, and sometimes that fixes it :P

217 / Re: Official Explanation of ladder & account abuse
« on: June 07, 2015, 02:59:00 PM »

218 / Re: Official Explanation of ladder & account abuse
« on: June 07, 2015, 02:33:19 PM »
Quote from: SmurfKinG on Today at 12:06:28 PM
im saying removing the condemned's ability for a response is what authoritharian unilateral people do. and it serves no purpose other than fill the persons ego.

I sort of agree, but he doesn't need access to the forum to appeal, he's already contacted several people via email and other means.

still don't see how would a unban be of any sort of offense to you or anyone in here.
(not my call anywway)

but if you're so reluctant with  templifting the forum ban,
care to share with the community whats this story of his that is very farfetched and impossible to verify.

p.s. this thread is called official explanation but ommits details (what were usaarcher true words? )

General Discussion / Re: anti-capitalism thread
« on: June 07, 2015, 12:26:34 PM »

220 / Re: Official Explanation of ladder & account abuse
« on: June 07, 2015, 12:06:28 PM »
it is a bad call to ban him from forum.

that takes away his right to explain himself

its a bad call. it makes RU a unilateral decision maker. we're all adults here
and not a family where admins are our dads and the rest are underage teens

it is common practice even the most wanted criminals in any country are allowed to speak and give their side of story (if any)

after all, this is only a way for ourselves to chat. as adults. he hasn't exploited the forum. shouldn't really be mixing things up.

Is that a joke???? TROLL??? Seriously, they just hack all the top ten and your asking for explanation, pls someone ban this idiot now.
dont put words in my mouth i didn't say.

im not asking for explanation.

im saying removing the condemned's ability for a response is what authoritharian unilateral people do. and it serves no purpose other than fill the persons ego.

everyone is allowed to speak, regardless what his sentence is.

Mods & Development / Re: HD screen problems...In-Game Lag
« on: June 07, 2015, 11:58:38 AM »
ur not providing much info
(- video card brand/mo)
(- things you've tried to do)

by the way you describe things, it gives me the impression you think somehow the aspect ratio change is involved in the lag....?

is there no lag if played on 16:9 ?

222 / Re: Official Explanation of ladder & account abuse
« on: June 07, 2015, 11:38:32 AM »
hey equinox
i heard theres a sunday tourney at heroes of storm this morning, big prizes!

223 / Re: Official Explanation of ladder & account abuse
« on: June 07, 2015, 11:21:58 AM »
it is a bad call to ban him from forum.

that takes away his right to explain himself

its a bad call. it makes RU a unilateral decision maker. we're all adults here
and not a family where admins are our dads and the rest are underage teens

it is common practice even the most wanted criminals in any country are allowed to speak and give their side of story (if any)

after all, this is only a way for ourselves to chat. as adults. he hasn't exploited the forum. shouldn't really be mixing things up.

« on: June 07, 2015, 02:34:49 AM »
yeah actually should just mute equinox, its all same offtopicness on all threads

who tf posts on a forum of a game they don't play..oh wait, ganz does that too lol..... go find heroes of the storm forums and post there

Flame Wars & Offtopic / Re: sum fukin odd thread
« on: June 07, 2015, 01:50:36 AM »

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