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Messages - 00Samuel

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
16 / Re: Is there any clan more prestigous than 00?
« on: February 24, 2018, 07:23:42 AM »
Don't listen to Tora Kagan,he is just another jealous hater. I am definitely not Warbandit(i'm much better).

Warbandit seems like a weak fool. I would fuck up warbandit in real life.

Warbandit is 6'5 and 235lbs of pure muscle he could literally take on every person on this server and win

17 / Re: Is there another map editor?
« on: February 24, 2018, 07:21:26 AM »
see my reply,2272.30.html

Page 3 has my beta map editor

Thanks guys, i've got a great idea for a map- it's a slight variation of GOW but includes all units playable

18 / Is there another map editor?
« on: February 18, 2018, 03:17:08 AM »
I have an AMAZING idea for a new map, one that I think will revolutionise the way warcarft 2 is played. Unfortunately, I cannot get the map editor to work. I got this one from Mousey's thread

It keeps giving me an error every time I try to open it

Amen, brother Jessu.

We all love brother Kyle, not only is he a good person, but the consensus greatest Warcraft 2 player of all time, after reading through the biographies and player interviews on this site.

20 / My full name is Sam Jones
« on: February 16, 2018, 12:06:14 AM »

21 / Re: Yamon thinks hes better than Van
« on: February 12, 2018, 09:36:36 AM »
aaaah van, its always sweet to play against him. i am a total newbie at gow, i never really play gow, yet I smashed him
did he walk away in shame like a dog he is? no, he mocked me for not using elaborate gow-specific strategies. yep, i pwned him at pure skill with the handicap of lack of diversity, and he criticized me for not having enough gow builds/strats

if a random idiot pwned me at chop, i think the last thing i would do is attack him for not using 5 dragon roost cookbooks

Is Van, Vanvilder? Anyway I remember seeing your GOW series on youtube I remember he won the first one and you won all the rest

22 / Re: Vizzer thinks hes better than OM
« on: February 10, 2018, 11:03:00 PM »
Whats up with that?  Vizzer comes in talking all this shit like hes hot shit then he gets own by OM in a tourny. Who loss to OM in a tourny? Someone who sucks really bad thats who. vizzer!

00Jordanus is that you brother? Vizzer is garbage btw and if he lost to a scrub like Ogremage he should be ashamed

24 / Re: Is there any clan more prestigous than 00?
« on: February 09, 2018, 08:14:50 AM »
Kagan, I accept your challenge. Now, we will have to wait for brothers Kyle and Steve to see if they are available.
:thumbsup: good bleah
how about this Sunday?

Don't listen to Tora Kagan,he is just another jealous hater. I am definitely not Warbandit(i'm much better).
I am happy to play along side my 00 brothers whenever they are ready to play side by side, but they are never online these days. :(

I will crush the 00 clan. QUICK{hR}, Xcal, and I the three(Mikulz is the 4th or an alternate of my choosing) Trophy Icon winners challenge 00 to a 3v3 war with Swift as your captain. Do you accept?

The 00 do not back down from challenges. However, none of the other members have been online recently. However, I do not need them. If we play gow I could beat all 3 of you by myself

26 / Re: Dead squares
« on: February 05, 2018, 05:09:38 AM »

Dead spots can be caused when a peon is killed after the user has instructed it to make a wall, but just before it actually starts making the wall. If the timing if right (well wrong..) it results in an invisible dead peon being left on the map.

Yeah they do seem to happen around cannon/cat wars where theres a lot of peons so your theory may very well be right

27 / Re: Dead squares
« on: February 05, 2018, 04:53:59 AM »
Only europeans and australianz are up at this hour and you dont look like european to me!!

28 / Re: Dead squares
« on: February 05, 2018, 04:11:26 AM »
yep, common problem, issue cumz from high delay/latency

Ah thanks bro. Got one today and it made me particularly angry as it was at the start and I ended up looking like I had no idea how to play

29 / Dead squares
« on: February 05, 2018, 03:49:06 AM »
Does anyone get these, especially during chop farms? Like the game acts as if there is something in a particular square when there isn't. You can't build on it, and it blocks your units.

It's pretty much a death sentence if you get it near the start of a game, and usually happens on a square where there is a dead peon.

30 / Re: Is there any clan more prestigous than 00?
« on: February 04, 2018, 06:41:14 AM »
Hi all. :)
Our warchief Dar said EJJI clan must challenge u. Format: three vs three, bleah. Clan vs clan, nakhooy.

Ejji:H4ZARD a.k.a. KagaN
Ejji:Raimis a.k.a. Raimis
Ejji:CptGALUZO a.k.a. Ragner


  • GOW
  • GOW TE
  • CHOP
  • HSC classic
  • POS
  • MiniGOW
  • MAZE

Finally, someone with the guts to challenge us and nt just talk themselves up. Kagan, I accept your challenge. Now, we will have to wait for brothers Kyle and Steve to see if they are available.

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