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Topics - togo33

Pages: [1]
Hi all, I know there are a million of these threads but I've been reading and working on this for days now and am not having much success. 

First, I'm computer / networking literate.   I have the latest version of war2combat.  I am able to join games created by others outside of my home network and they are able to join mine.  It's just inside my network where I'm seeing the trouble. 

I have 3 computers here that I'd like to use to have one host and the other two join.  They are all Windows 10.  I have set each installation up with a random port.  I have tried with port forwarding enabled for each of the 3 different ports in the router.  I have added exceptions to the Firewall (and even disabled them all for testing) and still get the "Latency between you and the game creator is too high" message.  I seem to get the same result whether uPNP is on or off.  Sometimes int he bottom of the Warcraft window it shows "uPNP forwarded successfully" and sometimes it says "uPNP forwarding failed."

I've uninstalled and reinstalled, tried wired and wireless.  I've tried hosting and joining from each of the different workstations.  It's always the same.  Latency too high. 

Anyone have any thoughts on what might be going on?  Are there logs I can check that might show me what's happening?  Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated, I loved this game for years and would very much like to share it with my Son now that he's old enough. 



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