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Topics - Horrendous1

Pages: [1]
Support Requests / [done]Got some weird bug in the screen
« on: November 07, 2015, 12:27:30 PM »
Recently I installed the game, and when I log in into the server, I can't see properly what's going on the screen because I actually see through it (seeing the Desktop mixed with the game, in the log in section) and in the next screen, the section where players are chatting and stuff, I forgot its name (is it "lobby"?) I can't literally see the letters on the screen. I was going to put a print screen here, it could help a lot cuz a picture is worth a thousand words, but I got this damn message saying i'm not allowed to do it. I use Windows 8, and desktop resolution is 1366 x 786. Please someone help me I want to play this freaking game.

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