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Messages - warrior_of_light

Pages: [1]
1 / Re: Disturbing amount of nasty people
« on: February 14, 2017, 07:54:15 AM »
yes it is true, this is really the most primitive and abusal community that i have come across and i have seen the a lot, i am running game servers personally too. Warcraft 2 is a great game, it deservers to be played, but this here is really trash, just check the forums and fb. They behave like asses to each other, swearing, arrogance, aggression, retardation even offending family members, how much of these nerds would be such heroeas in real world? :D Most favorite topics are f*ck off, your wife is a wh*re, u lick your balls and such primitive cryes, you think this is community is just a form of therapy for psychiatric patients  They ban people if u criticize them, but ok, this is kind of degeneration that could be smiled off, but what the worst of all is, they accept proved cheaters between them!. They cheat here and lie to each other, like real loosers, no pride, no fair play, no tolerance, just hate and cry and trash
but luckyli this is not the only one warcraft 2 commmnity and server in the world...

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