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Messages - EGreg

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: "Iran, No Nuclear for YOU!" ?
« on: October 30, 2015, 11:18:27 AM »
Sorry forgot to say nuke USA for committing genocide against the whole continent, Europeans who came to this land where I am typing from now, took it from Native Americans and exterminated most of them, took their land 200 years ago. And then new immigrants came. Kill them also. Kill everybody. USA now has destroyed Iraq, Libya, and turned it into political vaccuum from which Islamic terrorists now operate and rape and kill everybody.

Of course, that would probably mean USA would nuke you back, and Russia would nuke you back. So, enjoy the drones in your sky! Nuking civilians is always the best solution.

General Discussion / Re: "Iran, No Nuclear for YOU!" ?
« on: October 30, 2015, 11:10:50 AM »
Actually it was your proposal, and GanzTheLegend agreed with it.

So I guess we should nuke Russia also. And USA. Like, nuke em all. I would say Israel is like #47 on the list of countries to nuke, right behind Turkey.

Nuke Turks for being nazis and committing genocide against Armenians. And supporting ISIS. And killing Kurds, not letting them have independence.
Nuke Russians for being nazis and committing genocide against Tatars. And for taking Crimea just like that. And killing Chechens, not letting them have independence. And Georgians.
Just nuke everybody. That's the solution to everything. Burn it all down baby.

actually it was your proposal. and it probably needs to happen because israel is nazi germany irl.

But seriously I am curious what makes Israel "nazi germany in real life"? What is the justification for nuking an entire country being the moral high ground?

General Discussion / Re: "Iran, No Nuclear for YOU!" ?
« on: October 30, 2015, 02:53:50 AM »
Quote from: jon on March 03, 2015, 11:20:47 PM
North Korea would have been completely overran by JEWsa if they didn't have nukes.

Quote from: fuckboi1488 on March 04, 2015, 07:16:59 AM
Iran should make nukes and then shoot them at Israel FTW!

You want to nuke an entire country full of Jews and Arabs? Wow. You must really hate them.
What would possibly justify killing so many innocent people?

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